Kat Thoughts Archives - 2011

A Switchwords KISS (December 29, 2011)

(Gain acceptance, create, build faith and trust, gain perspective on a difficult task and realign.)

Ben Mensah and I coined this....what fun Switchwords are!



CHOOSE Your Focus (December 28, 2011)

CHOOSE your focus well.
As you CHOOSE your focus...
You CHOOSE your future.

Restoring a Lost Relationship (December 26, 2011)

A note from a friend:  Short story. A few weeks ago I abruptly ended a special friendship via text with a guy who we both believed we were each other's soulmates. Unfortunately the time was not right for us to be together. I wish I would have thought things out more clearly and did it in a more loving direct way. He was very disappointed and upset and has ignored me for 3 weeks. I think he feels silence is hurting me.

I find BETWEEN and LISTEN to combine very well for working on connecting to each other. Perhaps the LISTEN is what is missing in this communication.

In any relationship DIVINE-TOGETHER can be very enhancing.

I would think MAGNANIMITY would come in handy here, to stop being petty and increase generosity.

TINY and SWEET are for kindness and caring, also things that may be useful here.

RESTORE and REVERSE are about restoring fairness and honesty and burying grudges, so again they may be very powerful here.

To increase self-confidence and presentation in making contact with this person, I have found that the Switchphrase VIBRANT-CRYSTAL-HORSE-ACT can be very powerful.


Also, I have a few notes that you may find helpful here:

(Break a habit to harmonize well with increased personal ability to generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.)


Some Thoughts on Depression (December 19, 2011)

It is often said that Depression is Anger (CLEAR) turned in on oneself.

UP – be in high spirits; dispel the blues; dispel inferiority complex

Defusing Word: Chocolate
Chocolate is about defusing and erasing violent tendencies and creating miracles. Chocolate is about reminding us to look for the miracles in everyday life. Chocolate is about finding a golden nugget, something miraculous in even the worst of situations. Chocolate can be helpful in defusing and removing depression because depression is brought on by focusing on the negative things in life and Chocolate is about finding a golden nugget in every situation.

Perhaps when you feel depressed you would benefit from CLEAR-UP-Chocolate.

Creating Lasting Relationships (December 15, 2011)

I was asked what it takes to create lasting relationships. Following are my thoughts on this subject.

Commitment to the relationship. An active desire to keep it alive. Commitment to the space BETWEEN where the relationship is. (KEEP-53-BETWEEN.)

Comfort in the relationship. Feeling comfortable enough to BE you. No facade. No pretense. If you can BE you without fear of rejection or judgment you can relax and the relationship can last. (HO-JESUS-BE.)

Communication within the relationship. This is very important. If you do not express what you want, just bottle up and resent the other for wanting and expressing, and then doing as they want, and expect them to do as you want without you expressing what you want, you cannot expect to get what you want. You must be willing to express your thoughts and allow them to express their thoughts. Leave ego out. (QUIET-ACT.)

Compassion within the relationship. If you do not show compassion and caring to each other, resentment will grow and wedge you apart. (BENEVOLENT-SWEET.)

Cozy time. If a relationship is to last, time must be made to BE-TOGETHER and BE-COZY. Time to just relax and BE. (HO-SLOW-COZY-BE.)

It looks like the C's have it:
Commitment, Comfort, Communication, Compassion, Cozy.


Defining Switchwords with Ben (December 12, 2011)

As I was going about my business today, a friend, Ben Mensah, began chatting with me. He asked me about finding and defining Switchwords, how I did it.

Often words are presented to me, and I am asked if they are Switchwords. When I am asked, I don my Energy Cleansing Bracelets and ask using Reflex Muscle Testing, "is this a Switchword that I should define?" I have set my intention to define only top-end Broad Switchwords (which work for 80-94% of people). Often words brought to me may be lower end Broad Switchwords (which work for 50-79% of people), but I do not seek them out, nor look to define them, as there are thousands of Broad Switchwords. I test only for the top-end Switchwords.

