Switchword Pairs
What are Switchpairs? A Switchpair is two Switchwords combined to bring a new focus and increased power. Switchpairs are quick and easy to use, a short version of a Switchphrase.
Click here to go to the Switchpairs list
RESTORE seems often to work on its own about restoring fairness and honesty in a situation. I like to use RESTORE as a prefix in a Switchphrase when someone feels victimized, something was unfairly taken from them, or justice is not being served in their current experience.
Click here to go to the RESTORE Switchpairs list
Supercharge Switchpairs with the Emotional Freedom vial.
Switchpairs Emotional Freedom file:
Use this file to run established Switchpairs for situations that arise. This file can be used when you do not remember the Switchpair(s) for the situation you are addressing. You can simply say what you want the Switchpair(s) to address, and the established Switchpair(s) for that situation it will run. When this file is invoked the Switchpair is copied 999 times before it is run through the EF vial, which in turns energetically runs each of the 999 copies through EFT 1000 times. In other words, using this file "Switchpairs" file with the EF (Emotional Freedom) vial energetically runs Switchpairs through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) 999,000 times. As of this writing there are at least 28 EFT points defined in this EF vial. This gives over 27 million energetically tapped points (28 x 999,000 = 27,972,000).
Switchpairs" (Switchpairs as picked by the body will run)
"Switchpairs" "claustrophobia" (Switchpair FOREVER-BLUFF will run)
"Switchpairs" "insomnia" (Switchpairs END-SHUT and QUIET-SHUT will run)
"Switchpairs" "relaxation and sleep" (Switchpairs REACH-HO, END-SHUT and QUIET-SHUT will run)
Regardless of how many Switchpairs you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.
Current list of Switchpairs and their applications
(Defusing Words are shown in Teal)
Increase money (transition money made from smaller to larger amounts) |
Increase money (enlarge amount of money you make) |
Lockjaw (relax it) |
Have to use the toilet and no place suitable (control that feeling of nervousness or anticipation) |
Increase your focus on healing and wellness |
Strengthen teeth & anchor into gums |
Be confident in the path, direction in which you are traveling |
Improve perspective and adapt |
Peaceful, well and protected |
Bring it into existence, then stop thinking about it. |
Release fear & be peacefully accepting of the situation |
Calmness and stability, maintain |
Meditation (improve) |
Humiliation (stop feeling) |
Wake up bright and energized |
Enhance intimacy |
Protect from exploitation |
Retain in memory & increase comprehension |
Save information for emergency recall |
Inflammatory pain |
Acidity (to help clear) |
Pain, relax to clear |
Itching eyes or eyelids |
Bleeding, stop |
Cook tasty food |
Sudden constriction in throat |
Nurture innocence and childlike nature inside oneself |
Appear cultured, defuse inhibitions and self-deprecation, allowing love, attraction, commitment and passion to grow |
Cataracts, help dissolve |
Obstructions in path (of life, etc., help clear) |
Faintish hunger |
Look for the miracles in everyday life, transform from seeing life as a mundane daily drudge to soaring to new heights and gaining a wider perspective |
Draw more money to you |
Wake up easy and restored (if you have to wake up sooner than you should or want to) |
Mosquitoes (leave you alone) |
Breathe easier Breathe fresher
Look to the future & maintain protection |
Increase self-confidence & self-worth |
Dreams, retrieve (remember) Make immediate clear decision & act on it
Find something that seems hopelessly lost |
False accusations (stop being on receiving end of) |
Inspire lucid dreaming (make dreams more vivid, symbolic & memorable) |
Photo (relax & allow to be taken) |
Create beauty and attraction |
Reduce cravings for sugar and other substances |
Sever ties and stop looking for trouble |
Stop clinging to fear |
Dizzy spell |
Balance the negative and the positive (of the yin and yang) and Master it |
Conversationalist, be an amazing |
Improve study habits and retention |
Feel good physically |
Substantially increase endurance |
Increase personal ability to make money |
Dilemma, help clear |
Thumb sucking, help stop |
Make imperfections not noticed by others |
Increase personal ability to transcend beyond expectations |
Produce extraordinary results Transportation, get immediate |
Increase ability to maintain emotional stability |
Expand a blissful time Stretch your budget |
Improve relationship between two or more parties |
Chakra balancing |
Criticism, not be affected by |
Calm down & reset boundaries |
Insult from someone (be unaffected by it, like water beading off a duck’s back or Gortex jacket) |
Hopeless, helpless feeling (help clear) Tears welling up Uplift & enjoy the task at hand |
Shield from bad luck |
Queasiness, help relieve (from detoxing or other sources) |
Close this segment & stop causing trouble |
Take responsibility, stop clinging |
Take responsibility for your own safety |
Take responsibility for mastering your world |
Premature Ejaculation |
Wealth, attain |
Draw more fortune to you |
Exaltation |
Keep the secret of health and peace with you |
