Blue Iris, Switchwords and Kat Testimonials
What People Are Saying About Kat Miller, Switchwords and
Blue Iris Learning Center
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March 5, 2025
I took Kat consultation few weeks ago.. I am very happy the way she guided me thoroughly and for the unending support till day..🙏
This is the 3rd time I took her consultancy and totally satisfied.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
A comment ON Facebook:¬if_id=1729816380162692¬if_t=group_comment
October 25, 2024
This is the true power of The Universe ❤️
And Ur blessings dear Kat. 😘😘
I can't thank you enough for the personal message a few years ago which u sent me .
It simply changed my life.
I m truly grateful for the kind words you used.
Though the situations remained almost same but my way of seeing them changed the whole perspective.
Now i am happier.
I Forgive
And Let Go the things which are bothering me.
I love u Darling Kat.
Blessings to u 💜💜💜💜💜
October 19, 2024
Hi Kat, Thank you so much for your response. It would be long essay from my side please bear with me.
I had been cheated in a relationship and completely heartbroken (I know it’s quite common ) but at that time what I recall I was devastated completely and looking for answers every where but you came to as blessing. I told you my story and I want to somehow want to speak to him like why he did that to me. As my ex had completely blocked me and not speaking all I was looking for closure at that time.
So you had given me these switchwords-
2. Be- TAKE-53- with- Keep
3.Divine- Together-Tiny-Sweet-Trust-Keep-BE
So my break up was somewhere in the month of August, right after my next day after my birthday. I met you online around September end something & during October to December I chanted these 3. Actually I had written those in morning n night.
These somehow helped me heal n in Dec 31st I got a call from him & he apologised etc.
Of course I got my closure and forgiven him. After few months he approached me again as he has called off his wedding with that girl with whom he got engaged in family pressure and did not told me at first place.
But as I got cheated at first place, I had forgiven him but not really wanted to go again to him. So decided not to be again, he tried to convince me but it did not work.
But why I am writing this?
I want to express my gratitude to you that you introduced to me the World of Switchword and you helped me at that time of my life when I was devastated completely, like my personal and professional life both got impacted, was so lost and wondering why I had been put through this cheating.
Universe did that on purpose now I understand but at that point all I want a closure & answers.
Please let me know how can I make a difference and given you who introduced to the world of SWs - please let me know how I can payback. As you helping me sitting just in different part of world won’t be just coincidence, universe take care of everything.
August 28, 2024
Good day, Kat!
Recently decided to revisit Switchwords and am glad that you’ve created a space online dedicated solely to them.
What I enjoy about your site is that there are so many ways to learn about these subconscious mind helpers. The FAQ page, the testimonials and so on.
Last week, I found myself saying FIND-COUNT-GO . I wasn’t sure if GO was a switchword but naturally felt like adding it. Well, your universal switchwords page confirmed for me that it is, and I was kind of amazed by that.
REACH-BE-NOW is a phrase that showed up today due to me feeling cranky. I just wanted to reach for a better feeling.
Oh! And REACH-UP showed up as well today. Lately, I’ve been making an effort to be more self-aware and decidedly pulling back from activities that distract me from experiencing more satisfaction.
I feel like the switchwords are gently nudging me to move closer to what I really need at this time.
Thank you!
Janine J.
A note to all people who are in the field of Alternate Healing!
When you are in trouble avoid trying to fix it yourself. Connect with another who is well versed and experienced in the art of healing!
For the past few days things were not going well and nothing really seemed to be working out. The anxiety and fears were high. Finally when it got just a bit too much, I contacted Kat Miller. It was really a blessing to have her present for a consultation. Just not sure what worked but the anxiety went from 10 down to 3 or 4 and by the time we said bye it was almost gone. A ray of Sunshine and confidence back!
She suggested a few remedies and that in itself was a great support. Thank you Kat Miller for sharing your knowledge and loving support.
Lots of love.
Good afternoon Ma’am. Hope you are doing well. I wanted to share with you my successes story. Three months have been hard and a lot of struggle with my health too.
I was asked to do a Biopsy and with your guidance and help my results came back normal.
When I reached out to you again regarding the pain I was having and getting really anxious about it.. you helped me again with Energy Circle and Switchboards.
I kept doing it and I also visited my GP last week. She examined me again and said I had nothing to worry- the pain I am having is because of nerve irritation and will take 12 weeks from the biopsy to be back to normal.
This gave me a lot of relief and mental peace.
I really thank you for everything you have done for me and also replying to me when I reached out randomly.
I have used Energy Circles that you have given me. Used some for water charging during the day and put some under my mattress which I used during night or when I was resting.
Thank you once again for everything you do for help us all.
Incase you would like to share this- I would be like to kept my identity anonymous.
Divine Thanks 🙏
Working WITH Flower Energies vial
Social - Behavioral Issues
Baby/toddler behavioral issues
Flower Energy Recommendations:
Evening Primrose
Success Story:
He's a different baby. No more crying when he isnt allowed to do something!! I can finally take him to places - previously he wanted all that he couldn't have, and now he is very cooperative.
I'm the sort of mother who allows him to do most things (since I believe it's their try out everything age), but he was terrible, i.e., if he saw a broken glass on the floor he would want it anyhow and if I didn't allow him, he would get very very upset. Now I simply explain why he can't have what he is asking for and then distract his attention. He's a lot happier - less whining. And less crying for things like diaper change, change of clothes, etc. Plus he's eating with us at the table!!!
The other day for the first time I took him alone to a supermarket for food shopping. It took me an hour or so and he sat happily half of the time in the trolley playing with the food, and the other half of the time driving the trolley and playing with the food stands. But if I told him that it's time to go, he wud happily get back to driving the trolley to another stand I had to go. Previously he would end up crying because he wouldn't want to leave the stand or didn't want to sit in the trolley or wanted to squash the fruits (which wasnt allowed). So one day I had decided no more supermarkets, get togethers, etc., but now its amazing!!!
It's two weeks since the consultation you did and I am so much better. It was a complicated health situation but I promised myself to surrender to the energy healing rather than going for traditional medication and THANKS to Universe, my decision was so accurate.
Your each and every energy circle worked for me perfectly. Most of all the ECs that you provided me for my hyperactive immune system are working the best. I am feeling so light, having good sleep and each of my blood cells and all my body parts are healthy and active.
Hope to come back to you with other general aspects of my life soon. Lots of LOVE and endless GRATITUDE For you Kat Maam
Thank You Ma'am! ****** got selected in both clubs he gave interview yesterday. You are angel in lives of people like us who put in all efforts, but things do not work out.
Good morning Kat ma'am
I'm writing this email to thank you for the difference that you have made in my life. Renew and Extend my job contract works like a miracle for me. I have been able to successfully bid a lead position in the area of work I wanted.
I have lost 25 lbs again thanks to your weight loss and eat responsibly ecs and also have been able to manage my pain successfully. Gratitude from the bottom of my heart.
I will consult you soon for more issues
Please Share this feedback anonymously in the group
Thanks again
Dear Mentor,
I would like to share my success story.
I approached you when I was about to loose my job, you provided me the energy circles.
I religiously chanted the energy circle and trusted in you.
I got a job as well as my visa is granted.
So grateful.
Please share this in the group, please do not disclose my name.
Please share this as anonymous
I just started baking, at the time of my first order I was very nervous as that order was very challenging for me. I requested Kat ma'am to give me SW so that I can deliver mouthwatering Cake, she gave me switchword PERFECT- CHARM-LIGHT-NOW-DONE.
The cake was damn tasty and the presentation was awesome. Everyone appreciated me, which increase my confidence level.
Thanks a ton Kat ma'am, you always help me.
Thank you so much.
With all the help I have had from your groups over last couple of years, I always renew.
While most of the help that I need is freely available on your groups, I renew subscription as I am really really thankful and appreciative of your help and the hope it gives me.
Thank you. With all my heart, thank you.
My success story: I had all intentions of stating my success story with my name and details, but the thought occured to me that we all hadn't informed my old parents about our situation (becos they worry a lot and its not right for us to make them worry at this very old age). And we have many relatives on fb who out of concern would just lift the phone and talk to our parents about our health. Hence, annonymous.
"You have tested positive for Covid"!!!
My heart sank when i heard these dreadful words. Initially it was 1 member of my family, then the other and in no time my entire family was covid positive.
To speak the truth, i had 'searched' well in advance frm the fb SW group and kept ready and saved the 4 ECs to be used if at all Covid happens in my family. But when i needed it most, i went totally blank and I sent a frantic message to my friend philosopher guide my soul sister Rhoda who calmed me down and led me to one more beautiful soul Stutii (whose fantastic workshop i have attended and learned a lot). These two beautiful souls connected me to to a very divine soul whom i have always deligently followed, admired and respected a lot - Kat.
I already felt cured, safe and secured. Half my battle was won. Everybody was in it TOGETHER. I am at a loss of words and cant thank them enough, 'thank you' seems to be a small word. The ECs, the SWs, Healing numbers, the guidance and advice all were put into immediate action.
We are on the path of recovery. Each day is a new day and i wake up daily reading a KAT THOUGHT. It makes my day. I am a big fan of KAT THOUGHTS and lo and behold this message flashed in front of my eyes which CHANGED my entire outlook and made me switch my thoughts......
"If we KEEP telling ourselves that its overwhelming, it's tough, or TOO much to handle or that we lose focus , that's exactly what will KEEP happening. Break the habit. Switchwords... one rule! CHANGE your words, Switch your thoughts and make it your reality!"
The magic of these divine souls and this beauiful SW group !!
God bless divine souls KAT, RHODA and STUTII. Thank you so much.
Blessed be.
Love and light.
(Facebook Switchwords group:
My dear Kat Miller THANKS a lot for providing and maintaining this very profound knowledge and maintaining this group and providing much needed help to people in distress.... DIVINE EMBRACE Kat.... my son’s life changed for better after to started chanted SWP for him....he was heavily into drugs but now he is in college !!!! YOUR group came as a blessing in my life...GRATITUDE for the same and THANK YOU
I’m writing a year later to thank you for your advice. My journey, especially the recent transition stage that I’ve experienced, has been valuable learning for me. Though I had to resign from my post as an Assistant Professor, I have been able to fill that numbing void that I dreaded. Subsequently, we managed to acquire a house of our own; we look forward to acquiring a business space in the future, after we’ve paid our debts. Also, I’m astonished by the fact that I don’t want to teach anymore, I plan to invest my time in my husband’s business. And yes, Healing, Writing and Gardening are three areas that appeal to my mind.
I would like to share a little about our house; I believe in miracles and that’s what happened. A relative actually stepped in to grant a loan. I dread asking people for anything, especially financial aid, the loan was a Godsend.
My witnessing a steady change in my life is because of God’s grace and the Switchwords given by you. Accept my heartfelt gratitude for your prompt guidance and support.
Both the years, 2018 & 2019 have helped us as a family to grow in terms of understanding and compassion, apart from being able to bridge gaps in communication; I can actually see the progress I have made spiritually as a person. I am a perpetual learner and thus your advice has helped me evolve.
I believe that the little we could do for my Mother-in-law when she was bedridden has helped me heal. It has created a pathway for forgiveness, acceptance; and submission to the divine.
Please do keep me in your prayers. Once again I am truly grateful to you and mentors on the group. I must mention Sudha Ambikadasji she has held me when I was at the brink of breaking down.