When a word shows as being a Broad Switchword to be defined, it is added to the list of Newly Defined Broad Switchwords under the Latest News at the Blue Iris Learning Center. Often a newly discovered Switchword requires deep focus and reading (sometimes many hours of research). In that case, it is noted that the Switchword is waiting to be defined.

Today Ben saw we had 7 Switchwords awaiting definitions. He started to focus on CLOUDS. Suddenly, there in chat was the definition, perfect, exactly as it should be:

CLOUDS – abundance; miraculous formation of event (92%) (defined by Ben Mensah 12/12/11)

I checked it. Yes. Right on. Perfect!

CLOUDS build up, they grow, they group. You have abundance in CLOUDS because they draw water droplets together in abundance. You have nothing in the clear blue sky. You have water on the Earth. Water evaporates and out of thin air suddenly CLOUDS begin to appear. Water is heavier than air, yet CLOUDS float. CLOUDS also are water floating in air; a miraculous event.

DivineORDER-CLOUDS-COUNT-NOW-DONE. (With efficiency, abundantly make money now, complete it.) (Coined by Ben.)

TOGETHER-CLOUDS.(Master abundance.) (Coined by Ben.)

TOGETHER-CLOUDS-SWEET-NOW-DONE. (Master abundance with care now.) (Coined by Ben.)

TOGETHER-CLOUDS-(situation)-NOW-DONE..(Master abundance (for situation) now, and create completion.) (Coined by Ben.)


Our discussion continued. We looked a SPARKLE. We discussed what we saw. It came together:

SPARKLE – breathe instant life into a dwindling position; reflect light (93%) (defined by Ben Mensah and Kat 12/12/11)


Then on to GOLD. Talking, reading, focusing, seeing:

GOLD – an enduring reward; shine under pressure; incorruptible (93%) (defined 12/12/11 by Ben Mensah and Kat)


One last one. TENDER. There he has it! Look at that. Perfect.

TENDER – negotiate successfully (90%)(defined 12/12/11 by Ben Mensah)

What an AMAZING conversation we had. Thank you Ben, for walking into Switchwords and my life, for sharing your insight, and, of course, for being you.

(Form a miraculous event, breathe instant life into a dwindling position, shine under pressure and negotiate successfully.)


FREEDOM-REACH-GENIUS (December 6, 2011)

I was asked about using "ESCAPE + SEARCH=THINK" to help get out of difficult situations (from an article somewhere on lateral thinking). My thoughts are that this combination is somewhat similar to the Switchphrase FREEDOM-REACH-GENIUS, however...

The focus with "escape" seems to be on being trapped somehow, so to me it seems escape holds somewhat to a need to "get out" of something. FREEDOM, however, does not hold onto a need to get out, but rather releases constrictions and need to conform.

Search is almost the essence of REACH, however, to me REACH not only searches for something but finds it, and recognizes it once it is found.

"Think" seems to help set one on a path to discovery, and almost feels like a a path between GENIUS, SOCRATES and QUEST

These are just my thoughts.

Perhaps work with both sets of words and see what happens.

(Let go of restrictions, find a solution, merge with information beyond human comprehension.)


Flower Energies Crystal Pendant vialIntroducing the Flower Energies Pendant Vial
(December 5, 2011)

We have been getting requests to make the Flower Energies vial available in a pendant vial.  This beautiful Flower Energies Pendant vial has all the features of our Standard Flower Energies vial, with the added convenience of being available on a chain, hanging in the middle of your energy field, allowing for quick easy access for calling Flowers to work for you.

As part of its introduction, for a limited time with all Flower Energies Pendant vial purchases we are giving a Rescue! vial free.

The Flower Energies vial currently has 235 Flower Energies, plus Light and Support Energies.

Call Flower Energy Blends from the Flower Energies vial by name or by the Flowers listed in the Blend. When calling a Blend with *Spacer* listed in it, call the Blend by name (i.e., Center) to have Innate fill in the space according to individual need, or follow Inner Guidance (or Reflex Muscle Testing) to find the appropriate Flower Energy to fill the space according to individual need.  Some Flower Energy Blends also include Light Support Energies and/or Support Energy Blends.

