With a subscription to Blue Iris Learning Center receive access to Kat's dynamic, ever-growing Switchphrase Database now with thousands useful Switchphrases, including newly coined Switchphrases, past Personal Switchphrases (previously given on Astrological and Personal Switchphrases subscription), proven Switchphrases with Success Stories, etc.

Switchwords, Numbers, Energy Circles, etc., Success Stories

Issue/Desired Result: Safe, easy travel

Switchphrase Used: DivineORDER-HALFWAY-EASE.

Success Story: DivineORDER-HALFWAY-EASE helped my sister reach the USA safely. The case was such: Her flight had been delayed by 24 hours. Her fiance who was travelling back to USA from London was to reach at the same time she reaches and would have helped her take her bags off the conveyor belt. However because of the delay, my sister was worried how would she take the bags off the belt alone.But her journey was smooth and safe. Also, after reaching US , she got to know that her baggage is still in London and will be shipped to her address and on the next day itself, her baggage was delivered to her door-step. And everything in her bag was intact. Nothing went amiss :)

Specific Situation/Success Story: My wedding which was an arranged marriage and I couldn't say no due to family pressure was called off. The guy misbehaved because of which my parents took this decision and I was not blamed at all for any reason

Switchphrases Used:

Issue/Desired Result: Varicose Veins

Switchphrase Used: Curry-Fade-10,000 Hz-varicose veins.

Success Story: I printed the varicose veins Energy Circle and kept it under her bed. She hasn't complained ever since .

Issue/Desired Result: Constipation

Number Used: 5484548

Success Story: 5484548 helped relieve constipation within 15 min after I wrote it on my mom's wrist.

Issue/Desired Result: For helping deal with the overwhelm that is causing fatigue, etc. To help clear a healing crisis.

Switchphrase Recommended: Manhattan-Wisdom.

Success Story: I want to share one more Switchword success story. My friend told me that after listening abundance CD she gets headache. So I asked Kat about this. Kat said she is getting overwhelmed and she suggested Defusing Words Manhattan-Wisdom. As per Kat's suggestion she is chanting this word before listening CD and now there is no more headache. Thanks a lot Kat!!!

Issue/Desired Result: Protection of property during travel. When moving write on boxes to protect contents. Use to protect packages when you mail them.

Switchphrase Recommended: DIVINE LIGHT-GUARD.

Success Stories: DIVINE-LIGHT-GUARD...and BENEVOLENT-EASE... the transfer and move from one place to another has been smooth and easy...luggage all in one piece...and the journey easy.


I have been using DIVINE LIGHT-GUARD to cope with situations in which I have to meet people who in the past were mean to me. It works like MAGIC for me and I have commanded a lot of respect. In fact the other day I was at a shop and the saleswoman was initially curt. I chanted DIVINE LIGHT-GUARD, in my mind just once and viola, the saleswoman went all polite and decent!


It's time for the big Success story with the Energy healing work. I really cannot pinpoint to one single thing that worked, It is an overall Umbrella of Protection that helped. My brother was visiting India and I took the opportunity to introduce him to Switchwords and Energy vials. We did quite a bit of work and then it was time for him to leave. I of course did my bit by writing DIVINE LIGHT-GUARD and 1888948 on his baggage. The Umbrella Process was done and some Emotional Freedom files were called too. After 2 days I got a call from him telling me all that happened after he reached a certain place. He parked his car with all the baggage and belongings inside and went up for dinner with his family (at a relative's place). Once done the family came down to go home. They were totally shocked to find their car missing. My brother immediately went up to make a few calls to report the loss. In the meantime his son walked down the road and started looking around. Something unbelievable happened......the car was found intact, parked at another location in one of the by lanes. Relief and GRATITUDE to DIVINE.

There was a very important decision to be taken and time was short. Things were not moving as they should have been and there were moments of chaos. Anger,frustration were also experienced. The Switchpair that helped a lot at such a moment was CRYSTAL-GUIDE.

Within hours of chanting everything was in DivineORDER.

Since I made the tape of Switchwords, affirmations and listen to them on my way to work, I am doing better in my work. I listen every morning as I drive. They are done in my own voice and to date this month I have 54,000 in sales. This is not a great job and the commission is ok, but since I started this, the success is great. The next ones I add are for my lost treasures.

