Gemstone/Crystal Support G-P
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Following is a list of select Gemstones and Crystals, imbalances addressed by them, positive qualities enhanced by them and Switchphrases to help address the imbalances and enhance the positive qualities of the Gemstones and Crystals.
Gemstone/Crystal: Garnet
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
For commitment, devotion & passion
Stone of health
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Show devotion, feel cherished, creating a deep focus, maintain wellness, transcend beyond expectations, stay on target, be in peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Gemstone/Crystal: Green Aventurine
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Physical healing
Overall healing support
New ventures
Optimism and creativity
Promoting growth
Physical Sensitivities
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be at peace and in good health, promote balance and comfort, gain strength, rejuvenate and improve the situation.
Gemstone/Crystal: Green Fluorite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Hormone Balance.
Helpful with hormonal changes such as PMS and menopause.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be secure, be comfortable, transition to peace and health, be beautiful, build character, take responsibility to protect yourself and improve your situation.
Gemstone/Crystal: Green Tourmaline
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Promote male balance and physical healing.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Gain strength, be at peace and in good health and heal now.
Gemstone/Crystal: Grey Moonstone
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps one accept others’ powers by cleansing blocks.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase personal ability to dispel evil and negative energy and be unaffected by ridicule.
Gemstone/Crystal: Harlequin Quartz
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Boost vitality
Stimulate loving consciousness
Help with spirituality
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Uplift and connect to continuous flow from Source, return to a strong, calm, centered space, knowing that all is well, bring into existence revitalized, refreshed, enhanced and rejuvenated love, and generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.
Gemstone/Crystal: Herkimer Diamond (Double Terminated Quartz)
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Increases effects of other gems/crystals, increases their focus and potential.
Herkimer Diamonds contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to find a way to new horizons and new capabilities.
Enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships.
Supports learning new skills and using gifts, assist to grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child.
Note: Because the Herkimer Diamond is so powerful, it is wise to limit the length of time it is used to 10-15 minutes for a session/use. Generally too strong for children and animals. Powerful as a booster for whatever purpose you would like to create.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Transfer into a new state, gradually increase looking to the future, improve clairvoyance, support harmonizing well with forming innovation, turning over a new leaf and embark on the optimal journey.
Gemstone/Crystal: Hessonite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Insatiable worldly desires and sense gratification
Hedonistic tendencies
Obsessive and convulsive influences
Inertia, dullness, grossness, insensitivity, ignorance
In astrology good for afflicted Rahu
Used on the third chakra, Hessonite will stimulate creativity on all levels
Use this stone to encourage self-respect, respect of others, and spiritual growth
Helps regulate hormone production
Stimulates metabolism
Fortifies the immune system
Encourages absorption of nutrients
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
With extraordinary ability, dispel negative energy, stop clinging to pettiness, be inspired, restore fairness and honesty, create balance and be in peace and good health.
Gemstone/Crystal: Iolite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Full psychic Activation and Integration, but only if the 5 lower chakras are fully balanced.
Take recipient into heavenly realms.
Very important to have all 5 lower chakras balanced.
Releases discord and codependency, overcome addictions.
Improves brain function.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Create balance, improve clairvoyance, increase comprehension, shield yourself, learn to increase psychic awareness, clear inertia and be in touch with nature and yourself.
Gemstone/Crystal: Jade
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Works wonders on sore shoulder or back
Reduces tension in life
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Relax, reduce tension, sigh, be patient, release tension and be unaffected by ridicule.
Gemstone/Crystal: Kunzite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Emotional Support.
Helps emotions be in sync.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, be at peace and in good health, and be secure.
Gemstone/Crystal: Labradorite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Link with third eye chakra and enhance psychic abilities
Awaken deep inner spiritual consciousness
Expand spiritual awareness
Ignite spiritual expansion and higher levels of mind and spirit
Astral projection
Inspire confidence to dance to the beat of your own drum
Past lives connection
Enhance strength of will and feelings of inner worth
Help to assists when when dealing with changes and challenges, attracting strength and perseverance
Break addictions and unhealthy (physical, mental, etc.) habits
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Become a good leader, open up extraordinary mental and psychic powers, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication, connect to Oneness with the Universe, feel peace, warmth, and comfort, and with greater spiritual insights into daily life recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations, dispel feeling overwhelmed, trapped, unable to cope with earthly issues and safely and easily navigate life experiences and experience new horizons.