Flower Energy Formulas generally contain two or more Flower Energies. Some Flower Energy Formulas may have exchange energies (Flower Energies listed that may be added to or substituted for one or more of the Flowers the main Flower Energies Formula). Call a Flower Energies Formula with the Flower Energies vial to allow Innate to choose the appropriate Flower Energies for you at this time, or call the individual Flower Energies listed in the Formula, including any exchange Flower Energies which resonate with you or test as appropriate (Reflex Muscle Testing is one way to confirm appropriate exchange energies).

(Lack of) Career Advancement (December 4, 2011)

You have been here many times before. This feeling you feel that is attached to the lack of what you want with your career. What does it mean to you that you have not had the success you have asked for? What does it mean about you?

Look at those things, then you can look back and see when you felt the same about something before. It may or may not be relating to work in previous times. What you are looking at is the feeling, and what what you are experiencing means about you. The labels you have applied.

You will find as you connect and look back at your life you have a repeating pattern - from a very early age. At that early age, you decided that something that happened meant something to you and about you, and then you stored the information as a body state, and as you reconnect to that body state, it all happens again, and again.

Finding the first time you experienced this feeling and releasing it tends to clear things in the now, and allow you to release it from future experiences.

CHOOSE is very empowering. When you CHOOSE to accept where things are right now, not needing them to change...then is when you come into your power. It may not make a lot of sense, but being satiated (PERFECT) with what is is what it is that opens you to future shifts.

Look to rewording your thoughts..."I am not managing to have a breakthrough..." perpetuates the inability to have a breakthrough into the future.... "I have not had..." is a bit better, but still is a bit impeding. "I feel I have been my own block..." (putting into past tense) may be preferred too.

Everything up to this second is in the past. Speak of things you do not wish to continue to perpetuate into the future in past tense. This begins to open a clearing in the future.

Let go of (POSTPONE) that you need a breakthrough and regretting (THANKS) that it has not come. Instead put out there how SWEET it is to be recognized (RIDICULOUS) for your positive attributes and achievements (VICTORY), and how much you love the rewards (PLETHORA) coming your way.



A Few of My Thoughts on Mercury Retrograde
(November 28, 2011)

Mercury is the planet that relates to communication, so when it goes Retrograde, it can affect all kinds of communication, including direct communication, chats, computers, cell phones, electronic equipment, anything that "communicates."

Some may say, "I do not allow negative energies to affect me."  However, whether you are aware of them or not, other energies (positive and negative) do, and always will, affect you.

One example of another's energy interacting with and affecting you...

You are driving down the street. Someone backs out of a driveway in front of you. You have a few choices for what to do:

1) You can ignore them and keep driving, perhaps crashing into them.

2) You can slow down and wait for them to join you on the road.

3) You can honk at them, make them aware of you, and perhaps give them a piece of your mind and some less than friendly gestures.

4) You can change the direction you are driving to avoid the situation completely.

You can say that the person had no affect on you, but obviously they did. There is no way they could not...

If you continued on your way, ignoring and/or not seeing them, you crashed into them.

If you noticed them, you took action to avoid the first scenario.

All of the Universe is energy, and is affecting us in ways we may or may not see and/or feel.

There is clear proof that we are affected by Astrological Elements. Our nearest neighbor, the Moon causes extreme changes in the waters of the Earth as it orbits the Earth (high tide, low tide, etc.).  We humans are 70-80% water, why would we also not be affected?

What about the Full Moon? Emergency rooms are filled during a Full Moon.

What about barometric pressure changes preceding storm fronts? They seem to fill up maternity wards.

Why, if these energies clearly affect us, whether we "see" the effects or not, would not macro-energies in the cosmos have affect on us as well?

In healing groups information is frequently given and used to support us as we live our daily lives to help us deal with the energies affecting us, known and unknown.

As humans, we are creatures of habit. We like routine. We like it when everything flows the way we are used to seeing it flow. When an energy flow changes, we may not realize what it is we are feeling, but we may feel that something is different, and our first thought often is something is wrong here. Our second thought often is how can we fix it?