Success! Yes!!!

Issue/Desired Result: Help keep safe and calm when severe weather predictated

Specific Situation: Severe weather predicted for an area, including tornadoes.

Switchphrase Recommended: QUIET-CALM-PEACE-BE.

Success Story: Kat, I appreciate your being there. You are very SPECIAL.

I don't think the weather service would take my word for it, but switchwords helped this community dodge the BIG bullet. .

We did have some wind damage and limbs down. No big big problems like they predicted. The weather teams had people cancelling activities. You know how that goes. They were indeed talking this HUGE storm up for at least 3 days. Calling in extra crews for power outages, etc. A few power outages happened and handled pretty quickly (we weren't one of the areas)..

AGAIN--Thank you, thank you, thank you :-))

Issue/Desired Result: Eyelid Oil Gland Issue

Specific Situation: "My right eye, since the last year has developed a swelling. It looks like a stye but from past experience I know it is actually an blocked oil gland--noninfected collection of oil. There is no pain. Just the discomfort and watering in eyes due to the disfiguration."

Switchphrase Recommended: XERO-oil gland-TINY-SWEET-NOW.

Additional Recommendations: Put in a Black Energy Circle with your name and put "blockages" outside the Energy Circle.

Success Story: After a long time, I want to share something wonderful. I had asked you for help regarding the upper eyelid blockage/lump. You had advised for the oil gland issue, Black Energy Circle with my name and this Switchphrase. And put specifically outside the Energy Circle "blockages." That was in February. I had done specifically that. There has been about 90% decrease in the size. Though it is still a bit lumpy, I can see it is gradually decreasing. I have the Energy Circle up in my bedroom by the window sill. I am attaching here before and after shots of the eye. Thank you Thank you thank you.

Before (top) and after (bottom) images:

Click here to learn more about Energy Circles

Issue/Desired Result: Building a new house

Specific Situation: For getting house work done.

Dr. Bina Bakshi's Switchphrase Recommendations: BEGIN-EASE-SOMEHOW-BENEVOLENT-Raindrops.

Success Story: "After doing this most of the house works are getting done. Every time something does not happen I do the chant and the work gets done. Otherwise these guys would have shown me stars without this chant. Thank you so much this chant because you saved me a lot of mental tension. Otherwise being a single woman getting the work done by the builders would have been a herculean task for me."

Issue/Desired Result: Buy - Successfully find and buy just the right house (or other property)

Specific Situation: Wanting to buy a house.


Additional Recommendations: Put in a Yellow Energy Circle with Red Rays

Success Story: I made the Energy Circle as suggested. I am glad to let you all know that the sale has been completed. It had a lot of complications, and unexpected road blocks, but each one was overcome.

Click here to learn more about Energy Circles

Issue/Desired Result: Health - Cough at night

Specific Situation: Though I did not really have a cold, for several nights, maybe even weeks, whenever I laid down to go to sleep I would cough.  I would wake up with a little itch in my throat and cough a few times a night.

Switchphrase Recommended: CRYSTAL-CLEAR.

Success Story: I repeated the Switchphrase over and over for probably 2-3 minutes.  I did not cough again that night.  The following night I coughed once probably 15 minutes after lying down, repeated the Switchphrase once, then did not cough again.  Since then I rarely cough when I lie down in bed at night, but if I start, it is quelled quickly with a single repeat of the Switchphrase.

Issue/Desired Result: Health - Death Transition

Specific Situation: I was away for the last couple of weeks to attend my Father-in-law's funeral. He was 90 years old and in good health, but suddenly fell critically ill on Feb 26th.

Switchphrase Recommendations: ALLOW-PEACE-BENEVOLENT-WOMB-SERENE-BE.

Energy Circle Recommendation: White Light Energy Circle

Additional Information Inside Energy Circle:
His name
Emotional Freedom vial (set inside the Energy Circle)
Emotional Freedom files (written inside the Energy Circle)
* Grief, Dying & Acceptance File
* Immune System
* Chakra Balancing
* Increasing Energy Flow

Success Story: On Monday Feb 28th I made a White Light Energy Circle (with the above information inside it). He passed away peacefully on Tuesday night (March 1st) at home, surrounded by family and friends. He was comfortable, conscious and very aware of what was happening around him and who was there.