Posted at Facebook (Main) Switchwords Group:
I have to thank everyone in this group who has helped me since I joined it several months ago. It has been one Miracle after miracle since I started using Switchwords after struggles for almost 10 years with unresolved horrific lawsuits against me and my family, my house burning down, my house being broken into with my truck and ID stolen, my house in foreclosure, my mother in critical care in ICU at the hospital due to all this stress and more. After trying to save my house for nearly 10 years the bank just offered me a loan modification and I have a beautiful nurse who cared for my uncle before he died who's renting the guest house from me, enabling me to make the payments. I have a producer from a show called Log Cabin Fever who's interested in doing the rebuild on my sacred house that has been sitting in ruins for over 5 years since the fire. I used one of the energy codes for my mom in the hospital when she was almost unconscious and she has also just had a miraculous, unexpected recovery (according to the negative Western medicine doctors) and was sent home yesterday. I urge everyone here to continue to use switchwords and reach out for help. The people in this group are amazing light bearers who will help transcend your life in ways that will exceed your wildest dreams. I have attached a photo here I just took to send you all a little magic and let you know that unearthly Miracles are here for all of us to claim.
Every spring hundreds of swallows nest and bear their young in the rain gutters of the house I live in. I love their song, but their droppings much less! Plus you cannot sit out on the porch because they feel you are invading their territory and fly past you at great speeds doing magnificent swoops and nose dives. So I would have to water my flowers at night, not to be disturbed, or to disturb the swallows!
The goods news is that I put out a pest abatement EC with a picture of a couple of swallows, including the address of this home. I have not seen a single swallow, or dropping, or signs of nesting in the last two days! This is AMAZING Good News. Thank you Switchwords, thank you Energy Circles, and thank you swallows for finding a better home for yourselves.
Pest Abatement Energy Circle
Some general Switchwords were used at the Post Office Savings bank today to get some paper work moving.
The atmosphere is typically government office like. People are helpful, yet at times crabby.
Maybe the KEEP-DIVINE-MONA LISA helped to sweeten things up!
Strangely a tune came up that was long forgotten. I was humming it in my mind. That seemed to EASE the stress a bit.
A kind agent at the counter came forward to fill in some details on the form.This was a real WOLF-HELP Switch success.
The last one was a tough one where the clerk was unsure about some signature. There was no issue, it could have been made into one, DivineORDER-CONSIDER saved my day.
Dear Kat,
Let me begin by thanking you for providing some divine healing tools .
I was dreading the Saturn seven and half period. Luckily a friend of mine suggested I start using all the healing tools provided by you. Have been using the Energy Circle s and Switchwords and healing numbers. By the grace of God, this period has gone by without much trauma. I thank you profusely for your support. The Emotional Freedom Vial , the Flower Energies Vial, Blue Iris Wellness and your Rescue! have been very comforting.
May God Bless you dear.
Thanks Kat!
I ordered my first Emotional Freedom vial years ago and meditate with it every day. Suddenly I discovered that it was gone during a day that I had rushed out of the house without tucking it into my normal spot for it. Unable to find it, I simply could not be without one.
I use it to clear blockages and release unwanted energies while I meditate and the results are awesome. Feel free to put me in as a testimonial.
I want to share my small experience with Switchwords. I often used them for money related issues. And I have seen good results. Many a times I tried in shops in order to get back my money from the shopkeepers and I am very happy to say it was successful. In fact the shopkeepers who were trying to act smart were came into my immediate notice. I am very happy and want to thank God for giving me this golden opportunity to learn and use in my life and resolve my problems. Also want to say about Kat mam and Divakar sir both are extremely helpful and very supportive. Anytime I am pinging them asking something I get the response promptly. Thanks a lot for all your assistance mam and sir. Just be with me like this always.
The most AMAZING Switchphrase that works in a crazeee mood situation, frustration, anger and annoyance is none other than...
(Eliminate negativity or unwanted conditions, dispel anger and resentment, get rid of an unwanted emotions, thoughts, beliefs, or habits.)
There is just no time to go looking for Switchwords and Numbers and Energy Circles, The Hand Sweep saying CANCEL-CLEAR-DELETE works wonders.
Take it as a Testimony!
From Facebook Switchwords group
I want to say something about Kat Miller.
First, nobody's perfect. When I give her this PRAISE, please don't think it's me saying I think she's perfect. Also know this... I'm not affiliated with her in any way, shape, or form.
The other day (this isn't a digression, I promise), I discussed on here about another spiritual "teacher" named Christie Marie Sheldon. I don't care for her. I don't think she's a moral person. Just my opinion.
What I dislike about her is that she carries on about how she, and only she, has the answers for you... she can look at your energy and instantly fix it. BAM. Then she says that getting her help is $1,000. Oookay.
Kat, on the other hand, offers you some reasonably priced products. She offers subscriptions, and she offers items that you can buy. An energy circle creator and a few energetic vials.
If you care to bother yourself to learn them, you can use the switchwords, and you can use the energy circles, and you can create all of those things BY YOURSELF. You can get tremendous help and lifechanging assistance ONLY from her website (versus buying her stuff). That alone can, if you bother to be diligent, change your life for the better.
I financially support Kat. I bought 2 vials from her and the energy circle creator / displayer. Because she deserves it, for being a good person who doesn't charge $1,000 for what "only" she can do... and she makes available all you need. Now, if you want to pay, she can make it easier for you. I do think that's fair, personally. In fact, I think it's moral and ethical the way she's doing it.
She gives you everything you need... hand-holding extra.
I truly and sincerely hope she becomes a raging, immense success. She deserves it for being fair, moral, and upstanding in a world that has gone "money-mad" with regards to exploiting the pain in humanity to sell the newest version of "snake oil" where "only I can help you" and by the way, it's only available to millionaires.
So while Kat may not be any more perfect than anyone else, she is a good person. She's upstanding with regards to her business practices, so far as I have seen.
May she be blessed!
Taken from Facebook:
First, let me iterate.... I AM NOT A HEALTH GURU! I am just a (almost) 47 year old Mimi living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, trying to keep warm enough to make it through winter. I haven't got a degree in nutrition or know doodleysquat enough about anything health related to make me some sort of expert. I am just Dani, but I posted about losing nearly 20 pounds in the last month (1/10/16 to 2/13/14) and had a lot of people asking me how i did it. So to keep all the info in one place I decided to post this "How Dani Did It" post. Please feel free to share this post if you like or follow the info I give here if you so desire.
I want to give credit to Kat Miller of for passing on her knowledge of Switchwords and Energy Circles as without that knowledge I am fairly certain I would still be stuck in a rut with regards in to my weight. Her information and that of folks in her Switchwords group here on Facebook have helped me tremendously and I am so thrilled to have found them! You can find out how switchwords and energy circles work on the blueiris website or check out the group Switchwords. The folks on the group are AMAZINGLY helpful!
So on to how I did it!
Beginning on January 10th, weighing in at 198lbs, I started writing switchwords on my left arm in BLUE ink. I had posted a picture of my arm on the Switchwords Group saying something to the effect that lots of good things were coming my way. I have added an updated pic to this post. Taken yesterday.
At that time I was advised my switchwords should be inside a border called an Energy Circle (EC in this post) so I enclosed the switchwords in a border. And I waited. I kept renewing the ECs and SWs (switchwords) as the ink would fade. Some suggested writing them on tape stuck to my arm but the tape kept rolling and pulling the fine hairs on my arm so I went back to writing them directly on my skin. And I waited. I saw my weight creeping down and I was content that my body would magically normalize itself in its own time. Hey, I'm almost 47, have had 3 kids and 6 surgeries on my tummy area alone so I am not expecting a bikini body out of the deal.
The SWs I used are as follows:
4.) (Although I think this one was actually for financial help lol) 31 22 78 4812412 741
Honestly, I didn't do a whole lot else for a while and I saw steady small losses in my weight. Then on 2/2/16 I felt that I needed to do a short 3 day fast followed by a 7 day cleanse. That consisted of the following:
1.) For the 3 day fast: No animal products, only clear juices, veggie broth, water, and black coffee or herbal tea, no sugar, no creamer, nothing from a box or can (so no processed foods or beverages), no dairy or eggs, no white flour, no white rice, no white sugar. A small amount of raw, organic honey (like barely enough to add a hint of sweet) in my herbal tea was the only sweet stuff allowed, no candy or gum or any "junk" foods like chips. Seriously, ONLY CLEAR LIQUIDS. **I do need to point out that I was extremely lightheaded the first day of the fast so I allowed myself a few (read max of 4) whole wheat crackers for the following 2 days when the lightheadedness got really bad, but NO MORE than 4 times throughout the day. Thankfully the days I was on the fast were days I was off work so I didn't have to do anything except hang out on the couch. Oh and NO ALCOHOL! Not even a glass of wine on occasion. Sorry but the purpose of the fast was to help me with bringing my spiritual goals or whatever more into focus and blurring that focus with alcohol seemed kind of pointless. I wanted to get clear so no alcohol was the way to go with that.
2.) For the 7 day cleanse: Continue all the clear liquids part but can add FRESH "organic" (but that part is just me... I am weird about my produce and can spend as much as 5 minutes picking just the right cucumber lol) veggies and fruits and you can have as much of the veggies as you want but try to limit the fruits to breakfast time due to the body having to work a little harder to break down the sugars in fruit. Again, I was still fairly lightheaded so I crunched on carrots as much as possible. Ok there's a little bit of TMI here but one thing you should know: I did have a couple days of constipation. Usually if things are not moving along in that department I would drink a small glass of milk and clear up the problem but since this was a "NO DAIRY" cleanse, I used white grape juice instead. Apple juice works too fast for me to be comfortable leaving the house even hours after drinking it so I stuck to the white grape juice. A little slower working but the effect was the same. Also, no alcohol here either.
Throughout the entire time, I have been chanting the following mantras. Each one is chanted 108 times at night before I go to bed:
1.) Om Vakratundaya Hum (for straightening things out, although admittedly, my weight issues were NOT on my mind when I was chanting this and was more about my crazy curly hair but seriously, I will accept help straightening out my weight too, just sayin'.) On a side note: I have been chanting this one whenever I have felt stuck in any situation and cant find a solution right off the top of my head.
2.) Om Gum Ganapatayei (to invite Ganesha for help with any and all obstacles... trust me my cheese addiction is an obstacle to my weight loss lol)
3.) Om Maha Lakshmei Namaha (to ask for Lakshmi's help in any area where I felt lack in my life.) 4.) Thiru Neela Kantam (Dr. Pillai's Karma Busting chant. I did add a lime and performed the ritual when I felt led to. You can find the Karma Busting Ritual with the lime on YouTube, just search for Mohini. She explains and leads you through WAY better than I can here.
5.) Ara Kara (for success in any venture. Mainly though, I just really like the way it resonates in my body when I chant it. I vibrate from the top of my head to my toes.)
6.) Shreem Brzee (the seed sound for abundance. Another one I have been chanting for a long time whenever I feel the need for a little extra push in the success department.)
My apologies if I seem a bit irreverent with some of this stuff. I approach everything as best as I can with a light heart and child-like attitude. If it is not fun I aint gonna do it. I can't do rigid, inflexible rules. (Well, yes in some things I have to but when it comes to me as a human being and my spirituality, I have to be able to have fun with it or I am done before I get started.)
Honestly, I have NOT added any extra exercises at all. I walk less than a quarter mile to my bus stop once a day, 3 days a week to go to my job 10 miles away. I haven't ridden my bike since the first snowfall here. If I have had a chance to layout and be lazy I have taken it. I do my normal housework and only once in the entire month's time have I deep cleaned to the point of moving furniture around and all the stuff I moved was on casters. Basically a 2 year old could have handled my "exercise routine."
I have had chocolate and alcohol and junk food and basically been a very bad example of what to do when trying to lose weight but I have somehow been blessed to lose nearly 20 pounds this past month. I will be continuing on with the mantras and Switch words and energy circles, mainly because I still have another 15 to 20 pounds I want to lose mainly so I dont have to go shopping for new clothes but can get back into the ones I already have (because, darnit! I have some cute stuff!)