It is not that something is wrong. It is simply that something has changed. There is a shift in an energy somewhere.

We are used to planets moving in an orderly fashion. When they seem to stop and move backwards (go Retrograde) they can send out a confusing energy to us. Even though we may be consciously unaware of the energy changes, the shifts are felt within, and often we may attribute them to something else.

It matters not where or what shifts. It matters only that we, as humans are always searching for relief, for comfort, and thus we have sought out numerous remedies for the discomforts we feel with regard to shifting energies within and around us.

Thus we create groups and forums as ways to exchange numbers, processes, Switchwords and other things to help each other find relief.

And thus, Rhoda has sought to bring awareness of energies that may be affecting us on unrecognized levels, and remedies to help us to find relief and comfort when we find ourselves in a space of discomfort.

Thank you Rhoda, for always being there supporting, helping and forever ferreting out new information, learning and teaching.

All that being said...

Astrological Transit

November 24: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio through December 13

Switchphrase to help keep things smooth: HORSESHOE-RESTORE-MOVE-GRASS-ACT.

This Switchphrase means: Safely move rapidly ahead by restoring fairness and honesty to clear inertia, make yourself useful and present yourself well.

(Gain perspective, open (yourself) and choose to be seen.)


Things I learned this Thanksgiving (November 24, 2011)

Dinner at 2:00 never means dinner at 2:00 (wait I learn that every year). This year it meant dinner at 4:00. (Better than the year a nearly raw turkey arrived at 4:30 for a 2:00 dinner.)

When your caramel fudge does not harden and stays gooey, it works really well to grind walnuts to powder in the blender and roll balls of gooey fudge in them. PURRFECT.

You can't thicken chocolate with candy wax, and if you try it you can have waxy teeth, but not chocolate pie.

My stuffing tastes as good with the walnuts sauteed with the celery and onions as it does when I bake it in the garlic wheat bread I make for a base.

Gravy is amazing when you make it using cream instead of water or milk.

If a wine bottle is dropped and the bottle gets chipped, you can still drink the wine if you filter any glass that may be in the wine out with a coffee filter and a sieve into a coffee carafe. Want some red coffee?

What did you learn?

Clearing Holiday Stresses (and other Negative Energy) (November 22, 2011)

I did a Talkcast with Marianne today (Episode 69 in the Kat Talks series). I so love doing Talkcasts with my friends. Such amazing information comes up as we do them. Today we focused on the Emotional Freedom file Clearing Negative Energy and Improving Self-Image. As we discussed this file it became clear that it was a very good file to run, not only in the morning as a way of clearing your energy field for the day, but also as you prepare for the Holiday Season.

With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, and Christmas coming around the bend, a lot of family interaction may be happening, and as groups of loved ones begin to gather, we may find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, and maybe getting angry at those we cherish most.

I wanted to share with you the Emotional Freedom files that came up to work with the Clearing Negative Energy file for smoothing things during this Holiday Season:

Family, Friends and Social Situations - this file deals with emotions and situations related to family and friends, including relationships with siblings and parents, as well as social situations such as parties, work, etc.

Holidays, Vacations and Stressful Times - this file is to help ease the stresses of vacations, holidays, family gatherings, and other stressful times.

Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation and Impatience - this file is to help clear these and similar negative emotions and energy blocks causing problems throughout the body.


A Flower Energy Blend to help with the Holidays:

Harmony (DAW)
Use to support your own sense of calm and to clear and support peace in your home, especially when extended family is gathered.

Flor de la Luna
Red Coral


You may also wish to say the Abundance Prayer as part of Thanksgiving (it can be called through the Emotional Freedom file Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers):

Dear God,

I thank thee for thy bounty with which you made me. I thank thee for the abundance with which you surround me. May I want no more, dear God, for I have more than what I need.

Thank you for your love and wisdom on which my soul shall feed, and may I learn to lead a life that is dedicated to you, and may every act of virtue be a way of saying thank you.

Give me the strength , oh God, to cross the hurdles as I climb and focus on the summit and not the fleeting time. And glory be to you, oh God, who has made me by his will, and may I with thy love my life’s purpose fulfill.