I was able to attend his funeral with my husband, which turned out to be a grand one.

I will be updating the data base with this information so that anyone else looking for this info will be able to easily retrieve it.

Thank you once again, Kat & Rhoda for your help.

Issue/Desired Result: Health - Smoking Reduction

Specific Situation: Wanting to reduce smoking.

Switchphrase Used: COUNT-DIVINE-NOW-DONE.

Success Stories: The Switchphrase was given to a priest in a remote area. The phrase was chanted for a couple of days.  Consumption was reduce in half. He has a cigarette making gadget, it started to work funny and finally broken at the end of first week. He now purchases a pack cigarette instead. Latest report was that he smokes only one cigarette a day and some day just plain forgets the cigarette.

Issue/Desired Result: Health - Weight Loss

Specific Situation: Stop eating junk food.

Dr. Bina Bakshi's Switchphrase Recommendations: DIMINISH-CUT-BE-GUIDE-POINT.

Success Story: It made one my patients lose 12 kgs just by eating right.

A gentleman lost 40 kg just chanting the phrase, with no exercise. Dietary habits changed due to the Switchwords with no other nutrition guidance. He just threw off 40 kgs in 2 years.

Issue/Desired Result: Health - Warts

Specific Situation: Female suffered from warts on her face.

Switchpair Used: RESCIND-BUBBLE.

Additional Recommendations given: She was told to chant them whenever she could.

Success Story: We are all astounded with the results to date. She has about 4 or 5 small ones left. We showed this to friends who knew how many she had, even on her eyelids and I think that is what has led this specific girl to really believe in what I am telling her. Note the warts weren’t unsightly, they looked a lot like big pimples but we had her at a doctor and he confirmed them to be warts and there was nothing really that they could do for her he said.

Issue/Desired Result: Lost - Affidavit for Garage Space

Specific Situation: Bought a new flat from a builder. The builder gave her a sale deed and affidavit for garage space. When she went to get the papers registered she realised she had lost her garage papers. The issue then was no proof that she had been promised a garage in the same amount.

Dr. Bina Bakshi's Energy Circle Recommendation: Yellow Energy Circle with Brown Amoeba Rays on Black paper.

Switchphrases Recommended:

Additional information inside Energy Circle:
Arch Angel Michael
Lord Saturn
Affected person's and builder's names

Success Story: With this Energy Circle, the builder gave her the garage and registered it too! It was a miracle.

(Click here for information on Pink Energy Circles)

Issue/Desired Result: Miscellaneous - Feel like you are forgetting/missing something

Specific Situation: The Switchphrase DIVINE-CARE-REACH. is now my pet phrase. I make it a point to chant it anytime I feel I am missing out on something important. This morning as I awakened, I took the EF vial and called the routine EF files and CMMP. Also chanted DIVINE-CARE-REACH to help with a dream!!.

Switchphrase Recommended: DIVINE-CARE-REACH.

Success Story: Almost at the same time I did the Bruno Healing Stream and suddenly I was reminded of the Sunday Community Hours on the net. So I jumped out of bed and switched on the comp and joined the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends

Issue/Desired Result: Miscellaneous - Computer not working right

Specific Situation: Must tell you, I was chatting with Rhoda last night, and saying that my laptop was playing up, I wasn't able to type properly (Mercury Retrograde!)

Switchphrases Recommended: RESTORE-NOW.

Success Story: I wrote RESTORE-NOW. on paper and shut it in the laptop........now it is working fine.

Issue/Desired Result: Miscellaneous - Find a perfect gift/remember to give something to someone

Specific Situation: It was my friend's birthday and I was going through all kinds of things in my mind as gifts for her.

Nothing clear came up and time was short. We had to leave for the birthday party and no gift in hand.

Switchphrase Recommended: DIVINE-CARE-REACH.

Success Story: I started to chant DIVINE-CARE-REACH. Hardly some time went by and WOW! Something struck me and that was it! Happily stopped at the shop, bought the article to be gifted and it was appreciated very much by her.

