Mother Azna's (Mother God) Prayer Song
(prayer song to get your petition granted)
Prayer Song:
Azna, Azna
Mother God, Mother God
Azna, Azna
Mother God, Mother God
Azna, Azna
Hear me now
I love you so
(Then state your request)
Additional Information:
Ask for things in line with your heart’s desire.
Sing Mother Azna’s song 5 days in a row, then on the 6th day you will see signs that petition is being granted.
Three signs that your petition has been heard and is being granted:
1. Flowers (which represent beauty and love)
2. Bees (which represent fertility, health, wealth and energy)
3. Frogs (which represent transformation and success)
These three things will come into your awareness, either by presenting themselves, by you noticing pictures, receiving gifts associated with them or even mentioned in conversation or reading material.
Sing Mother Azna's Prayer Song anytime to raise your vibration and get into receiving mode.
Click for:
YouTube video of Rebecca Marina explaining & singing Mother Azna's Prayer Song
Download edited video with just the song
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