Gemstone+Crystal Vibration Healing
Gemstone+Crystal Vibration Healing technique in this HEV vial utilizes the healing energy vibrations from the crystals listed below. Some vibrational effects for each crystal are also listed. Gemstone and Crystal Healing Vibrations are activated as required.
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Recently Added Gemstones/Crystals
Carnelian (updated March 6, 2025)
Tiger's Eye (added January 24, 2025)
Azumar (added November 9, 2023)
Quick Gemstones/Crystals List
(Click on Gemstone/Crystal name for
Qualities and Switchphrase to enhance.)
Blue Aventurine |
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Technical Tips:
With the Healing Energy Vibrations vial in your energy field, say "Gemstone" or “Crystal” to activate Gemstone+Crystal Vibration Healing.
Saying “Crystal” (Gemstone) with intent to bring Gemstone+Crystal Vibration Healing online and make it the currently active technique will stop any other HEV technique currently running and start Gemstone+Crystal Vibration Healing. Once Gemstone+Crystal Vibration Healing completes running, this HEV vial will then continue to run through each technique.
To draw on specific Gemstone or Crystal Vibration(s), call each Gemstone or Crystal you wish to activate by name.