Don't waste time thinking, just chant DIVINE-CARE-REACH.

LOVE the way the Switchwords work!

Thanks Kat for giving us the SW Phrases!


Rhoda Reporter

Additional Specific Situation: This evening I had to hand over some things to my son and time was short, I knew there might be something I am missing out. So quickly chanted DIVINE-CARE-REACH.

Success Story: Lucky for me, the article came to my mind and I added it to his bag.

Rhoda Reporter

Issue/Desired Result: Money - Attracting

Specific Situation: Chant for getting money

Switchphrase Recommendations: GIVE-SWEET-AROUND-PRAISE-ADJUST.

Success Story: "When asking friends I have been able to generate funds upto 50 K and 1 lakh is on the way apart from the 50K."

Issue/Desired Result: Money - Penalty for Late Payment

Specific Situation: "A penalty was being charged to our company from the receiver of revenue for late payment."

Switchphrase Recommendations: REVERSE-RESTORE-TRUST-BE. (Bury the grudge, restore honesty and fairness, align energies with peace and wellness.)

Energy Circle Recommendation: Either a Gold or a Green Energy Circle with your name, and both company names. (Click here for information on Energy Circles)

Additional Techniques used: I did the Ho’oponopono prayer + the Miracle Prayer + a Gratitude Meditation.

Success Story: GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! It worked. This morning I drove to the Receiver of Revenue because they did not want to give a “Good Standing” Certificate to our Company because of the penalty. I tried to phone the person who was working with my letter and could not get hold of him for the last two days. When I came into the office he was there and he told me that they not only waived the penalty but the interest as well. I am so thankful.

I did make the EC with the Switchphrase. I did the Ho’oponopono prayer + the Miracle Prayer + a Gratitude Meditation. I don’t think that the Receiver had any chance with all the good energy flowing to them.

Issue/Desired Result: Protection - Fire kept from spreading

Specific Situation: "I was always having a bad feeling about the house going up in flames due to some electrical failure or fire that spreads from the Worship Altar of my wife. So whenever I got that feeling, I used to visualize the house and chant the above given phrase."


Success Story: Worked like a charm. Today, it saved the house. The worship altar was burning when I was having a bath (after my wife had lit the Diya & gone). Nothing happened, only the cloth was burned. The images were INTACT..so was the wooden table. We live in the basement so one can imagine the effect of the fire if it had spread. it was like the fire was contained in an invisible wall.

Issue/Desired Result: Self-Help - Negative Thoughts

Specific Situation: This has cut out negative thoughts.

Switchphrase Recommended:

(expel negativity)

Additional Recommendations given: Important: The trick is to chant it before any negative thoughts come in. Chant before negative thoughts start. Chant at start of day. Chant 2-3 mins every 2-3 hours. Day will be free of negative thinking then. If you are in a positive thinking space, the Switchphrase stretches out that positive thinking.

Once you are in a positive state of mind, use STRETCH to help maintain it.

Success Stories: "I would define my experience as 'cancel negative thoughts OR prolong positive thinking.' If you still get any negative thoughts, cancel them with the Switchphrase."


PURGE-CANCEL always helps remove the negativity around. At times when i feel like the situation at home is tense (ours is a joint family) , chanting this makes the troublemakers either reach home late or they get busy with something else.

Issue/Desired Result: Self-Help - Positive Attitude

Specific Situation: Help someone become more positive and stronger.

Switchpair Used: BUBBLE-UP.

Success Story: Kat, I am pleased to say that she has already changed, she is positive all the time, she chants her Switchword pair all the time and her face has lightened up.

Issue/Desired Result: Social - Communication - Not Talking

Specific Situation: Aunt not talking to someone after canceling a lunch.


Success Story: Hey the Switchword worked instantly... my Aunt looked, smiled and talked with me.

Issue/Desired Result: Social - Family Violence

Specific Situation: Female in an abusive relationship where a lot of alcohol was involved and also mistrust. There was constant fighting and violence and the partner also took it out on their daughter.