Sade Sathi (November 14, 2011)

As Saturn moves into Libra on November 15, 2011, the seven and a half years of Sade sathi for Leo finishes and for Scorpio begins.

Switchphrase for Leos ending Sade sathi: FLASH-JESUS-LISTEN-WITH-OPEN-LOVE.

This Switchphrase means: Lunge ahead, be a comforting presence, be in touch with nature and self, harmonize with breathing easier and generate, radiate, experience love and acceptance.

Switchphrase for Scorpios beginning Sade sathi: ELATE-LISTEN-PEACE-NICE-MIRACLE-HORSESHOE-OPEN.

This Switchphrase means: Transform setbacks into uplifts, be in touch with nature and self, quell panic, create acceptance, transcend beyond expectations, strengthen the soul and breathe easier.

More on Saturn...
Positive Qualities: Integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice, awareness of right and wrong.

Patterns of Imbalance: Miseries, sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disputes, dejection, difficulties. Defensive, nervous, secretive.

Saturn is retrospective. Saturn balances out when we rest and remain calm and observe in silent surrender.

Libra is the house of exaltation for Saturn. Libra helps bring out the positive qualities of Saturn.

As Saturn transits the 12th (your secret closet), 1st (you, your identity) and 2nd (your possessions, your values) house with relation to your Natal Moon, it can reflect patterns of imbalance within your life. Saturn spends approximately 2 1/2 years in each house of the Zodiac, and the 7 1/2 years it takes to transit those three houses are referred to as Sade sathi.

The Jupiter/Saturn Relationship
Jupiter gives the inspiration behind an endeavor, while Saturn gives it structure and form. Without Saturn’s influence nothing of lasting value could ever be actualized. Jupiter gives new, expansive ideas but not necessarily the ability to manifest them. Therefore, we need both for an idea to come into full manifestation.

Consider a tree. Think of Saturn as the roots and trunk of the tree, and Jupiter as its leaves and branches. Jupiter aspires to the heavens with new growth while Saturn establishes a firm foundation. Both are obviously dependent on one another for any significant and sustained growth to happen.

Kat's Rolls + CHARM-LIGHT (November 11, 2011)

I get many requests for my rolls during the holiday season and often am asked for my recipe. So here it is....and one of the most important ingredients is CHARM-LIGHT, chanted anytime I cook (sometimes just quietly intended). I follow inspirations that come to me while cooking and chanting CHARM-LIGHT.

It usually takes a total of 5-7 cups of flour total, and occasionally I add 5 eggs (depending on inspiration of the day).

Kat's Rolls
(~ means about)

~ 2 cups luke-warm water
~ 1 tablespoon/1 pkg yeast

Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

~1/2 stick softened butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 to 4 eggs
3 to 4 cups flour

Thoroughly mix with kneading hook. Slowly add additional flour about 1/4 cup at a time, kneading for a couple of minutes after each addition until dough cleans the sides of the bowl.

Place in a floured bowl and allow to rest for at least 2-3 hours.

Pinch dough off in balls and set on pan a greased pan, about 1-2 inches apart.

Press thumb into center of each ball and slather indent with softened butter, or combine butter with grated cheese and/or fresh pressed garlic and/or fresh pressed jalapenos (I just press through the garlic press).

Bake at 350 to 375 for 13-18 minutes (some ovens cook better at 350 for longer, and some cook better at 375 for shorter).


Additional Notes: Amounts are all estimations, as according to how the day feels I vary amounts.

Brown sugar instead of white sugar in any recipe will make it softer and moister.

Do not substitute butter with margarine or anything else. If you want mouth-watering rolls, you must use butter. I generally use unsalted butter.

The longer the dough rises the lighter the rolls will be.

Dough left out overnight is amazing for making scones.

I generally let the dough raise just once (not twice).

Don't compromise on garlic and/or jalapenos. Use fresh and press yourself.

On humid days, use 3 eggs.
On dry days, use 4 eggs.

Amount of flour varies substantially according to the humidity of the day. Doing small additions after the initial 4 cups allows you to tweak for current conditions. After each small addition knead for at least 2-3 minutes before adding more.