Gemstone/Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Enhances truth, wisdom, patience, inspiration, integrity, loyalty, revelation and contemplation.
Brings clarity and serenity.
Provides protection from lower entities and psychic attacks.
Harmonizes emotional conflict.
Stops vacillation, hesitation and uncertainty.
Understand the mind.
Expands your viewpoint.
Good for connecting the heart and the mind.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Restore honesty, dispel evil, safely move rapidly ahead with sturdiness and balance, release remorse and desire for revenge, turn setbacks into uplifts, harmonize with relaxation and be inspired.
Gemstone/Crystal: Leopardskin Jasper
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Bring what one needs (not necessarily what you want).
A wonderfully supporting stone.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Unite with increased focus on promotion of strengthening the soul.
Gemstone/Crystal: Mahogany Obsidian
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Decision making.
Helpful in healing gums.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase focus, find direction and keep the secret of peace and good health with you.
Gemstone/Crystal: Malachite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Bring harmony into one's life.
Good for meditation.
Stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention
Positive transformation
Deep energy cleaning
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be unaffected by ridicule and in harmony with Source.
Gemstone/Crystal: Mexican Onyx
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps one sleep better.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be in peace and good health and sleep.
Gemstone/Crystal: Moldavite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Grounding stone.
Really puts one in their body.
Helps you talk to other sentient beings (humans and whales and dolphins).
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be secure, comprehend, be in touch with self and nature, increase psychic awareness, restore honesty and fairness (with nature) and be unaffected by ridicule.
Gemstone/Crystal: Moonstone
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Harmonizes female aspect of personality.
Accesses deep subconscious.
Increases psychic powers such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience.
Opens mind to serendipity, hidden opportunities and intuition.
Soothing to mind and emotions.
Enhances positive energy flow.
Cools body and releases excess energy and agitation.
Soothes adrenals.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Connect with Universal Knowledge to heal, care and promote ability to dispel hypersensitivity, expand clairvoyance and reconnect with Source.
Gemstone/Crystal: Moss Agate
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Get in touch with nature.
Plant knowledge.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Clarify things, be in touch with and listen to nature.
Gemstone/Crystal: Mother of Pearl
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
For healing abandonment and deep wounds created by unfulfilled needs.
For the "missing mother" energy.
Know mother's love.
This stone is a great protective stone.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase personal ability to connect with Source and find, accept and give love.
Gemstone/Crystal: Opal
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Strengthens willpower.
Renews the will to live.
Aids physical and spiritual sight and insight.
Very motivating, wonderful aid to visualization especially in healing.
Activates Soul chakra.
Shows exactly what past mental states have caused present emotional imbalance.
Brings light to your darkness and alignment through movement.
Open doorways to wonderful healing.
Shows how to manifest miracles in life.
Cleanses and heals old wounds.
Heals hormonal imbalances.
See possibilities; discover a broader view.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Improve self-worth and self-confidence, dispel inferiority complex, improve insight, maintain protection, release remorse and desire for revenge, be at peace and in good health, and increase enlightenment.
Gemstone/Crystal: Orange Moonstone
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps one accept others’ help by comforting you.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Be comfortable in building a fortune of love and acceptance (of self and others), release pettiness and be unaffected by ridicule.
Gemstone/Crystal: Paraiba Tourmaline
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Bring patience & inspiration
Open to joy of giving
Open Heart Chakra
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Have patience, be wise, be inspired, create a colorful conscious life, bring joy, creativity, love, a magical feeling, and a giving spirit to generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, and give and receive joy,
Gemstone/Crystal: Pearl
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Mentally stabilizing.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Increase personal ability to feel secure, accept, radiate and generate love, manifest your heart’s desires, maintain protection, expand beyond perceived limitations, and harmonize with increased comprehension of your world.
Gemstone/Crystal: Peridot
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Brings the energies from in the aura to the physical body.
Useful after energy work.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Connect to Universal Knowledge and heal.
Gemstone/Crystal: Pink Tourmaline
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Promote female balance and protection.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Reconnect with source, be balanced and maintain protection.
Gemstone/Crystal: Poppy Jasper
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Gain a positive outlook.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Brightly focus positivity and be in high spirits.
Gemstone/Crystal: Purple Rainbow Fluorite
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps one get out of ruts.
Switchphrase to enhance:
This Switchphrase means:
Begin to expand beyond perceived limitations and be artful.