EF Heavy Metals (Poisons and Toxins)
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This article contains additional information specific to heavy metals and the Poisons and Toxins file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Poisons and Toxins
This file uses positive affirmations to get the body to release poisons and toxins, as well as poisonous and toxic emotions and thoughts. This includes helping to clear heavy metals from your body as well. Be sure to drink plenty of clean (filtered) water with no additives (not even a lemon slice) to help your body flush poisons and tooxins.
If you wish to use this file to clear specific heavy metals from your body, you can name the metals with the file. You may also want to read the information below and use the nutritional support listed with each metal to help clear the metals from the body. Heavy metal poisoning may be part of the problem in diagnoses of Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
" Poisons and Toxins" "aluminum"
Binding agent for aluminum: vitamin C (high doses - 6-12 grams)
Nutritional Support: Help draw aluminum out of your body by eating foods rich in vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; magnesium - pumpkin and squash seeds, raw Brazil nuts, raw almonds, legumes, raw nuts, spinach, green leafy vegetables, halibut.
Aluminum Exposure: Antiperspirants, table salts, individually wrap cheese slices, toothpaste, soda in aluminium can (soda pulls aluminium into the soda)
" Poisons and Toxins" "arsenic"
Binding agent for arsenic: selenium.
Nutritional Support: Help draw arsenic out of your body by eating foods rich in selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; and vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts.
Arsenic Exposure: Table salt, beer, handling Pine needles of Christmas tree
" Poisons and Toxins" "cadmium"
Binding agent for cadmium: zinc
Nutritional Support: Help draw cadmium out of your body by eating foods rich in zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; manganese - tea, pineapple, kale and strawberries; calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi.
Cadmium Exposure: underneath Teflon (cadmium goes to kidney)
" Poisons and Toxins" "copper"
Binding agents for copper: zinc, selenium and chromium.
Nutritional Support: Help draw copper out of your body by eating foods rich in zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; iron - organ meats (liver - beef, chicken), beef, pork, lamb, turkey - dark meat, dates, prunes, baked potato with skin, watermelon; bioflavonoids - grape seeds, red grapes, inner skin of citrus fruits, buckwheat greens (not the grain), hawthorn, roses and rose hips; and pectin - apples, cranberries and cherries.
Copper Exposure: Water pipes (if water tastes metallic, you probably have too much copper in your body), sucking on pennies.
Binding agents for lead: vitamin C and calcium citrate or calcium lactate (do not use calcium dolomite - that may contain lead).
Nutritional Support: Help draw lead out of your body by eating foods rich in calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts; B complex vitamins - meats, fish, eggs, poultry, beans, nuts, legumes; chromium - egg yolk, molasses, Brewer's yeast, cheese, fruit such as grapes and bananas, spinach, potatoes, meats, liver, chicken, shellfish; iodine - algae, cranberries.
Lead Exposure: Dust from lead-based paint in older homes. Those who work in construction, demolition, painting, radiator repair shops, lead factories, with batteries, or enjoy a hobby that involves lead are often exposed to lead. Piston engine aircraft also still use leaded fuel (Avgas) and emit an estimated 500 tons of lead a year in the USA.
" Poisons and Toxins" "mercury"
Binding agent for mercury: selenium
Nutritional Support: Help draw mercury out of your body by eating foods rich in selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic, and dairy products; vitamin C and pectin - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; and vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts.
Flower Energy Blend to assist Mercury detox: Blazin' B
Mercury Exposure: Silver dental fillings, vaccines containing thimerosal, fish contaminated with methylmercury, coal-fired industrial plants pump about 50 tons of mercury into the air each year.
" Poisons and Toxins" "nickel"
Binding agent for nickel: Vitamin C
Nutritional Support: Help draw nickel out of your body by eating foods rich in vitamin C - citrus fruits, apples and kiwi; sulfur-bearing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine) - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, beans and peas, Brussel sprouts, onions, cabbage, garlic; pectin - apples, cranberries and cherries; vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts.
Nickel Exposures: Dishes, batteries, spark plug, jewelry.
Too much nickel in your body can mimic a mild case of the flu.
Binding agents for tin: iron, calcium, copper, chloride, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, bismuth and zinc
Nutritional Support: Help draw tin out of your body by eating foods rich in iron - organ meats (liver - beef, chicken), beef, pork, lamb, turkey - dark meat, dates, prunes, baked potato with skin, watermelon; calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters; chloride - seaweed, rye, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and olives; vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - dairy milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, beef, port, organ meats (beef liver), chicken breast, salmon, almonds, spinach; vitamin E - tocopherols - almonds, asparagus, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, olives, raw seeds and nuts; bismuth - roots, tubers and sea vegetables - maca root and kelp; and zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds.
Tin Exposure: canned/tinned foods and juices, coloring agents, dental amalgams, dyes, food additives, fungicides, some food containers, some toothpastes
" Poisons and Toxins" "uranium"
" Poisons and Toxins" "depleted uranium"
Binding agent for uranium/depleted uranium: Sodium alginate (in seaweed)
Nutritional Support: Help draw uranium out of your body by eating foods rich in magnesium - pumpkin and squash seeds, raw Brazil nuts, raw almonds, legumes, raw nuts, spinach, green leafy vegetables, halibut; iodine - kelp (sea vegetable), yogurt, cow's milk, eggs, strawberries, mozzarella cheese; selenium - raw Brazil nuts, beef, turkey - light meat, whole eggs; and zinc - oyster, red meat and poultry, beans, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds.
Herbs that can help remove uranium/depleted uranium from the body include Siberian ginseng, Reishi, Panax Ginseng, Aloe Vera, Dandelion root, and Red Clover.
Uranium/depleted uranium Exposures: Depleted uranium in your body most often is inhaled (the world community shares our air supply). Depleted uranium is used for armor piercing artillery, radiation shields, as counterweight for airplanes.
Binding agent for zinc: Calcium
Nutritional Support: Help draw zinc out of your body by eating foods rich in calcium - dairy, navy beans, black beans, spinach, mustard greens, almonds, oysters.
Too much zinc in your body can give you the sensation of bugs crawling on you.