Really slather the butter on the roll. A deep press with the thumb will give a good hole for slathering butter into, which in turn will allow the butter to cook deeply into the roll.

And finally.....since I work a lot with Switchwords, I like to chant CHARM-LIGHT as I cook. This tends to give me inspiration to create amazing foods.



11-11-11 (November 7, 2011)

Such a fascinating date and time is hurling its way toward us right now - November 11, 2011, or as commonly written 11-11-11.

Kat and Kevin discuss this article and 11-11-11 on Kat Talks Episode 64  - 11-11-11 (click here to listen).

In numerology that is the Master Number 11 repeated three times. Add to that time, 11:11 a.m., and we have two more repeats of the Master Number 11. Generally in Numerology digits are added together until you have a single digit. Master Numbers are an exception, though they do carry the vibration of the distilled single digit, and the vibration of each individual digit in the whole. Interestingly if you add all the digits of the date and time together, it distills down to 1 (1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=10=1).

Some Numerology information on 11
(from https://www.tokenrock.com/numerology/master_numbers.php)

In Numerology 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer.

The 11 has all the aspects of the 2, enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalyses with its mere presence.

It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to create fears and phobias. The 11 walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding, and of spiritual truths. For the 11, such peace is not found so much in logic, but in faith. It is the psychic's number.

There have been many predictions and thoughts about what might or might not happen on 11-11-11.  Man has always been quite fascinated by numbers, and a number that is so symmetrical can be immensely intriguing.  Whether it is a date that changes the world, the beginning of a transformation of consciousness, the beginning of the end, the end of the beginning or just another day, we can CHOOSE our focus for the day and shift our energy individually or as a group to wherever we wish, enlarging that focus.

Now, from this place of focused creation, and co-creation, let us increase our focus on the positive shifts we wish to see in our lives utilizing these life-experience enhancing tools:

Healing Process for 11-11-11
(Adapted from Ken Graydon's post at the Organ Re-generation process group on Facebook)

I am in spirit.
I am one with the Creator.
My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to bring about, and participate in, beneficial changes in my life, my environment, my home planet.

I travel back in time, my soul knows exactly when, to that place where all knowledge was available to me. From that place and time I make a new choice. I will follow the bright and shining path of the Creator. Other participants and distractions will follow their own paths. I bring this choice into the “now.” By changing my past I allow my present experience to be changed from “what is” to attain the standard the Creator and I had agreed upon. I speak words of healing and gratitude into my new potential life, my new environment, my new Earth.

And so it is.


A Switchphrase for 11-11-11

(Increase personal ability to Master building and expanding ways to allow for peaceful resolution, release worries and relax, open up extraordinary mental and psychic powers to place focus on positive aspects and be in the now, unaffected by ridicule and negative energy.)


Flower Energies for 11-11-11: Baby Blue Eyes, Cypress, Hornbeam, White Kukui


Animal Wisdom for 11-11-11: Orca

Use Orca Wisdom to enter the depths of the mind and emotions, access ancient memories buried deep within, recognize the power of vibrational energy and heighten intuition and perceptions.

Use Orca Wisdom to access personal freedom, empowerment, ability to heal with sound and song.

Use Orca Wisdom to access unconscious memories for health, healing and personal discovery.

Character Assassination (October 23, 2011)

Someone  at work is spreading negative rumors about you.  You feel attacked.  You feel incensed.  Your pride is hurting.  What do you do?

It all started somewhere, somehow with a miscommunication, a misunderstanding.  For communication problems you may wish to work with CRYSTAL-CLEAR-ACT.

To get along with people at work DIVINE-TOGETHER-MAGNANIMITY-TINY-SWEET-BE.

To enjoy the job, the people, anything GIGGLE-GIGGLE-GIGGLE.

CONSIDER also that Pride is ego.  (Ego doesn't really exist.)
BE is to be unaffected by ridicule.
QUIET is to quiet the ego.
BOW is to dispel arrogance.
DOWN is to stop bragging.


