Planetary Archangels and Switchwords
Archangel Sandalphon (Earth)
Earth is represented by an apple tree in a garden. Sandalphon is the powerful and loving archangel who controls the fortunes of all living things on the face of the Earth.
Archangel Sandalphon’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Improve self-confidence, self-worth and self-love, restore the fortunes of love and unite with mastering world peace and wellness.
Earth’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Unite with mastering world peace and wellness.
Archangel Zaphael (Saturn)
The gifts of knowledge and inner peace.
Archangel Zaphael’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Adapt to wellness, connect to Universal knowledge, comprehend the future, be youthful, release inferiority complexes and clear inertia.
Saturn’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Comprehend (predict) the future, be youthful, release inferiority complexes and clear inertia.
Archangel Raphael (Sun)
The blessings of good health, real financial security and protection from all negative forces and evil.
Archangel Raphael’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Build a fortune of peace and wellness, protection from harm and evil, increase personal ability to feel secure, increase comprehension, improve situations, be beautiful, handle unpleasant conditions and clear sorrows.
Sun’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase personal ability to feel secure, increase comprehension, improve situations, be beautiful, handle unpleasant conditions and clear sorrows.
Archangel Michael (Mercury)
Success in all matters involving career /work, business and commerce.
Archangel Michael’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Become a success, increase focus, help others (and improve your own situation), transition, be a good orator, increase efficiency at this time, hone and finalize transitions.
Mercury’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Transition, be a good orator, increase efficiency at this time, hone and finalize transitions.
Archangel Chamael (Mars)
Divine protection from all acts of violence and war.
Archangel Chamael’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means: Restore personal ability to protect yourself, clean up, regain control, be helpful to others and be caring.
Mars’ Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Clean up, regain control, be helpful to others and be caring.
Archangel Haniel (Venus)
In all matters involving love and matters of the heart and bestow the blessings of true happiness and contentment on all those involved.
Archangel Haniel’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, peace, gratitude and satisfaction, do detailed work (with focus on love and peace), read and enjoy it, regain control (of your emotions) and reconnect with Source.
Venus’ Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Do detailed work, read and enjoy it, regain control and reconnect with Source.
Archangel Gabriel (Moon)
Help to greatly increase one's intuition, and bring about inner happiness and peace of mind. Safety in all travel by sea and air.
Archangel Gabriel’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Realign with pure caring to find increased bliss, increase focus on self, find direction, be patient, dispel hypersensitivity and be at peace.
Switchphrase for Moon:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase focus on self, find direction, be patient, dispel hypersensitivity and be at peace.
Archangel Zadkiel (Jupiter)
Great success in all matters involving competitions and games of chance.
Archangel Zadkiel’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Become a great success, intensify intents in innovative and exciting ways, increase energy, finish lots of meticulous work, increase comprehension, progress and remember what you are doing.
Jupiter’s Switchphrase:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase energy, finish lots of meticulous work, increase comprehension, progress and remember what you are doing.