RESTORE Switchpairs

RESTORE seems often to work on its own about restoring fairness and honesty in a situation. I like to use RESTORE as a prefix in a Switchphrase when someone feels victimized, something was unfairly taken from them, or justice is not being served in their current experience. Below is a compilation of some useful RESTORE Switchpairs that may BE used ON their own or added to Switchphrases:

RESTORE-ACT (speak honestly)
RESTORE-ADJUST (restore balance)
RESTORE-AROUND (restore improved perspective)
RESTORE-BE (restore peace and good health)
RESTORE-BETWEEN (restore broken communication)

RESTORE-BOW (restore honesty and dispel arrogance)
RESTORE-BUBBLE (restore vision beyond perceived limitations)
RESTORE-CANCER (restore calmness)
RESTORE-CARE (restore ability to memorize; remember; retain)
RESTORE-CHLORINE (restore ability mingle, share yourself, make a difference)

RESTORE-CHUCKLE (restore ability to turn on personality)
RESTORE-CIRCULATE (restore ability to end loneliness)
RESTORE-CLEAR (restore ability to dispel anger and resentment)
RESTORE-CLIMB (restore ability to enhance your view point)

RESTORE-CONCEDE (restore ability to stop arguing)
RESTORE-CONFESS (restore ability to end aggression)
RESTORE-CONSIDER (restore ability to be a good mechanic, a fixer of things)
RESTORE-CONTINUE (restore ability to create or increase endurance)

RESTORE-COPY (restore good taste; restore fertility)
RESTORE-COUNT (restore ability to make money)
RESTORE-COVER (restore ability to reduce nervousness and subdue inner excitement)
RESTORE-CRISP (restore ability to dispel fatigue, feel refreshed and rejuvenate)

RESTORE-CRYSTAL (restore ability to clarify, purify, neutralize and access Universal Knowledge)
RESTORE-CURVE (restore ability to create beauty)
RESTORE-CUTE (restore ability to think, discern, be sharp-witted, be clever)

RESTORE-DEDICATE (restore ability to stop clinging)
RESTORE-DIVINE (restore ability to work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment)
RESTORE-DIVINE-LIGHT (restore ability to brightly focus positivity)

RESTORE-DivineORDER (restore ability to be efficient)
RESTORE-DO (restore ability eliminate procrastination)
RESTORE-DONE (restore ability to create completion, meet a deadline, keep a resolution, build willpower)

RESTORE-DUCK (restore ability to dispel hypersensitivity) RESTORE-ELATE (restore ability to transform a setback into an uplift or benefit) RESTORE-FIFTY THREE (restore responsibility) RESTORE-FIND (restore ability to build a fortune)

RESTORE-FOREVER (restore ability to keep a secret)
RESTORE-FORGIVE (restore ability to eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge)
RESTORE-FULL (restore ability to go beyond, expand capacity)
RESTORE-GIGGLE (restore ability to enjoy the task at hand)

RESTORE-GIVE (restore ability to sell)
RESTORE-GO (restore ability to progress)
RESTORE-GUARD (restore ability protection of body, spirit or property)
RESTORE-HELP (restore ability to increase focus)
RESTORE-HO (restore ability to relax)

RESTORE-HOLD (restore character)
RESTORE-HOLE (restore attractiveness)
RESTORE-HORSE (restore strength)
RESTORE-HORSESHOE (restore sturdiness and balance)

RESTORE-JACK LALANNE (restore enthusiasm)
RESTORE-JUDGE (restore increased comprehension)
RESTORE-LEARN (restore youth)
RESTORE-LIGHT (restore ability to be inspired)
RESTORE-LIMIT (restore ability to keep others from taking advantage of you, regain control)

RESTORE-LISTEN (restore connection to nature and self)
RESTORE-LOVE (restore ability to generate, radiate, experience love and acceptance)
RESTORE-MAGNANIMITY (restore generosity)

RESTORE-MASK (restore shield)
RESTORE-MONA LISA (restore ability to smile)
RESTORE-MOVE (restore increased energy)
RESTORE-NOW (restore ability to act on good impulse)
RESTORE-OFF (restore ability to go to sleep)

RESTORE-OIL (restore ability to release tension)
RESTORE-OPEN (restore ability to comprehend and allow)
RESTORE-OVER (restore ability to end frustration)
RESTORE-PERSONAL (restore success)
RESTORE-PHASE (restore ability to improve situation)

RESTORE-POINT (restore ability to find direction)
RESTORE-POSTPONE (restore ability to stop pouting and let it go)
RESTORE-PRAISE (restore beauty)

RESTORE-PUT (restore ability to build and expand)
RESTORE-QUIET (restore ability to quiet the ego)
RESTORE-REACH (restore something felt to be irretrievably lost)
RESTORE-REJOICE (restore ability to stop being jealous)
RESTORE-REVERSE (restore ability to bury a grudge)

RESTORE-RIDICULOUS (restore ability to center attention on you)
RESTORE-ROOT (restore ability to discover and grow)
RESTORE-SAGE (restore ability to dispel evil)
RESTORE-SCHEME (restore ability to create)

RESTORE-SHOW (restore respect)
RESTORE-SLOW (restore wisdom and patience)
RESTORE-SOPHISTICATE (restore greater success)
RESTORE-SUFFER (restore ability to handle success and prosperity)

RESTORE-SWEET (restore ability to be soothing and caring)
RESTORE-SWING (restore courage)
RESTORE-SWIVEL (restore normal bowel function)

RESTORE-TAKE (restore leadership abilities)
RESTORE-THANKS (restore ability to release guilt and regrets)
RESTORE-TINY (restore kindness and politeness)
RESTORE-TOGETHER (restore mastery of skills lost)
RESTORE-UNCLE to me would be about restoring fairness and honesty and then dispelling apartness, untogetherness.

RESTORE-UP (restore ability to be in high spirits)
RESTORE-WASTE (restore opulence)
RESTORE-WATCH (restore ability to learn)
RESTORE-WITH (restore harmony)
RESTORE-WOMB (restore security and connection with Source)


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