We all worry about what other think of us.
We all fear rejection.
It's normal.
It's human.


In trying to "fit in..."
In trying to please...
In trying to do what we think others want us to do...
In trying to present ourselves as we think we want others to see us...


We lose ourselves.
We lose touch of what we really want.
We lose touch of who we are.


Stand in your integrity.
Do not BE what they are being.
Do not retaliate.
The others who they talk to know you.
They can have their own perceptions of who you are.
They don't have to follow what was said.
Reacting to the criticisms confirms what has been said.
Simply letting it go as their problem shows no response is required.
Sometimes silence is the best answer.
Reacting will always take you away from what your goal is.
Reacting is acting with emotion.
Response is done when the heat of emotion is dissipated.
Response is dispassionate and logical.
Reaction has nothing to do with logic.


If called on whatever was said, simply give your perspective of the situation, without judgment and without blame. Do not put up sides of mine and theirs. That will cause a war, which is not what you want. You want a healthy, calm, supportive work environment, where you can successfully apply your talents to your work team to bring more abundance to you all.


I thought many people out there facing the same trouble as I have in the recent days. If you like, you can use our conversation for them.

Three good actions! thanks to SWITCHWORDS:

Today I had a meeting with my other project-manager. I work for a big project. He feared that this situation, with the colleague would affect his own project negative.

1. My conversation with him went very well. I repeated that the whole situation is not my problem and I chose not to respond to these thinks.

2. He was very happy.

3. My own manager has invalidated the negative mail and when the other person comes back from his vacation, he must solve the problem.

So far, everything is in the right direction. I think the Switchwords helps good. I made my own file containing all SW's that you had given to me and I have chosen a few of your database.

P.S. In my previous email, I have not gone to the site. But now I saw it. SUPER!!

I think the section about communication, has done the most of the work in my case.

"You are Creating Your Future in the NOW" (October 8, 2011)

As you refer to what has happen in the past in the present tense, you continue to perpetuate it into the future. "I constantly feel that I´m not good enough for anything or anybody, as if my existence doesn't matter. I have never had healthy relationships, neither with family nor with friends and love interests. I´m always the second choice and if I happen to be the first choice, I somehow manage them to abandon me."

You could CHOOSE to say that in this manner, "I used to constantly feel that I was not good enough for anything or anybody, as if my existence didn't matter. I never had healthy relationships, neither with family nor with friends and boyfriends. I always felt like I was the second choice and if I happened to be the first choice, I somehow managed them to abandon me."

"Now, however, I realize that I made all that up. That I was looking at what happened and decided everything that has ever happened in my life was all about me, even when it had nothing to do with me. I now realize that sometimes things just happen."

"I realize now that I have my very own, built-in storyteller who helps me to interpret the world around me. I also realize that what my storyteller tells me may not be quite the way it tells me. For example, I know, because I draw breath that I AM worthy. That I AM worthwhile. That I AM loved. If I were not loved, I would not be here, so I KNOW that I AM loved."

"I now realize that love always begins with me. I now know that if I am unwilling to love myself, no matter how much another loves me, I cannot accept it and feel it. I now CHOOSE to love myself. I now CHOOSE to feel love for others in my life. I now know that they were not withholding their love from me, but that I was no allowing it to come to me."

"I now realize that in my forgiveness, I open myself up to generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance. What amazing power there is in forgiveness. In giving forgiveness, I open myself up. I begin to see all the beauty around me. Wow, life is colorful, beautiful. How did I miss this before?"

"In choosing forgiveness, I am releasing so much pain, some of which I didn't even know I had. I forgive my mother for all the times she failed to do or give to me anything I thought I needed. I forgive my mother for all the times she failed to protect me. I forgive my mother for failing to give me love at times when I so desperately needed it."

"I realize now that perhaps it was all story. That it was my interpretation of what happened that made me feel unloved. I accept that my mother had her own stories and her own faults, and that anything she did not give to me that I felt she should have, she would have, if she could have. I realize now that I have judged her and in that have judged myself. I now CHOOSE to release those judgments against my mother and myself. I am free. I let go of the chains of unforgiveness with which I have bound myself for so long."