Energy Circle Recommendation: Pink Energy Circle with Black Rays (Click here for information Pink Energy Circles)

Kat's Considerations/Thoughts: Pink is the color of LOVE and she needs to reconnect with LOVE. By that I mean LOVE of self. One must love oneself in order to attract love to them, and ultimately that is what she wants.

Because they have a child together, it may not be wise to put him completely out of her experience, simply because there must be some interaction between them, for the health and wellness of their daughter.

That being said, the need is to make their relationship tolerable and get beyond the abuse. I am not saying she should stay with him. What I am saying is the abuse in the relationship is what needs to be outside the energy of the relationship.

Switchphrases Recommended:
(to stop fights and aggressions)

(to restore honesty and fairness, protection and keep negative energy away)

(to incite kindness, caring, harmonize with love and dispel arrogance)

Additional Recommendations given: I suggested putting both their names, as well as their daughter's name within the Energy Circle.

This is designed to help dissolve the problem and allow for resolution, which may or may not include him leaving or some other means of them separating.

It may also be wise for her to chant TOGETHER-RESTORE-CRYSTAL-HORSE to help herself get together and solid in her own right as well.

Success Story: I did as you suggested and it is now a year and a half later and things are really good at home. No more, anger, violence, hatred etc. The fighting has stopped and all the mistrust and suspicion is gone. He has really changed his attitude. This all started happening within a period of three to four months I would say after having drawn the circle.

Issue/Desired Result: Social - Friendship, Broken

Specific Situation: Two girls were good friends and then their friendship parted on a bad note.

Switchpair Used: BUBBLE-UP.

Success Story: They drew up an Energy Circle with the Switchphrase in it for their friendship and one friend has been phoning the other on a daily basis and they are friends again.

Issue/Desired Result: Social - Relationships, Broken

Specific Situation: "People to whom I get close, when I talk about the relationship, they always leave the relationship."

Kat's Considerations/Thoughts: Look to your childhood. It started then. You made an observation once. You shared your feelings about someone, and shortly thereafter something happened and the person you had talked about with regard to the feelings walked out of your life. At that point you connected the two things...the sharing the feelings and the person walking away. You drew a conclusion that the two items were related. Then you began to see it repeated, because you had focused on it having happened. As such, the Law of Attraction has demanded that it happen again and again, because it is validating the original observation of a child.

To stop the continuous cycle, simply stop observing it, stop saying it always happens and look at it differently. Perhaps begin with an attitude that when you share that someone is a beautiful friend, that you love someone, that the relationship becomes closer and stronger. Begin to see it that way. Begin to expect it to be that way. Begin to build it that way. Remember, you are 100% responsible for ALL relationships in your life. If someone is walking away from you, if you wish them to stay with you, it is YOUR responsibility (TAKE-53) to renew, rekindle, restore, not theirs.

Acknowledge, allow, and BE in your relationships. Know that the reason those relationships are good is because YOU are in them. And BE in them. Attend to them. Make them important (not necessarily the people, but the relationship)(which in turn makes them important, but it is in taking care of the relationship that the person becomes important).

Switchphrases Used:
BE-TAKE-53-WITH-KEEP - for keeping relationships

BETWEEN-RESTORE-REVERSE-LISTEN - for opening lines of communication and for mistakes/miscommunication made in relationship

DIVINE-TOGETHER-TINY-SWEET-TRUST-KEEP-BE - for relationships you feel have been hurt

Success Story: Sending you the Switchwords which you told me to say and they worked.

Issue/Desired Result: Court Case

Specific Situation: "My youngest daughter had an accident last year in May. She drove under the influence and hopefully the final court case is in April. She is very sorry for what she has done but very nervous. She learned her lesson. Hopefully she will never drive again under the influence. She needs some Switchwords so that the court case can resolve and maybe not turn out too bad. And also the Energy Circle color."

Kat's Considerations/Thoughts: Put in a Violet Energy Circle.

Switchphrases Used:

Success Story: I did make the Energy Circle as suggested and Monday morning I tore the paper for my daughter had to go to court again. When she got there, the case was postponed to November again. They are going to throw out all cases where only the breathalyser was used by the cops. As in my daughter's case.

Go to Switchwords Database of over 2200 Switchphrases for more
Success Stories (Blue Iris Learning Center or Database subscription required).


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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.