And there you have it. How I lost 20 lbs in the last month.
Ahollokah Nanpisa
Hi Kat,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help when I need it.
I want to tell you how I am after almost 2 years: my husband and I got back together. We have a new relationship. I am powerful. I transform people's lives through my coaching sessions. We have a new baby (she is 6 months old). We are traveling around the world being in love and happy. I earn my own money and I support my family now, supporting my husband with his new business.
I use Switchwords in a regular bases and I feel really good. Thank you so much for your help and please use these words as a testimonial if you like.
Note from Kat: Some of the Switchwords recommended:
Request: Do some Switchwords exist to put clarity and have a loving, fulfilling relationship based on trust or to finish as friends and parents for our daughters?
Recommendations: Here is some information from the Switchwords Database that I think is appropriate here...
Though the particular situation is not exactly the same, I think these thoughts may apply here (also from Database in the same entry)
Energy Circle Recommendation: ink Energy Circle with Black Rays. Considerations/Thoughts:
Pink is the color of LOVE and she needs to reconnect with LOVE. By that I mean LOVE of self. One must love oneself in order to attract love to them, and ultimately that is what she wants.
Because they have a child together, it may not be wise to put him completely out of her experience, simply because there must be some interaction between them, for the health and wellness of their daughter. That being said, the need is to make their relationship tolerable and get beyond the abuse. I am not saying she should stay with him. What I am saying is the abuse in the relationship is what needs to be outside the energy of the relationship.
Additional Recommendations given:
I would suggest putting both their names, as well as their daughter's name within the Energy Circle. This is designed to help dissolve the problem and allow for resolution, which may or may not include him leaving or some other means of them separating.
It may also be wise for her to chant TOGETHER-RESTORE-CRYSTAL-HORSE to help herself get together and solid in her own right as well.
Additional Recommendations made for other situations in life:
CLEAR is for dispelling anger
For dealing with money... QUIET-TAKE-53-SUFFER-COUNT.
For attracting clients and success: BRING-SWARM-GIVE-COUNT-GOLD-CLOUDS-EVER-ON.
Dear Kat:
I have an amazing story to share with you. A long time ago, I read somewhere I believe on your site that writing the word LOVE on your glass of water makes it taste different and works wonder.
I must say that is so true, on days that I find it hard to drink water I do that.
Today, I decided to colour my hair with the box colour from the store. I had stopped using it because it burn my scalp and the smell is terrible. (At this time not ready to live with my grey hair)
I raised my vibration by using focused breathing from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head then into the palm of my hand....Then I wrote the word LOVE on the hair dye bottle.
I was able to keep the solution in my hair for 1 hour. After I washed it out it, my hair also felt great.
Thought I share this with you and you can post it.
Shanie D.
Hi Kat,
I wanted to tell you the interesting and wonderful experiences I have had with Switchwords:
This is my absolute favorite Switchword. It's the first one that I tried, and I have always, absolutely always had success with it. I have gotten every single parking spot close to a door that I've REACHed for. By itself, this is pretty cool. However, I also lost my credit card one day. I said CRYSTAL-REACH for irretrievably lost items. I soon found my credit card, it had fallen out of my pants pocket in the bedroom, under a dresser I would never have looked under for it!
The best CRYSTAL-REACH was when my wallet was stolen, however. I chanted CRYSTAL-REACH every time I thought of the incident. Two days later, I went into the apartment complex laundry room and dropped a sock off of my pile of laundry into the trash.... and there was my wallet in the laundry room trash! It was amazing! I had all of my credit cards and identification back. There had been no cash in it to begin with, so with that, everything was completely intact.
I started chanting this because at the time, I wanted my family back together (myself, my daughter's father, and my daughter). I don't believe in divorce for myself/my family, and I wanted our family restored. Especially since our daughter wasn't getting the best of care on the other weeks at the other home.
Every time I thought of it, I would chant this. One day about a week later, I wrote an angry email to her father, and then I regretted it (too late!). But oddly enough, he responded in an incredible way. He replied that he got it. He actually GOT IT. He understood how all of her recent traumas were impacting her. Since then, he has been having "family time" with her. He has been treating her far better. There's still a ways to go, but this was a HUGE reversal from where he had been before. I have also realized how much I dislike him and (in my own reversal) have stopped blaming myself entirely for everything or accepting all the blame he tries to constantly heap upon me.
I love a clean home, but since this all happened, I've struggled to keep my apartment clean. I started chanting this Switchphrase and one weekend, I just sang and danced my way around my apartment, cleaning it up. It all happened SO fast! Now, not all of the apartment is cleaned up (I've boxes everywhere still from the move), but it feels clean and orderly in the main areas where I live. This was unexpected because I tend to shut down and not do anything when I get overwhelmed with a super messy house.
I work as a machinist. My boss was trying to repair one of our machines that does the machining. It was a really old machine and a part was "irretrievably stuck". I started chanting this as I continued my work separately. They decided to go back and "try something else real quick" and that stuck part came out immediately. What we had expected to have to completely scrap (an over 60 year old machine that does a wonderful job--it would have been a terrible blow) is now restored and works like new!
5. With REACH (for solutions) and CONSIDER (to be a good mechanic), I have had many "problems" at work "resolve themselves" or immediately found unexpected and unconventional solutions.
I actually (blush) wrote this on my belly. My daughter (8 years old) keeps telling me how it's working, but more than that, my pants are starting to slide down on my hips (what a wonderful problem to have!). I've suddenly developed willingness to wear "closer fitting" clothes, as well.
This one I have been using in a Handprint Energy Circle to make myself stop obsessing. I'm going through a lot right now, between court cases, my daughter's father, and other things. I found myself obsessing about all my troubles and fears, and couldn't seem to shake the "stinking thinking". This has brought me incredible relief. I'm able to focus on tasks and I'm able to realize I'm "stinking thinking" and refocus much more quickly. It's improving every single day, too. This has been a big issue for me that I was shocked to see begin to resolve so quickly.
I've had tremendous successes with Switchwords. I could really go on and on and make this email about 10 times longer. Some of them, I do seem blocked to. I'm working on REACHing a solution to that problem, and since I am using REACH on the issue, I feel completely confident that a solution will come! Bottom line for me, though, is that I absolutely believe Switchwords work. Even the ones that "don't make sense" just seem to work regardless.
I see a lot of people asking "how often do you say it?" and my answer to that is that I just chant it over and over whenever I think of it during the day. I try to chant it on my way to sleep and first thing when I wake, too. I use handmade Energy Circles with some of it, too. But since you can only have 3, I use other Switchwords just chanting them any time I remember to during the day. That's just what works for ME. :)
Switchwords work!
Thank you for your wonderful website, Kat. It's a fantastic resource and I use it constantly to look up Switchwords. You've been an incredible help!
I have had difficulty restoring the condition of menopausal, brittle, over-processed hair. For years I'd tried everything from very expensive high-end products to overnight olive oil and mayonnaise conditioning treatments. Nothing worked! Then I received an energy circle from Kat. Within one week people were asking me on a daily basis, "Did you just get your hair done?" I also received, out of the blue in an e-mail, an offer from a friend to send me the latest comprehensive article on hair (which, incidentally, I never asked for). Finally, I went to my hairstylist for a cut/trim and she remarked how much healthier my hair looked since it did when she saw me last five weeks ago. She asked me what I was doing with my hair since she saw me last!
Carol S.
Energy Circle used:
(Set shampoo bottle on the Energy Circle for at least 15 seconds, longer is fine.)
Success Story: My mom makes the lightest yummiest cakes and I wanted her to get into the baking business for a long time. But neither me or mom ever took the initiative to do so. This time the apartment that we are staying at decided to host a new year's bash.. And I got to know about this only the day before, i.e., December 30th. When I told mom about the bash, about how they were going to set up food stalls organize games and have performances she said I would like to put up a stall too.. I was stumped. It was 11 p.m. How could we make this happen?
Immediately the lovely little voice in me nudged "you can achieve anything you want ". So I immediately messaged one of the organisers explaining the situation and requesting for a stall. Then I went to sleep imagining how we got the stall and Mom's cupcakes were a huge success.
True to this thought,next morning i got a call from the main organizer saying our stall was ready and we should bring 100 cupcakes.Mom immediately got to work and by 6 pm 124 cupcakes were ready to be sold. Viola !!
Now comes the most fab part.. Initially after setting up the stall we were quite negative about the sale because nobody was buying anything and mom was getting really worried.So i decided to use a combination of affirmations, visualization and Switchwords. I kept imagining how I would tell my mom and dad about all the cupcakes we sold, all the empty cupcake boxes, how everyone loved the cupcakes and told us so and how we would get more orders and how I would have a fabulous time doing this. The switchwords i used are "GIVE- DIVINE-TOGETHER". And a lot of Thank you's...
And lo behold we were sold out in the next 2 hours. P.S : people who bought the cupcakes came back and bought more for their family. Little kids clamoring to our stall.. And of course people asking if we could bake for them.. All together an amazing, amazing experience and a truly wonderful ending to the year.
Dear Kat
Thank you so much for the help you have done for me. As I mentioned in the month of October 2014, that ex-company was blaming that I had misused the fund. Many people were troubling, putting the blame on me. After you gave me the Energy Circle, and I said what was given, I wrote the name every day, and I have chanted. All the people are now silent including the woman who put a blame on me. They are silent because they could not find any mistake or they have found a mistake, but still they are trying to figure it out, but as of now all is ok.
I suffered lot in the months of October and November. No sleep for me, every day harassment from the company.
As on now everything is silent. I am praying God let this continue.
Kat thank you so much.
You are my divine woman in my life.
Energy Circle used:
I was operated on November 17. The histological report came back reporting that the tumor was so much smaller than previously ascertained through biopsy! Also it was contained. There had not been spreading, it was " in-situ". So the Switchwords and Energy Circles worked! I am healing my heart now. I know this came to bring me so much good, and I am finding more and more insight through it every day.
I am learning how to rest now, before there seemed to be no peace. I have moved on from certain relationships which for me is so positive, I once thought that I had to stay it out, but now I know I have a choice. I am very grateful....Thanks Kat
Plus I used the Emotional Freedom energy vial and the Healing Energy Vibrations. The tumor was 5 mm at the first biopsy. After removal the calcification was completely gone and there was only a 2 mm there, it had completely shrunk.
I ate apple seeds and plum kernels every day (there were no more apricot kernels to be had). I ate kale, peppers, cucumbers, purple cabbage, flax seeds with flax seed oil as per Johanna Budwig, chia seeds, fruits and any veggie I yearned for, including avocados ... I meditated twice a day and I made love to myself often. I spoke to my breast saying I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
I took long walks and worked and interacted as usual with my family.
I felt like I mourned a loss, I still sometimes feel that. Right now I am still healing. I am not working at my job but do only those activities I feel I love to do, and I am still eating healthy.
There were also extras.
I never had any pain, did not feel a needle prick, or stitches, or anything. I had room mates that were wonderful. The Medical Staff was AWEsome and so gentle. I feel blessed.
Energy Circles used:
Just wanted to let you know a success story
I had a bad acidity/gas attack again today
I had some heavy food yesterday and was feeling a bit heavy on tummy the whole day. Today evening I had some coffee and went to toilet. Emptied the stomach. But very soon I had dinner. As soon as I finished I started feeling nauseated. Strange symptoms...churning inside stomach, severe burping, passing gas, and many such discomforts.
After doing research in Switchwords Database I wrote REACH-PRAISE-AROUND-OIL and SWEET-CALM-LOVE on my stomach, and in half an hour I was fine. After 3 hours of ordeal it finally became fine.
I feel so relieved
I used some Switchwords and quick counts (on my wrist) last night for a terrible rash around my eyes and I'm much better today!! This is amazing stuff!