Claustrophobia |
Itching all over your body |
Forgiveness and love are the two greatest solvents |
Come together in mind, body, spirit and soul |
Raise expectations, merge with information beyond human comprehension |
Enjoy writing and express yourself well |
Enjoy the task at hand (get into a space of pure enjoyment before starting a new task by using this Switchphase) |
Enjoy generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance |
Sell things and/or services & make money |
Inspire lucid dreaming (gain control of situations and characters while dreaming) |
Doubting Thomas (clear the negative ifs & buts) |
Motivation, to get |
Make the first move with boldness & courage |
Allergies, help protect from |
Burn pain |
Complete a transition (or anything) faster |
Irritability, decrease |
Insomnia (to relax, induce sleep and stop the mind chatter) |
Teeth, strengthen the root in the gums |
Forced to do something against your will |
Grinding teeth in sleep, stop |
Hiccups |
Rejuvenate and increase energy |
Be inspired, transform from seeing life as a mundane daily drudge to soaring to new heights and gaining a wider perspective |
Increase energy |
Be inspired, get new ideas and nourish ambition |
Lighten mood and be in high spirits (helps you to be willing to let go of depression) |
Back off and obey (won’t work on anyone considered equal to or above you such as sibling, parent or boss) |
Cold or flu (help clear faster)Remove people/things from your experience
Stop a fight |
Stop listening to other people’s desires for you |
Regain control & change focus to caring |
Conversation, increase comprehension of |
Goals, set |
Reconnect with your inner being and clear inertia (get moving) |
Be in touch (with self and the universe) and in high spirits |
Accept money |
Put love energy and protection into food |
Dread |
Enchant, thrill and excite |
Accept and love something as it is |
Bronchitis |
For helping deal with the overwhelm that is causing fatigue, etc., and to help clear a healing crisis. |
Scratch some place you cannot in public (feeling the need to scratch) |
Flatulence, stop |
Release tension & relax |
Clear friction, release tension, restore fairness and honesty |
Produce sleep |
Cataracts, help stop from increasing in size |
Anal fissures (to help clear) |
Feel satisfied,open up extraordinary mental and psychic powers. |
Healthy, be |
Have to use the toilet and no place suitable (control that feeling of nervousness or anticipation) |
Goals, attain |
Obsessing over pain |
Let go of fear or nervousness |
Let go of negativity or unwanted conditions |
Let go of emotional distress |
Let go of emotional & physical pain |
Let go of anger & resentment |
Let go of aggression |
Let go of nervousness or inner excitement |
Let go of disobedience |
Let go of clinging |
Let go of procrastination |
Let go of bragging |
Let go of hypersensitivity |
Let go of desire for revenge
Let go of laziness |
Let go of indecision or uncertainty |
Dry lips (help relieve) Let go of pettiness
Let go of hate & envy |
Let go of greed |
Let go of tension & resistance |
Let go of inhibitions |
Let go of frustration |
Let go of your ego |
Let go of jealousy |
Let go of grudges |
Let go of evil |
Let go of alcohol Let go of unwanted habits
Let go of looking for trouble |
Let go of constipation Let go of diarrhea
Let go of regrets and guilt |
Let go of remorse and sorrow |
Let go of being separated, untogetherness or apartness Muscle pulled |
Let go of blues & inferiority complex |
Create miracles and integrate them into your life |
Make yourself handsome & dispel hypersensitivity over your looks |
Critical and jealous (stop being) |
Expel those negative and unwanted thoughts |
Snoring, decrease/stop |
Clear your mind & relax (especially for meditation) |
Curiosity, release |
Quiet your ego & release remorse & regrets |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
Stop panicking |
Quiet your mind & lighten your load |
Quiet your mind & regain control |
Stop worrying about what others think of you |
Quiet your mind & move beyond an impasse (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) |
Need to know, release |
Quiet your ego & allow yourself to become a success |
Quiet your mind & find what you have lost |
Go to sleep even if not feeling tired |
Respond rather than react (take time to get beyond the initial emotional reaction before responding) |
Stop panicking(allows you to clear your mind to think) |
Quiet your mind so you can see true facts |
Find relaxation and calmness |
Tolerance, increase (tolerate some one around you) |
Focus, find and maintain |
Criticism, let it roll off your back |
Wart, decrease |
Grow rapidly & safely (spiritually, emotionally and/or physically) |
Wisdom, attain |
Align your vibration with ongoing abundance |
Caring, soothing and loving (be or feel) |
Be bold and fearless when talking to people |
Peristalsis movement (move bowels now)) |
Hot flashes (help clear) |
Cellulite, reduce |
Hemorrhoids, reduce |
Improve relationship with yourself |
Unwanted thoughts about someone (John Doe) |
Improve team sports performance |
Dispel apartness and create balance |
Muscle cramp |
Claustrophobia |
Terrorized by someone |
Get energized and move |
Avoid someone, keep them off your back |
Dry it up to create a healing focus |