Emotional Freedom Vial Testimonials

Two days back there was an issue with the flush. Water was SLOW and just not making a MOVE. I let things BE for a while and then actually got forceful! I took the EF Vial and called the Switch File standing right there looking at the pot. Switch-DivineORDER-741-NOW. So funny! The SWIVEL started and everything was back to normal! Believe it or not!

2 days ago I developed an eye allergy. I have this out of the blue. No reason - my eyes will puff up and I look like an alien. I pop in a pill and 2 days later will be ok.

This time I didn't take pills. I just used the (Emotional Freedom) vial with CHANGE MOVE and placed the vial in my bra and voila - the whole thing settled...

My hubby was amazed at how I went to school (I do enrichment classes and am a tutor too) without taking anything orally.

I shared this with my boys. They have seen me with bad eye allergies. After that my eldest asked me to run the vial with him. Past 10 days it was only my second and third boys. They now do it very willingly and sincerely.

...The Reversals File is one of my favorites.When I call the files using Reversals,lots FLOW. I have called the Switch File too with Reversals. Reversals-Switch-DEDICATE-BLUFF, Reversals-Switch-XERO-JESUS, Reversals-Switch-Pillar of the Peace of I.......Just a few examples.

Managed to feel better after calling some files for the indigestion and heavy feeling this morning.

Last night as I went to bed, I felt sick in my gut. Called The Green Tara Mantra and a few stomach files. Number Code-1112223 called and also tapped my gut area.

Morning ,had to repeat the files and Mantra...Little later in the afternoon, with FULL intention called the PM file using The Converter-Liver.......Something changed and I felt lighter! The visualization was that of a jet stream of water flowing down my Liver. In moments after that I had a nice FULL meal. Oh chanted HORSESHOE-GUARD-LIMIT as well.

Used the VBC for Indigestion as well.....Broadcast only!


Looks like I have been stressing myself of late!

It's gotta be the EF files that made it happen!

4 days back I was prompted to call the 8 files linked with Addictions and Allergies.

1. Allergies - Sweets
2. Hypersensitivity - Sweets
3. Side Effects - Sweets
4. Alcohol and Addictions - Sweets

5. Poisons and Toxins - Sweets
6. Environment Elements - Sweets
7. Butterfly Effect - Sweets
8. Liver Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Spleen - Sweets.

After calling these files I am able to keep away from cakes and sweets.Not that I have completely stopped, but I am able to control myself very well.


Some years back I was keen on giving up eating fennel. I had come to know that too much fennel was not good for health.So as always I discussed it with Kat and she allowed a quota of 2tsps per day. At first I felt very restricted and along with the reduced quantity, she suggested 4 Emotional Freedom files to call:
1.Alcohol and Addictions--Fennel
4.Side Effects-Fennel

What do you think happened?? From the daily quota of 2tsps, I had some left at the end of the day. That was a real relief. Then came a day when I just stopped eating fennel. You may not believe this, I don't even take a tiny morsel any more! Complete stop!

Bless your kind heart Kat, we are lucky to be able to work so easily with the cravings and addictions to foods!

At the moment I am calling the files along with the 4 added ones to go easy on Sweets.


The EF Vial is a MAGIC WAND!

Rhoda Randhawa

I have been using the EM vial for a few days. It truly is amazing. It does a lot of 'work in a minute and it is so easy to do proxy work for others. I am feeling more centered and am manifesting more clients and money...slowly but surely. I am amazed at how things are showing up. It is easy to do one or two minutes about thrice a day.

I have yet to work consciously with the HEV and Whatever vials. At the moment, am just putting them in the ECs I have for some people. Have yet to receive feedback.

Hope this feeback helps. I would unhesitatingly recommend the EF vial to everyone, It is a miracle worker!



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