I wrote several numbers on my wrist that I found 23 31 443 (for chronic pain in general), 33 45 634 (for cellular damages of any sort), 3396815 (for well being), and 25 37 536 (for for painful memories of the past, both conscious and subconscious (PTSD)) and I repeated BE-CHANGE-ALONE-DIVINE.
What people are saying about Blue Iris Wellness
Taken from Facebook Switchwords group.
I bought a Blue Iris Wellness vial from Kat Miller's site and got it on Monday of last week. I have a success and a bit of an embarrassing truth to admit...
I wore it together with my EF vial in the necklace I bought (2-vial necklace) from her. I wore it all day, every day. I also did an auto-run on it.
I have scoliosis. I've lived with chronic back pain my entire life. I've also lived with several other, lesser chronic pains.
Last week at work, I randomly noticed that the only pain I was feeling was the pain in my thumb (from a car accident). It was a serious pain, but nothing close to what I'm used to with my back and other chronic structural issues.
But it didn't dawn on me until today. I am tired, strained, and in pain from walking yesterday on my injured foot.... but I was feeling NO OTHER PAIN!
I've been repeatedly noticing my lack of pain and wondering at it in amazement. But until now, I didn't put it together. I JUST GOT MY VIAL LAST WEEK! AND.... I... HAVE... NO... PAIN!
Thank you, Kat. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I do not have the words... I appreciate this so much. The most amazing thing was that it actually felt NORMAL to me to not have pain after an entire lifetime of it being completely NORMAL to me to HAVE extreme, incredible pain. In fact, I am so used to pain that it was baffling (literally) to me to not have it. I actually got the vial to help heal me faster from the financial issues and the injuries from the accident... and now, I... I have no back pain. I'm floored because I just realized it today and the significance of it. Pain is so familiar to me that I just felt confused in its absence. I had accepted it, resigned myself to it in learned helplessness...
Hi Kat,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Blue Iris Wellness vial I got recently from you.
Last night I made a huge mistake on my order submission and the computer said my order was not accepted. As it was too late to call them to fix the issue and yesterday was the due date for that order, I was very upset. I knew my customers will be not pleased with me if they do not get their orders on time. It was also a larger than usual order for me and I didn't want to miss out on the earnings as well.
It was quite late at night and I was unable to fall asleep as my mind kept going round and round thinking how I can rectify my mistake.
Suddenly I thought of the BIW and called to fix this problem as well as for insomnia. After I called it I put it under my pillow and I was able to eventually fall a sleep and slept very well. The best news is, this morning when I woke up I went to the website and the error has somehow been fixed and my order is showing up as being prepared for shipping. How Cool is that?
Thank you for such an AMAZING product as well as the EASE with which I was able to do it.
When I first came to know about Blue Iris Wellness, I was extremely EXCITED.
Kat told me that it was not yet ready and that it was under construction. I was too eager to work with whatever was ready within.
I got my BIW last year and have been working with it ever since. I am so happy to know that the BIW is released FINALLY and many more can BEGIN to work with it.
One of the techniques that has stood out for me is the Universal Knowledge. Many NEW healing modalities and much knowledge has been UNMASKed. I am sure it has played a role and is continuing to do so.
I have some pet Expressed CONCERNS that I call out and TRUST that things are moving well.
I THANK Kat for all that she does for us and helping us through these challenging NEW World Times!
What I love most about Kat's work is the SIMPLE EASE.
Rhoda Randhawa
I must say, the Blue Iris Wellness Vial is extremely obedient! It does what is asked of it!!!!!
Learn more about Blue Iris Wellness at
Today I FINALLY told my BIW.....PERFECT Haircut...and I AM Happy with it.
Emotional Freedom Vial Testimonials
Testimonial... (Taken from Facebook Switchwords group)
I've been using Switchwords with great success for a long time now. I love them. Of course, it often helps to have someone else recommend them.
On the 4th of this month (April of 2016), I was in a serious car accident. A woman lost control and came into my lane during an unseasonable snowstorm. I had to either go offroad or create what would have been a 7 car pile up (an accident involving 7 cars). I decided to go off the road to save us all from that... and lost control. As a result, I struck a tree head-on.
In my pocket, I had my EF vial that I bought from Kat Miller's website at I sat there and used Switchwords over and over again. I used THANKS and I used ELATE and CHANGE. At the initial moment of the car accident, my sternum (bone in the middle of the chest) was hurting so horribly that I could barely breathe. I also looked at my left thumb, and it was horribly mangled, bruised and swollen. I was convinced it was broken, which is a huge deal because I use both hands in a very active work environment. Also, my left foot was in tremendous pain. I was certain I'd broken several bones in my body; thumb, sternum, foot.
I kept repeating the Switchwords. Even as I was so upset and at moments felt despair, I used Switchwords to dispel all the negative feelings, to be grateful during a time of pain, and to CHANGE my physical reality.
In the end, none of my bones were broken. The x-ray of the foot at first showed a possible fracture, but another x-ray taken showed it wasn't fractured and the first "apparent" fracture was simply misread.
Also, my boss had a car I could borrow. People came out of the woodwork to help me. A woman I only met once sent me a large check to help me with expenses.
What could have been a catastrophe became a chance to be grateful beyond words for the wonderful, amazing people in our world. I used the EF vial to run my Switchwords, as well. I believe that helped a lot.
So... point is... hang in there! Switchwords become a habit, and it's one that can help you even in the most apparently dire of situations.
2 days ago I developed an eye allergy. I have this out of the blue. No reason - my eyes will puff up and I look like an alien. I pop in a pill and 2 days later will be ok.
This time I didn't take pills. I just used the (Emotional Freedom) vial with CHANGE MOVE and placed the vial in my bra and voila - the whole thing settled...
My hubby was amazed at how I went to school (I do enrichment classes and am a tutor too) without taking anything orally.
I shared this with my boys. They have seen me with bad eye allergies. After that my eldest asked me to run the vial with him. Past 10 days it was only my second and third boys. They now do it very willingly and sincerely.
...The Reversals File is one of my favorites.When I call the files using Reversals,lots FLOW. I have called the Switch File too with Reversals. Reversals-Switch-DEDICATE-BLUFF, Reversals-Switch-XERO-JESUS, Reversals-Switch-Pillar of the Peace of I.......Just a few examples.
Learn more about Emotional Freedom Vial at
What People Are Saying About Healing Energy Vibrations
A nervous mother, always worrying about her child's well being. She was advised to place the Healing Energy Vibrations Vial on the photograph of her child. As soon as it was done, she was relieved and PEACE-FULL. Just knowing that HEV was sending all the protective energy was enough for her.
We just figured out that the hev vial really helps with cold symptoms. We all have some kind of cold/mild flu thing this week. I had a business fair to show product in and my son had 2 choral concerts to play for. Having the vial in our pocket really helped us not feel so lousy. As soon as we took it out, we were hit with symptoms again. It really helped us get through a couple of busy days. I slept with it under my pillow and had a good nights sleep despite the bug. I am ordering a pendant for my children to share so we don't have to pass around one vial. I'll probably order another pendant in a few months.
Thanks for all your work!
Learn more about Healing Energy Vibrations at
June 18, 2014
Dear Kat,
What you sent was so instructive, so fulfilling, beautiful and so comforting. It is all PERFECT. I LOVE it. The words, the colors, all ALLOW DIVINE.
I feel great relief and SERENE.
Kat I appreciate your talent, creativity, sharing, caring and dedication and I am grateful.
Sarah Rigotti
May 11, 2014
About 50+ years ago I began a journey to discover what made some people sick versus well; happy versus sad; rich versus poor; and so forth.
In the more recent past, which was the past 20 years I worked on healing myself from a non-life threatening situation which wouldn't kill me yet would basically have me sleeping my life away with no cure available so I was told.
Even more recent than this were the past 10 years, I discovered non-traditional western medicine. In the past, I met shamans; energy practitioners; Body Talkers; Reiki masters; and lots more who all told me they could heal and cure me as long as I had the money. In the past, there was minimal family support which might have come from me liking to do things my way. Even as a child, I preferred 40 Funky Hits for music rather than the top artists. That little rambler that went beep beep was more to my old liking. Lots more went on over the years yet there was a drive; a persistent; something inside me which knew I would get and be better letting go of the " baggage".
Along the way, I began waking to the realization I had lots of healing talents which just appeared out of thin air. A knowing of things I never heard of or people I met.
About 6 months ago after joining hundreds of healing Facebook groups I was shown Switchphrases and Switchwords. There was a sense of kindness and generosity from Kat Miller and Rhoda which truly caught my attention as these two gifted people were willing to help me in the most beautiful ways beyond any experience and expectations I ever thought possible.
I made the most marvelous choice to work with Kat Miller and dedicate myself to this modality. I immersed and wallowed in Switchwords and Switchphrases. In the past, I wasn't sure if this was like all past modalities or if this time something magnificent would happen. I also began hearing Kat Miller repeating " listen to your story" ; " listen to that which you are choosing" ; " is this serving you"; " how come you are focused on what you don't want". While I believe I heard these questions before, I believe the difference was I was ready and there was an excitement inside me which hadn't been there in years. Yes an aliveness was actually coming into my body. There was a quietness in my mind.
As time went on, there was more magic. Switchphrases began coming to me at night waking me out of a sound sleep. They became my playmates inspiring me to get out and look at life in new ways. I began choosing better as easily as turning on the light switch to brighten the room. Of course, Kat Miller drilled me and pushed me beyond past limits. I recall her saying something similar to DROP and give me 20 push-ups or 200. Suddenly CHOOSE and MUSE were as common as hello, please and thank you.
Funny my daughter told me I really needed to get a cat and I did ... Kat Miller.
In the past, I thought of giving up yet there was something inside me pushing me. Lots of old stories and fears surfaced yet I pushed on. Lots of pain in the body started releasing which felt great. I dropped 40 pounds and felt youthful. I improved on life. There's also another special woman in my life. My romantic partner inspired me showing me how healthier living and mindset could be. She didn't have all the experiences with the healing community as I did and this benefited me greatly as she enjoyed life rather than researched. This woman like Kat Miller is an angel and true blessing to me. Through her not knowing and our love for each other I used this as part of my drive to breakthrough the former limitations; choosing; and stories.
I have had countless improvements and miracles in my life from Switchphrasing including greater confidence; opening to my genius; better sense-of-self; playfulness, wellness, appreciation, and so much more.
Gary Gilman
P.S. Also I have switched away from believing I required so many supplements which has saved lots.
I have to tell you that since activating the Energy Circle, I have noticed I am much more relaxed about what happens now. I can even say that my dreams reflect that feeling, too. I feel much more in tune with the universe and more of a go with the flow attitude! I simply cannot wait to see what the universe provides next! Thank you! I will keep you posted!!!
We were having trouble selling our house. Kat suggested we use the Energy Creator Circle to create a specific circle for selling our house. Within days of creating the circle and hanging it on our wall, we were getting at least one showing per week. After several offers, we finally picked an offer that benefitted us the most and closed on our house!
Kat Miller Love you, Divine blessings to you and Blue Iris, May it reach more people every day and change their lives. It did mine. muuaah!
April 24, 2014
My life was totally imbalanced and in worst phase. I was struggling in my work and I had a Court case filed against me. It's around 5 months I came in contact with KAT. She helped me a Lot with her Switchwords. Now my life has taken U turn. I am running an MLM company and already started getting good business. And the person who filed case against has withdrawn the case and our issues are resolved. This all could happen because of KAT and her service through BLUE IRIS. She is an Angel for me. I have no words to express my Gratitude to her. Thank you.
April 24, 2014
Hi all,
I want I want to share one more Switchword success story. My friend told me that after listening abundance CD she gets headache. So I asked Kat about this. Kat said she is getting overwhelmed and she suggested Defusing Words Manhattan-Wisdom. As per Kat's suggestion she is chanting this word before listening CD and now there is no more headache. Thanks a lot Kat!!!
February 23, 2014
Posted on Facebook Switchwords group:
I declare and intend the core essence of this message is transmitted at the perfect vibration so everyone may receive the true intention of this stuff is awesome and transformational. I joined three months ago and realize this stuff ( switch word phrases) really has positive life enhancing benefits. I have done years of studying and receiving healing and self-improvement work. One suggestion. Listen to Kat Miller. Also if you can purchase EF Vial and database as really enhance and accelerate experience and change.
Gary Gilman
Most excellent private session with Kat on Monday night 12-9-2013. I actually was singing and humming every place I went on Tuesday. In fact, strangers stopped me to find out if I was happy and of course I was. Kat's expertise and good heartedness is totally present in every moment from the time the call began until ended. In fact, there is a wonderful professionalism and joyfulness which continues to amaze me. Thank you. Gary
Getting engaged today.
I would like to tell you that in many ways you have helped me to go ahead towards my marriaged.. You have given me the confidence to proceed..And the Switchwords given by you have helped me to proceed.. ThankYou Kat!!
You are one of my blessings in Life..
And all the Switchwords given by you for everything I ever asked are my best gifts in life ever and I treasure them..
I express my Gratitude to you..
You had given and I believe to have found my perfect mate for this lifetime..
I Love You Kat...
Thanks Once Again...
May God Bless YOU...
Note from Imagine Fabulous founder Dawnalee Shields:
This image and these words by Kat Miller have a message to share that may resonate in you. I've been privileged to watch the wonderful joyney Kat has taken the past 20 years as she has embraced healing modalities and come to excel in coaching others in wellness techniques. She is a generous and gifted teacher who shares her insights and encouragement freely. Kat is a great example of following a personal healing path that has allowed her authentic self to shine more and more brightly. With the wisdom she's gained she now shines light on a path to congruency and wellness for untold numbers of others. She is the author on this site of Kat's Word of the Day and Blue Iris Muse.
Explore the site. Be inspired. Find support. Share your voice.
Dragonflies handcrafted by Kat
Legends of the Dragonfly
The Dragonfly represents the powers of
light and transformation,
and the ability to see through illusion.
The Dragonfly brings prosperity and harmony.
The Dragonfly’s magic is its
light magic, and all of the wonderful
similes, metaphors and clichés
that light has inspired.
Thus, the Dragonfly has come to be
an image that inspires us
to not only learn to practice the
shedding and mirroring of light
in our own lives, but to learn to
see when others are doing it too!
The Dragonfly spirit means
you must consciously make
an effort to express your
hopes, dreams, needs and wishes.
The Dragonfly spirit is the essence of
the winds of change, messages of
wisdom and enlightenment and
communication from the elemental world.
June 18, 2013
Hey Kat,
I got all the info and will download it first thing in the morning and hopefully have some time to build some tommorow night. And I will let you know how my experiments go. I have been having great luck by just setting a picture of myself face down on my iPad screen above the energy circles you have made on this page!
Thanks again,
May 10, 2013
Dear Kat,
I have been wanting to say thank you for your work in the world. I first learned about Switchwords from a friend.
The work is so gentle & soft, deep & profound.
I began with add-count, joy-count, love-count, divine-count .. Speaking these with my morning Thai Chi practice.
A friend I had loaned money to years ago sent me a check for 2000$, unasked.
A friend I'd lost 40 years ago "turned up" happy to reconnect.
A poet I have admired for years agreed to meet me for tea and conversation.
I then began your Switchphrase ~ Together-Divine-Speed-Paint-Gold-Clouds-Be.
After 40 years of deeply set PTSD, it seems to me to be letting go. I am beginning to let go, to a softer more trusting daily existence.
So simple, yet so deep.
With a full heart, and tender gratitude
May 8, 2013
Dear Kat,
I am feeling very good now, with more confidence every day and happy. Before my heart was heavy. Now feeling light. Good things are happening in my life. My husband is showing love. I got too much of energy from you on that day (May 2nd), felt something as though I am dreaming for 2 days.
I am going for walks, 20 minutes. I did not get flax seed but got dried walnut seeds and omega 3-6-9 gels (capsules). (First day on 4th May when I went out in sun for walk and came back applied oil in my hair and took bath, I got severe headache only right side of head, with swelling had pain in right eye, right ear, neck and right shoulder and arm and left leg for one day and night, I took one paracetamol, usually I used to have this type of headache when I go out in sun or take oil bath from many years). Now I am very fine, feeling very energetic and sleeping well, happy and content.
I am using all these Switchphrases and thinking of "WOLF" and "Dove", and Defusing Words "Fleur-de-lis" and "Chocolate"
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
April 25, 2013
Dear Kat,
I would like to share my success story with you. In January I had asked Switchwords for someone going through tumultuous times.
This is what you had recommended:
I would think a SAGE Calming LOVE Energy Circle:
Switchphrases for it:
These are to help her take responsibility in her live and stand up for herself, letting love be her guide.
It was very helpful. Today I am making another set for her and tearing the first one to release the energy in the cosmos.
I would like to share this with all the people there who too could benefit from these Switchwords. Lets us INTEND a CRESCENDO of people getting out of tumultuous times and situations and joining us in the JOY of life NOW.
Thank you MY angel Kat.
April 8, 2013
Hi Kat and Rhoda,
I want to share something that may be useful to people who stop by this forum. My husband had pain in his left leg day before yesterday. The pain was not in any particular spot, not muscular in fact he didn't know how to even explain it. Only thing was that when he stretched his leg he was burping :-).
Any ways I wrote 10 Hz, 3000 Hz, 10,000 Hz waited for 15 minutes and then suddenly I felt like writing 9,988,676,258,834,372 which this to remove negativity and also I felt like writing OPIUM. I read in one of the discussions in the Blue Iris Forum that OPIUM is for stomach pain or digestive issues but I just wanted to write so I did. He had excellent relief in the next may be 20 minutes or so. Thank you so much Kat and Rhoda for giving us this gift of healing. It's so amazing how these things work. <3
March 3, 2013
Kat Miller has not only been a source of Switchwords for me, her way of being and thinking has made a tremendous difference in my ability to be happy and let others' story be their story without it offending me or making me depressed. That alone has made a huge difference in my life and it took a long time for me to understand the concept. Thank you Kat, you are an integral part of my family and heart, and that's my story 0;)
February 20, 2013
Hi Kat and All,
I asked for help from our dear Kat, regarding summons for Jury selection and she sent me the above instructions. I made the Energy Circle, and also called it morning and night each day through the Emotional Freedom vial.
Kat, now looking at your instructions I see in my excitement I had made a mistake in making the Energy Circle. Instead of Bypass-jury duty inside the Energy Circle I wrote Bypass inside the Blue Energy Circle and Jury duty outside the circle. I did not notice this error until just now when I wanted to let you know the result. Even with the mistake I have got the desired result.
Thank you once again for your help. I will update the database of this group.
Sample Energy Circle:
February 18, 2013
Hi Kat,
I have attached the image of the switch phrase which you shared with me. I painted this almost an year ago (during my 2nd semester) and I think it worked great because I pulled through my final exams very well and my result was 84%. I made this switch phrase painting on a blank sheet and I have been using it throughout my 3rd semester. I found that in 3rd semester my concentration level was gone down and was unable to finish studying topics in the time slot I allotted in my study-schedule. Then I added PASSION-RHYTHM-BUZZ-WITH-DIVINE ORDER which I think helped me very much. My results in 3rd semester was same as 2nd semester, ie 84%. The way I used this switch phrase was like this: I used to read the switch phrase aloud before starting my studies, I used to do it passionately and with full faith, (not just reading it mechanically). And at the end I used to realize that my concentration was better and I was studying things quickly with good recalling power.
Kat, I thank you very much for introducing me to switch words, I have had some mind-blowing experiences.
In another instance, I wanted the registration number of my new bike as 7918. So I used to repeat the switch phrase DIVINE-CHARM-BRING mentally several times in a day, and to my astonishment the registration number came as 8167. Now 8167 is 7918 when inverted and read from back. That was more than enough for me.
I have experienced many such incidents for which I am very grateful
with gratitude and warm regards,
Love and Peace.
January 28, 2013
I want to thank you Kat for sharing the MOF Polycystic Ovary file (for working with the My Own File _____ linked to the Emotional Freedom vial)...PCOS has been in my experience from when I was 10 years old...I am soooooo grateful that you shared as to how to keep a personalized file...Also I want to thank you for giving me an insight on how to ease my menstrual cramps...I write OPIUM, 26 Hz, UNCLE-ADJUST-CHANGE-BE-SOMEHOW-DONE along with the code for menstrual cramps (51,245,424)...It is surprising enough to see the changes within minutes...menses are not so heavy and painful now and last for 4-5 days (which used to last for more than TWO weeks), medication was indispensable,and I had to stick to the bed all day long...
I have been informed and aware of my intentions from the past couple of months...Switchwords is a boon..words cannot express how much comfortable I feel with myself now. Thanks sooooooo much. Lots of Love and Gratitude for you angels...God Bless you
November 9, 2012
Short story about using an Energy Circle. On Wednesday we lost electric power to the house. Winds were strong with plenty of rain during the Nor Easter. By Thursday morning still no electricity. Somehow I felt the electricity was going to return soon. My point I chose to not panic.
During recent Sandy storm power stayed on. I noticed many neighbors in surrounding blocks had electricity. So with a liaise de faire attitude I went about regular morning activities. However I was startled when my husband became extremely agitated his electronic equipment needed to be charged right away. My daughter and son in law had offered for us to go to their house and warm up and recharge. So we were perfectly fine. (my perspective). My husband went to my car and started to charge his stuff. Gas is at a premium here right now so i didn't understand the urgency, but he did what he needed to do. (his perspective) Anyway doors were being slammed, in retrospect I realize he wanted me to do something.
I decided to get up from under the warm covers, the only warm place in the house, dressed and went downstairs. I had a printed (Golden Opportunities) Energy Circle it was still near the printer. Picked it up wrote my name on top, POWER-ON and the Switchphrases for Mercury Retrograde. Put the Energy Circle on the shelf. Immediately looked out the bedroom window to see three huge line worker trucks drive down the street. Then another two trucks. I couldn't believe it. Within 20 minutes Power was up and running. Wow…
Click here to learn more about Energy Circles.
October 25, 2012
Personal Switchphrases are fabulously uplifting.
Click here to learn more about weekly Astrological and Personal Switchphrases
August 28, 2012
Hi Kat,
I want to share something with you I had my clinical skills exam today and I chanted the Switchwords from your website for the students and passed all my skills with very good grades. I am usually nervous while doing them around my instructor. I did really good job.
Thanks for making that website. It is really helping me in many areas.
August 10, 2012
For the past 4 to 5 nights I just took my Rescue! Vial out of the pouch and held it on the Governing Meridian, without any particular motive. Only last night I realized, I needed to do that for onset of sleep. I am pretty convinced there is some connection and it is going to be a nightly routine.Also I realized I have not been chanting any sleep codes or Sleep Sws. I do call the EF Files regularly at night, but that has been a practice for years!! I shall KEEP-ON-WITH the Rescue! Vial and report back to you all!! If this BE true...{{{!!!!!!!}}}
August 10, 2012
What my daughter in law tells me" Ma The Rescue! pillow is the best gift to me"
August 6, 2012
When you are feeling down and out and blue,
Blue Iris is the place for you!!
That goes for me TOO!!
Rhoda Reporter
July 27, 2012
Hi Kat,
AMAZING Energy was coming my way yesterday as both Flower Energies and Personal and Astrological Switchwords were being sent. Certainly is fun having both on the same day. A balanced feeling: every little thing is going to be alright. The last in the Personal Switchphrases isn't even capitalized (Dove-Mirrored Reflection) yet is so meaningful.
Learn more about Flower Energy Recommendations
Learn more about Weekly Astrological & Personal Switchphrase subscriptions.
Request made: I have been facing tap leakages one after another, if I get one fixed, another starts to drip, one might malfunction, another might be too old, and so on. Can you please help me with Switchwords to stop future accidental leakages, to help the present plumbing last well. Fixing all the leakages is also turning out expensive, not to mention the mess that leaking water creates especially in monsoons such as now.
July 8, 2012
Success Story: The moment I got your mail for BEAM-CONSIDER-XERO-NOW, I instantly wrote it next to bathroom fixtures that were leaking. Also wrote it nicely on a paper within an energy circle and placed it on the shrine area of my house. A funny thing happened that night. There was a water shortage problem (something that had never happened in this area ever). The next morning water supply was resumed, so I did not think much about it. Then again in the evening water supply stopped which was resumed in the morning.
This went on for 3-4 days, till I went and erased BEAM-CONSIDER-XERO-NOW from all the areas I had written it on. I even threw the paper with energy circle that I had kept in the shrine area. That day the water supply was not disrupted and till today there has been no supply problem.
The leakages stopped after the water disruption incident, though now the water supply is as before! I don't know how the Switchwords worked so well, but they did!
May 25, 2012
Dear Kat,
The Blue Iris Learning Center is always a pleasure to BE at. I just cannot imagine life without BEing there. Please do send me a reminder a month before my subscription lapses. Wishing you loads of subscibers!!
Rhoda Reporter
May 18, 2012
To all who visit BLUE IRIS
I met Kathy Miller on the Yahoo Switchwords Group many moons ago. Her ferreting of the deep insights in the world of alternative healing I've watched as BLUE IRIS was born and thrived on her steam. She tirelessly pursues and senses with quick fixes, deep thought and amazing compassion are her 2 silver arrows by which she shoots down others issues to give them succor and calm.
I commented on her Personal Switchwords to which I subscribe...(I have a confession...I started the subscription as my personal bit towards the life force of BLUE IRIS, but now I love them.)...they are intrinsic to my well-being and works of art....! Some are Masterpieces to be hung at THE LOUVRE!
Bina Bakshi.
April 25, 2012
I tried Energy Circles with Switchwords, to get a refund from a hotel that wanted to charge me for no show even though my flight to that city was cancelled. I called the booking agent and told them I would not be paying the account, even though the hotel put a hold for one night rate on my credit card. I felt like it was an unjust penalty. I could not sleep, so I made an energy circle with the Switchphrase REVERSE-RESTORE-TRUST-BE.
I printed a Green Energy Circle on a green paper and wrote with a gold crayon. I wonder if all the colours worked.
I was meant to call the booking agent the following day and/or the hotel, but I decided that I will not negotiate, I will just let the Energy Circle and Switchwords do the work - I had strange confidence though that it would work. On second day, I ignored the agent's calls and eventually they sent me an sms telling me that the hotel will not charge me.
The Switchwords and Energy Circles continued to work - I got a call 4 days later that another service provider I used a month ago wants to give me a refund.
I am also getting nice compensation from every service provider I have been dealing with in the last week since I drew the Energy Circle - all I have to do is ask once and calmly, for compensation for bad service and it just happens. All this is happening in a developing country - service providers hardly ever give refunds or upgrades for bad service I also learned about the miracle prayer (Ana B'Koach) and listened to the chants on you tube.
Switchwords in Energy Circles are great. You don't get consumed with saying the Switchwords then immediately looking out for answers.
April 23, 2012
Dear Kat,
Once again a great success with the phrase DivineORDER-CHANGE.
I was in the shower and had just begun to enjoy the stream of water, when suddenly the cold water knob just came off and was in my hand. That was just not a great situation as the water could not be balanced. I tried hard to get it back on, but struggled a bit. Soon started to chant DivineORDER-CHANGE knowing that something would CHANGE and the knob would be RESTOREd. Very soon the knob was screwed in and all was back to the original!!
See how not using CONSIDER-CONSIDER be a good mechanic, a fixer of things still got the knob fixed!
Intention and the DivineORDER itself fixed it all!
Just so happy that I could deal with it without requesting help! Specially while inside the shower!
April 22, 2012
Dear Kat,
Thank you so much for your incredible generosity of spirit...Where ever I go, I encounter work that you have shared. May your light continue to shine and bless where ever you and your work goes.
Thank you, for touching me and my life in such a profound way.
Lots of love
March 28, 2012
Managed to feel better after calling some files for the indigestion and heavy feeling this morning.
Last night as I went to bed, I felt sick in my gut. Called The Green Tara Mantra and a few stomach files. Number Code-1112223 called and also tapped my gut area.
Morning ,had to repeat the files and Mantra...Little later in the afternoon, with FULL intention called the PM file using The Converter-Liver.......Something changed and I felt lighter! The visualization was that of a jet stream of water flowing down my Liver. In moments after that I had a nice FULL meal. Oh chanted HORSESHOE-GUARD-LIMIT as well.
Used the VBC for Indigestion as well.....Broadcast only!
Looks like I have been stressing myself of late!
March 21, 2012
It's gotta be the EF files that made it happen!
4 days back I was prompted to call the 8 files linked with Addictions and Allergies.
1.Allergies - Sweets
2.Hypersensitivity - Sweets
3.Side Effects - Sweets
4.Alcohol and Addictions - Sweets
5.Poisons and Toxins - Sweets
6.Environment Elements - Sweets
7.Butterfly Effect - Sweets
8.Liver Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen - Sweets.
After calling these files I am able to keep away from cakes and sweets.Not that I have completely stopped, but I am able to control myself very well.
March 21, 2012
Some years back I was keen on giving up eating fennel. I had come to know that too much fennel was not good for health.So as always I discussed it with Kat and she allowed a quota of 2tsps per day. At first I felt very restricted and along with the reduced quantity, she suggested 4 Emotional Freedom files to call:
1.Alcohol and Addictions--Fennel
4.Side Effects-Fennel
What do you think happened?? From the daily quota of 2tsps, I had some left at the end of the day. That was a real relief. Then came a day when I just stopped eating fennel. You may not believe this, I don't even take a tiny morsel any more! Complete stop!
Bless your kind heart Kat, we are lucky to be able to work so easily with the cravings and addictions to foods!
At the moment I am calling the files along with the 4 added ones to go easy on Sweets.
March 12, 2012
This is totally cool and DIVINE.
This is a testimony of DIVINE-GUARD.
I am not saying any one thing helped..Everything helps and helped.
It is always there.DIVINE is FOREVER present.
One incident this afternoon has once again proved it.
I was in the kitchen , cooking.Suddenly something else got my attention and had to leave the kitchen.Once I was there, while doing something, I lost my balance , tripped and fell.DIVINE intervention and I fell on the mattress taking all the load on my left knee. What a save! I was laughing and thanking DIVINE for giving me such wonderful protection. All the spiritual work, energy healing work and BEing aware of the Super power saved me . DIVINE LIGHT-GUARD! Thank you Kat for giving us the Energy Healing vials.
February 5, 2012
I had a flu a fortnight ago, and it left me with a bad cough. I ignored it at first, but the cough just got worse and for the past week, each time I lay down to sleep, the cough would get really bad.
As a result I'd hardly any sleep, was tired, irritable and my chest hurt. As a result, I was unproductive at work too, and just didn't feel my usual self. Nothing I tried seemed to work, and I did try many things - medication, cough syrup, none of the traditional 'cures' helped.
Last afternoon it suddenly struck me to try Switchwords. And I'd recalled reading about CRYSTAL-CLEAR. Searched through Blue Iris and confirmed that was the switchphrase, and began chanting it right away.
I felt better immediately, but thought it was my imagination. I persisted nonetheless and chanted the phrase several times at bedtime before I fell asleep. When I woke, it struck me that I slept through the night, very comfortably and feel like a new person this morning! I did nothing different except chant CRYSTAL-CLEAR!
My cough's almost gone this morning and the first thing I've done today is write to you.
January 31, 2012
Our very precious Rhodu mom and Kat,
I am sitting on my couch, after doing a whole list of my files and thinking to myself, how blessed Shiraz and I are to have both you phenomenal women in our lives. I have learnt and continue to learn so much from the both of you and feel an immense sense of gratitude for the positive change in my thought pattern and belief system ever since I have been under the positive influence, direction and guidance from the both of you. This is a very random mail as you might feel, however I just wanted the both of you to know that I am so thankful for all the good work,knowledge and healing that I have acquired and continue to acquire as time progresses.
With all our love,
Shiraz and Benaaz
December 4, 2011
Just to give you an update on my emotional life, in case it may serve someone you are healing:
These days I am an observer of my emotions, and work with meditation, and the vials to help get them off me, or simply let them be a part of an observing me.
I have never been so keen in healing myself until I realized how my son is absorbing all my negative emotions and that gosh I do have negative emotions/issues in me that I wasn't aware of!!
My mother is not here, been away for a month now, and still a month left for her to come back. And as soon as she left, I started realizing how I was letting her affect me negatively.
Both my son and I have changed lots positively./p>
But as soon as I picture my mother in my lfie again, a sudden terror comes in. With therapy and all the work I'm doing on myself for this, my internal life is finally changing for the good.
Your VIALS are certainly a great great help. I wouldn't manage without them!!!
Thanks Kat
October 26, 2011
Kat u have no idea how much support the vials have given to me. Id be lost, depressed, anxious etc etc without them. They are my salvation for each and every problem.
Day by day m using them more and in different ways.
Thanks a lot.
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October 1, 2011
In spite of regular use of Switchphrase for procastination, unstuckification and silencing the storyteller, certain problems are not resolving.Try as I might, some things that I need and want to do are not happening. "I like work. I really like work. I sit and stare it, the whole day long!" And I feel like a Big Loser. HELP...
Switchphrase given:
Dear Kat: last night I copied the Switchphrase you suggested above into my notebook and then on another page, wrote it down about 15-20 times as well as kept chanting it till I fell asleep. Usually when I wake up, I wake up with the feeling, OMG, there is so much to do and I feel so overwhelmed that I end up doing nothing. And today, I woke up feeling quite calm and went about my day in a very relaxed manner. My son helped me thoroughly clean up the living room! Some of the things that I had been postponing got done easily and effortlessly. And this is after using the Switchphrase for one day! What more can I say except, Lots of Love and Hugs, Dear Angel.
August 29, 2011
Dear Kat
I wanted to share another Switchword success story with you. While I do believe they work, even I'm astonished at the alacrity with which they do.
I was owed a large amount of money by 2 friends who borrowed from me when they were down on their luck. It's been a year, things had turned around for each of them, but there was no sign of them returning my money, and I didn't want to ask for it.
A lady had posted in the group how a combination of words you gave her worked so well, and I tried it too.
I wrote this in an orange circle and propped the card in my office. Within 3 days of doing this, the first of them called to say he was bringing over the money he owed me, and yesterday, the other called to say the same thing.
Once again, thank you for creating this group (Facebook Switchwords group) and your website, both are such tremendous sources of inspiration.
August 29, 2011
Good Night Irene,
Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm. How amazing. I believe it started as a Category 3 went to a 2 then came onto land in NC as a category 1. Then came north to New York as a Tropical Storm. AMAZING.
Before the storm arrived I made the label for the windows and doors BENEVOLENT-PEACE-SERENE-BE and DIVINE-GUARD-LIMIT. Truly AMAZING. My children and I left and went to the next town over which in inland a bit more. There we had a very nice evening, but on Sunday lost electricity. My friend and children have the latest in phone equipment and could not make phone calls. My cell phone which hasn't been upgraded in 5 years got through to my neighbor. She reported all is well. Irene was a dud. Little rain and Electricity is on, come home. Midday on Sunday I drove home through very windy conditions to a BENEVOLENT-PEACE-SERENE-BE house. Fortunately my house did not lose electricity, very little rain fell as well. My daughter on the other side of town lost electricity. She, her husband and their children came for a cooked dinner.
I LOVE working with Switchwords.
Marianne Ajamy
August 17, 2011
Dear Kat,
Want to thank you once again for the Switchword phrases given by you yesterday. Grandad was feeling giddy and I gave him a snack. He felt ok..but complained during dinner, again of the giddiness. I didn't know what to do.
I was hoping you would be online. To my luck you were.
You had suggested HO-SLOW, BE-ALONE-NOW and CALM-SERENE-BE. I chanted the Switchword phrases for a while.
Grandad is feeling good now and has not complained of any giddiness.
August 12, 2011
Hi Kat,
Yesterday went school clothes shopping with my daughter for my grandaughters. Well you know kids after going to the clothes store they were pretty wound up. We planned to stop for a quick lunch. The girls weren't really listening to my daughter when she told them to sit in their car seats. In the confusion she closed the car door, the little one Julia's hand was right there being caught in the car door. Oh my. I had my bag of EF vials with me, Including EFV. Rescue Vial, Whatever, FE, and HEV. I also had an ice pack because we planned to do some food shopping. After the incident I took my packet of Vials and placed them on the swelling fingers and placed the Ice pack on top as well. Julia was very happy to have the Vials which she moved across her fingers. After a while we asked her to try and bend the fingers. At 1st she just wouldn't move them and of course we thought okay next step to the Dr.'s office for splints or whatever had to be done. We waited a bit and let the healing magic work and finally she moved those swollen fingers. Relief. AMAZING no damage. The swelling stopped and she was using her fingers within 10 minutes. She was pushing the car window button up and down. We thought well that is a good sign a very good sign indeed. The remainder of the ride home she continued to show improvement with her fingers and 1 1/2 hrs later she was absolutely fine.
I think it's a matter of thinking it can be okay and allowing the healing to happen. I was glad to have my packet of Vials ready to help.
July 14, 2011
Hi Kat,
Hope all is well!
I LOVE making EC's (Energy Circles) for me and others so I just ordered another EF (Emotional Freedom) vial. Yes, I am TRULY being HELPED from using the vial! It feels like BLOCKS have been removed and NEGATIVE energy LIFTED! It can only keep getting BETTER! :D Thanks again for replying back to my post about Rounds and My own File. Within about 10mins. of sending it, I saw your answer to someone else's previous post about number of rounds! I recently posted another question about calling nutrients using the PM file, etc. I am learning much from the Discussions, etc. in BlueIris!
Peace and Joy,
Charlez Smith
June 27, 2011
Your rescue remedy vial I got recently is fabuloooous! It works instantly for lots of things - pain, breathing relief, even tension/stress felt on face...Thanks, keep your inventions rolling.
June 22, 2011
Dearest Kat, hope you are fine. I want to thank you so much that my son’s first day at kindergarten was not just peaceful, he came out so happy after school closed, he ran to me to tell me how much fun he had in class! He did seem a little tense when he was being taken into his class by the school staff (out here due to security reasons parents have to leave the kids at the entrance itself and the school staff escort the baby in) as he did not know the lady who was escorting him in, and once in the class he saw a little girl in tears and he too started to cry but within minutes he got distracted and got involved in the class activities! Thank you so much, I am a working mom and if he didn’t settle down fast, I would be too worried trying to manage him and my work. Tomorrow onwards he can he dropped off and picked up by my chauffer and the maid as my office timings will not allow me to drop him off at school. More importantly, when he enjoys school, he will develop better and learn fast. I’ll continue to do the switch phrase and energy circle as advised by you for the next few days till he gets used to the new school. So thanks a million Kat, I really appreciate your help and guidance. Take care and bless you.
Lots of love, Nivedita.
June 13, 2011
Dear Kat,
May 3, 2011
Dear Kat
I also enjoyed the conversation we had the other evening it was most enlightening thank you. Your truly a god send ;.) I'm also looking forward to playing with the vial's and seeing how they work...most excited.
During our conversation you brought to my awareness Death Focus and I realised that is something that goes on in many peoples mind including my own most of the time. You see my own father passed away at a young age he was only 45yrs due to health issues brought on by stress and worry. And I notice my own thoughts as I get older my focus is on illness and will I live passed his age. Now that thought occupies my mind it seem 60% of the time.
Now the interesting thing is with that thought I'm aware that the mind starts to change the body's form and you start feeling pains and discomfort for no known reason on a conscious level... at least that's something I started noticing within me. So with the awareness you gave me I worked on clearing that focus...and I was really surprised by what happened next.
What happened next was that the thought forms or death focus that started to impact on my physical being started to shift, it felt like clusters or pockets of tension around for instance my chest and heart started to break up and I suddenly felt free again my body posture started changing and I had a new feeling of mobility and freedom with in.When I arrived at work that evening the first thing someone said to me even before hello was you look really happy you know I felt happy, but it was like happiness was bursting out of Anyway as the evening continued I noticed that I hadn't had any death focus thoughts all that was AMAZING.
I just wanted you to know what happen since our conversation and that this is something I intend playing with for a while...
Once again I cant thank you enough Kat
Love and laughter
Posted on Blue Iris Forum February 21, 2011
I thought I would pass along a marvelous situation that happened to me last week. Concerning my right knee. My knee started to feel cranky, what I mean is it was stiff and a bit painful when walking. It felt as if I needed to crack it somehow to readjust it.
In the past I have had a similar situation where the discomfort lasted for weeks, I've had x-rays taken, with no medical explanation. Last week I looked up Diseases/Feelings/Switchwords for the right knee. I iced the knee, took one anti inflammatory and wrote LIMIT-DIVINE-WITH-AROUND on my knee. Some time during the night I woke and cracked my knee repositioned it, in the morning all was well. I haven't felt it since.
February 19, 2011
Hi Kat:
Thank you once again for this gift you gave us all last week. As I told you on the skype call this afternoon, this has been an awesome week for me personally.
I made a violet EC with the personal SW phrases you gave me. I called the transit phrases through the EF Vial file - Astrological Imbalances every morning and evening. I also put all the SW phrases you gave - ( for the transits as well as the personal ones) into My Own File, named it astrology file and called it through the EF vial-My Own File every morning and night.
I had an amazing week. I have been wanting to do so much for a long time, like learn the SW words, phrases etc., so I can call the ones I need when I need them like you and Rhoda so easily do. I start, but don't get very far. This week, I found a program that I have started using to organize my SW. Have started slowly working on it.
I also would like to participate in the talk casts you hold each Saturday, but usually am not able to make it live. The couple of times I managed to get there, I did not have audio. But today I was able to not only be on Jana's call, I also had audio and was able to participate easily. (I have listened to some of your talk cast archives, but my intention is to listen to more of them, and if possible write summaries so that any one can find what they are looking for.)
I have restarted my exercise routine every morning and also my meditation. I am also slowly de cluttering my home. I have registered for the Tapping World Summit (Online), starting on Monday and intend to follow all of them either alive or their recording.
Oh, I can go on and on.
Thank you Kat. This is AMAZING. I usually try to do it all and end up doing very little. So this is a great accomplishment for me.
January 13, 2011
Hi Kat,
BLESSED-BE. Just want to let you know what I think about weekly switchphrases. Each morning after running EF files and Chants Mantas and Prayers, I take what I consider my morning vitamins..( When I run weekly switchphrases in the mornings, I consider them a boost. Like a vitamin).
After reading something Rhoda wrote about writing Switchphrases on her walls (I thought she meant using the EF file Writing on my Walls) I took it literally and printed the four switchphrases from last week on pink paper, wrote one switchphrase per sheet, circled in a green ink and hung them around my house. OVER-PHASE-VICTORY, QUIET-REMISSION, HALFWAY-JUDGE-EASE-ON, DYNAMIC-DUCK. (I also added RESTORE-LIGHT from the switchwords group.) It has been very effective. I take them down when anyone is coming over so I don't have to explain.
A new week and renewed energy.
Hope you and your family are well.
December 13, 2010
Hi Kat
I just thought I would pop you a note to let you know that I have been running the Abundance, Success and Financial file every day for the past six months or so. Last month, I received a call from an old business partner with whom I had co-founded a company 10 years ago. I hadn't heard from him in 4 years. He called to let me know that he had not given up on our company. He had just secured $20M in investment capital and the company is going public early in 2011. So I will be able to sell the shares I have held in that company for between $500,000 - $1M.
December 9, 2010
Yesterday got the opportunity to listen to your 12/4 Talkcast while driving. Loved tapping OIL-GIVE-RESTORE-DETACH-CANCEL-REVERSE-FORGIVE-MAGIC-ACT and was glad Kevin requested it. I felt it helped lots of people.
Had been in a weird state and have to tell you after listening my outlook brightened up. GIGGLE-BUZZ-BE to align with the joy of the season. I hadn't listened to your Talkcasts for a few weeks and am amazed at how uplifting they are. Again thank you.
Click here to listen to 12/4/10 Talkcast (Episode 141).
Click here for listing of Talkcast archives.
Also I love the Mother's Helper Switchwords. Honestly I said the word CROWD one time and immediately got cooperation from my 3 and 4 year old grandaughters. So much and so quickly I was thinking, that can't be...
Hi Kat,
wanted to tell you how this switchphrase worked for me. My husband was having a prolonged cough, which is very unusual for him. He tried everything he could, but after three weeks, things got frustrating. I got this ALLOW-FIND-BE-SOMEHOW from you and then as soon as I said it, it occured to me to check him for reversal (muscle tests). Of course, he was reversed and so nothing worked. After rubbing the sore spot (EFT) and a few karate chops, he tested fine. In a few hours, his cough was gone!
Will this also work for Writer's block(yes) - I have lots of material to work with - but I am simply not able to narrow my range for my magazine audience (children 8 to 12). I am chanting this as I write.
thanks for your wonderful work
November 19, 2010
Two days ago when my replacement HEV vial arrived I had wheezing in my chest and was sure a visit to the Dr was unavoidable. I am watching my grandchildren this weekend while their parents are celebrating a birthday weekend together, I had felt I might have to cancel. Today after having the vial on me I can hardly believe how bad I was feeling to make me think I had to go to the Dr.
(Click here to learn more about HEV vial.)
November 7, 2010
Hello Kat,yesterday we got struck in atlanta's traffic and it didnt move! We had to reach a place at the earliest.I did text to you asking for a switch word,that I can chant.Thank you very much for quickly replying to my text message. DIVINE ORDER FLOW HALFWAY NOW DONE ..this switch word WORKS!...the traffic moved and we could go. Thank you sooooo much!
October 28, 2010
From Yahoo Switchwordsgroup
Hello SW Family,
I have had two great successes today with the SW phrase - CRYSTAL-HELP! I called to negotiate with a predatory creditor and while I was on hold I began to chant CRYSTAL-HELP. The first call did not go well, but I continued to chant and felt guided to send an email to the supervisor voicing my displeasure with the customer service I had received. Within 30 minutes I received a favorable reply and the matter was resolved to my satisfaction.
Then I made a call to another creditor regarding a different matter. During the multiple transfers I continued to chant CRYSTAL-HELP! They were able to resolve the matter I was calling about and put my mind at ease. The people were very nice as well. I recommend chanting it before you make the call as well as during any time that you are on hold before you speak to a someone at the institution that you are calling.
Thank you to those who have shared their success stories in the past. I found this SW phrase in the database and old posts. I sincerely hope that you will have the same good fortune with your needs as well.
Love and light to you all.
October 20, 2010
A man who has worked for our company who has caused problems in many lives of many people just gave notice that he is leaving the company after I started using ALLOW-FIND-BE-SOMEHOW for the last month with the intent of the greater good to SOMEHOW get me away from his influence over my daily work life. (DK)
October 16, 2010
My feedback on HEV vial - IT IS GREAT! I am always wearing it except shower. I am feeling some change internally it is happening especially with respect to anger (internal negative) and my reaction to some negative external influences which I am just beginning to cross.
Just last Fri, I happened to stop by at I AM temple unplanned, which I have walked past few times earlier in some months and now that opened up a lot of insight to higher consciousness.
So I am confident that the vial purchase is one of the best I made ever especially I have spent a lot on crystals and some gems, costing money and not sure if the quality is most perfect. I am receiving so many benefits through the vials, exactly to my quest,so I am thrilled and no flattery, very thankful for knowing you!
September 6, 2010
I've participated in many of Kat's Talkcasts. She is sincerely interested in her clients. I've also purchased her EFT vials, and have that they help me to balance. I place them on autorun. From time-to-time, I manually activate them with switchwords, and by making a request.
Sincerely yours,
Alan Jordan
(Click here to go to Kat's Talkcast archives)
(From post 20525 at Switchwordsgroup:
Dear Kat,
I just wanted to post the results after following your instructions.
The situation was that there were 2 properties for sale as part of a deceased estate. Auctioning them was the best way to get the highest price. My nephew had been leasing one of the apartments for a few years and because he has always had a good relationship with his late landlord, he was offered the opportunity to purchase the property at the price they got for the other apartment at auction. This was an extremely fair offer because my nephew's apartment is much better. Despite this, he was a bit wary because Auction prices can vary substantially and they have been going through the roof in recent times. So when I asked you for help with SWs, it was to keep the auction price of the other property low.
I did what you suggested and waited for the outcome. Surprisingly, the selling agents didn't do very much at all and actually scheduled the auction date on a day when there was an important football match being played which would have reduced the numbers at the auction substantially (Melburnians are Aussie Rules football fanatics). Naturally, there were no complaints from us. I just kept thinking maybe SW had something to do with it. The auction date dawned cold, grey and miserable ... SW probably had everything to do with that! ... and the end result was that the property was sold at an affordable price. My nephew put in his offer and it was accepted by the executor of the will yesterday.
My nephew's apartment is bigger, has a better layout and better outlook and is worth a lot more. But thanks to you and SW, he is now the proud owner.
Once again, thank you Kat. Your help in facilitating this result will always be appreciated.
Best regards
Melbourne | Australia
(advice given listed below)
Hi Gita,
Perhaps something like:
My suggestion would be a Violet Energy Circle with your son's name, the name of the auction, date and location of the auction, and if he has a specific house he is interested in the address of the house in the Energy Circle with the Switchphrase.
To make a Violet Energy Circle, just draw a circle around all the information above using a Violet marker or pen. It needs to be drawn with an unbroken line, and the beginning and end must cross, does not need to be a perfect circle. The only thing that matters is that the line has no breaks and that it is a closed shape.
Click here to read more about Energy Circles.
Hi Kat,
You will feel very happy as I am feeling more happier sharing this with you. Three years a go I was new to Switchwords. I had just come across the Powerful intentions site where I read about the switchwords.
At that time my mom fell down from her bed & broke her bone.Doctor suggested surgery & a plate to be out too join the bone in her thigh.
On her operation day I told her just chant ''TOGETHER DIVINE CHANGE ALONE BE''. She did & to tell you by the surprise of everyone including the doctors she did not complain of pain a single day. Doctors were very much surprised that how come a lady who is 67 years old not complaining of any pain. The best part is she told the other patients in the ward & they too benefited a lot As she kept on chanting the Switchwords throughout the day in the hospital.Though it took 3 months for her to walk but then too she was painless.
I remember you had guided me at this time also as I had rechecked with you as which Switchwords to be used.
Thanks dear
God Bless you
The below written in red was given to me by you for my speedy recovery. I thank you for everything as it worked wonders & brought a very speedy recovery in me. I run short of words to express myself, but I would say please trust all this stuff have faith & just do it as it works miraculously. I had pus collected in my hip joint that is I had infection it was very painful. Medication would help me reduce pain for a short time. I could not eat more painkillers then prescribed by the doctor. This was the time when Energy Circles & Switchwords worked wonders. I thank you for all the efforts you have taken to guide me.
The most humble statement..
iIam nothing without GOD
& the most powerful statement….
with GOD I can do everything.
Hi Rashmi,
A good Switchpair we have found to helping in healing and maintaining good health is FOREVER-BE (keep the secret of good health with you). That may be useful.
LEARN is to rejuvenate. That may be very useful for the bone.
ADJUST may also be helpful for the discomfort in the leg.
Checking for a Switchphrase that may be useful for you to put into an Energy Circle, this is what comes up:
This Switchphrase means:
ACT - Transition to
LEARN - rejuvenation (of the bone)
ELATE - turn setbacks into uplifts,
MOVE - increase energy,
WHET - stimulate
ADJUST - comfort and
BE - be at peace and in good health.
It may be good to do a Yellow Energy Circle with an Orange Energy Circle inside it, then that Switchphrase.
Please let me know how things go.
Last night I had a bad migrane pain when I was about to jump into bed. I have the EF vial.. just remember reading this post to call PM - Healing Stream.. Lying down, I called the PM - Healing stream holding the vial. and I could feel so much energy flowing.. same which I feel while Reiki or Silva Method meditation.. the energy began to shift, I could feel it. Soon after, I fell asleep. Thank you Rhoda, for suggesting PM - Healing Stream.. Thank you Kat for the vial.. More Power to you!
Dear Kat and all,
Success again !! I am totally shocked...and very happy.Last year i was suffering from bad knee pain (Rheumatoid Arthritis) I put the below SW Phrase as adviced and left it. I went through tests again last month for Rheumatoid Arthritis and its negative. Huurrayy !
Kat you are an Angel ! Its a miracle !
Uma Devi
(The information referred to above)
Hi Uma,
Gallbladder is responsible for joints, therefore knees. Resentmen t goes to gallbladder, and CLEAR is to dispel anger and resentment.
Water is very important for joint health.
Omega 3 is also very important for joint health.
Rescue Remedy from Bach or the Rescue! energy vial (click here to buy) from my web site may be very useful to put over the knee.
A Switchphrase that comes up for you at this time is:
LISTEN-ADJUST-NEXT-ALONE-BE-GO-CHANGE (click here to learn more about Switchwords)
You may wish to use a Yellow Energy Circle (click here to learn more) with that Switchphrase inside it.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or if there is anything else I can do for you.
End of July, early August 2005...I was absolutely BLESSED to meet Kathy! I knew her as Kathy. It all started at the Talkbach Group.I sent a message to someone who was online and got a response. It was none other that Kathy Miller. Ever since then the interaction with Kat has been DIVINE.
It is the 5th Anniversary of meeting up with Kat.
I was with her when the Emotional Freedom vial (click here to buy) was being worked upon.
I have bought every single energy vial of hers.
She has been a true PILLAR OF STRENGTH and total support.
There is so much good that has come about, I cannot even write it all here.
I have offered the EF vial to most of my friends and MAGIC has happened.
The Flower Energies vial (click here to buy) is so precious.
The Whatever vial (click here to buy) does whatever needs to be done.
All in all, I cannot imagine life without Kat and her wonderful energy healing vials and all other techniques!!
Thank you Kat, my Earth Angel and GUIDE!
Rhoda Reporter
...I happen to think that every person in the world should own at least one of your (Kat's) vials....
Michele McDonough
I wish to give some great feedback on Kat's Vials and Switch Phrases. I purchased and received the Emotional Freedom and Recue! Vial from Kat about two weeks ago. I asked her for a Switch Phrase for a friend and a colleague for depression. She gave me DIVINE-ORDER-RESTORE-GIVE-UP-HELP-WITH-JOY.
I first made an EC (Energy Circle) in yellow for my friend. A couple of days later he told me that it was the first time in months that he felt positive. Last week my colleague was on the brink to commit suicide for he has severe depression. I made an EC for him as well. I put both the pieces of paper in a plastic folder and I used sticky tape to hold the EF Vial on the folder.
Friday the colleague was still in hospital in a bad state and today he came back to work feeling very well. I have to add that not one of them knew what I'm up to.
Thanks a million Kat you are a star.
I have to say I am so grateful for a dear friend I had met on the Internet when I was in so much trouble physically in my life. I met kat when my body was completely shutting down from stress. I came across her website and kat helped me to get rid of fears and phobias, she helped me with my self-esteem and self-worth she helped me find things in my body I didn't even know was wrong like sugar imbalances and depression and anxiety. One night I as having a panic attack so bad she helped me through while speaking to me online and helping me through the panic with EFT. She has done a number of adjustments on me with my stomach issues and heart problems. We are also working on food allergies and chemical sensitivities. I adore the person that kat is. She never makes you feel stupid of unworthily she makes you feel like your life is worth living and she is such a wonderful healer. She is very intuitive and very knowledgeable with her healing. I would love to tell millions about what a wonderful healer she is. I am so please to know her and I am so glad she entered my life.
Claudia Enright
OM Datta Guru
Kathy apart from being a miraculous healer is a very compassionate human being one of the top most requisities according to me for being a fantastic healer, true compassion itself heals quite a lot.
Kathy has done numerous helpful healing for me over a period of 11 months during the worst phase of my life re love, money, career & other issues.
Recently I approached her for the nagging knee pain which has intensified since months and now was unbearable. In just one session the pain from right knee is completely gone & from left knee it reduced by 70% by next morning, am sure within one or two more sessions maximum all will be healed.
I would recommend Kathy anytime.
Sunil John
Thank you Kat for the wonderful talent you have shared with me in this really cool product! I am feeling SO much better and more balanced. You know a professional shrink could never have caused such a positive effect like that so quickly. I was feeling really emotional after as it seemed lots of pain was coming out of me and leaving, and partly due to how accepting you were of me. Your home has lots of love in it. I am not completely used to that. This afternoon was very good for me. Thank you very much. I will be feeling grateful for some time and telling everyone I know about this.
Have a great weekend!
Peter Manwaring
Posted on Yahoo Switchwordsgroup April 23, 2007
Kat is a wonderful kind and gifted healer. She has a business in the healing profession. Her vials and her nt and tbm is her business. She has healed many people with her help and her business and her intutitive natures.
This is her business Kat volunteers her time on switchwords and helping others also. The universe is so very glad to have her aboard. We give we recieve this is how life is or as it should be. So many people think that they should have everything for free. I understand we are all hurting with addiction, but most of all fear as addcitions are fear based. I also have a business as an inituive angel card reader. God sends me who I need to speak with. It is my choice how to handle the fees or not. I am glad to know kat and am glad she is giving her time to help us and show us new ways of existing in this life. Some exist with food, alcohol, sex, drugs church or whatever/ Some choose to have compassion for all and some choose to give of there services for free. I have found that when I give of myself for free the universe gives me plenty. I also have to be able to pay my bills so that is why God gave me brains to charge when I have too. I loved what you all said about addictions. I have struggled with food, alcohol and spending my whole life until I realized the only struggle I have is with myself and my emotions. Do I eat yes, do I drink yes on weekends do I spend yes but I do not and will not beat myself up for it anymore. for me it's about self love, self acceptance and nurturing myself and then passing it on and this is what kat does and what a blessing she is.
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