"I now look at my relationship with my father. I see that there too I told myself many stories about what he didn't do that he should have, and how he failed me. I now realize that he too always did the best that he could do from where he was. I now CHOOSE to forgive my father for every time he failed me."

"I now realize that I am in charge of how I feel and how I react or respond in all situations in my life. I realize that there are many ways to look at any situation and that I can CHOOSE how I interpret what is happening around me. I realize that 90% of life is how I interpret what happens and how it applies to me. I now CHOOSE to PUT-ON rose-colored glasses so that I can see the world through LOVE."

"I Have No Family Support" (October 2, 2011)

Regarding your dilemma with life situations, a few thoughts I have:

CONSIDER that family support is optional. Our parents are here to get us to adulthood. That's it!  Nothing more.  Once we are adults, their job is done. Everything else is optional. It is correct that there is indeed a tendency among humans to give much more than that to our offspring. It is very common to have nurturing and continued familial support throughout our lives, but it IS optional.

Okay, so you are now 45 years old (or 23, or 50, or 75). Your parents' job was done 27 (5, 32, or 57) years go. Everything received from them since is a surplus.  (THANKS.)

That may sound very harsh, but in reality it is very freeing. Letting go of any judgments against them allows you to move forward and claim your life. So long as you hold onto anger, resentment and/or unforgiveness toward your parents for what they did or did not do, you fail to progress in the happiness you so richly deserve.

One suggestion I have is to recite the Prayer of Forgiveness daily for a month. You may find resistance to some of the phrasing at first, but please continue through it. You will find the more you recite it the less resistance you will have.

Ho'oponopono (a Hawaiian peace process) can also be a powerful healing technique for this situation.

When you have truly forgiven, there is no longer a feeling of resentment for what happened. There is simply acceptance of what is.

Another technique that we have had a lot of great feedback on is working with PURGE-CANCEL, a Switchpair for expelling negatives. An article I wrote describing a great way to work with PURGE-CANCEL to eliminate negativity is available on Wikihow.

CONSIDER that life is not a fight. By focusing on having to fight for everything in life, life will continue to occur as hard. It is okay to let go of life is hard. It is just a story, one that occurred for you at a very young age (most of our experiences in life are colored through the lenses we created from things that happened when we were tots). Ego gets hold of the story and runs with it. Ego must always be right, and ego has been telling you for a long time that life is a fight, that you have no support, that life is not fair, and many other things.

As you clear space with meditation, Reiki, NLP, etc., the clearing must be filled with something. If you do not give yourself something positive to fill the space, chances are it will either be refilled with what was there before, or something else that you already have in your energy will expand into the space.

Another thought I have is that your world is a reflection of your own thoughts and energies. The world gives to you that which it read in your energy. If you have a long history of unfairness, people taking advantage of you, etc., it is because ego looks for a continuing experience of the same it has experienced before, even though you strive to change the way you look at it. The key is in Forgiveness. As you take responsibility for your life, by giving Forgiveness to all who have wronged you, you will begin to see changes in your life.

Additionally, standing by your words - doing what you say you are going to do - and if you don't or can't taking responsibility for having not done it - getting back into your integrity on it, you will begin to see the Universe standing in integrity with you. A couple of things I wrote in Kat Thoughts last year (which I now keep on my fridge so I am reminded frequently) are:

Your Words (June 1, 2010)

Let your words be your integrity.
Let your words be authentic.
Stand by your words and
Your words will stand by you.


Choose Your Words (July 1, 2010)

Choose your words carefully
For in them you will find
You create your reality.

And interestingly, as I was looking for those to cut and paste here I saw this...


This Switchphrase means: Release resistance, harmonize with the advertisement of which you speak now.

This is a Switchwords way of saying "Stand by your words and your words will stand by you."

Switchword Multipliers (September 21, 2011)

I have found the following Switchwords to be powerful additions to Switchphrases for different applications:

DIVINE-TOGETHER - a wonderful prefix for interpersonal relationship. If the Switchphrase you are putting together is for working with the energy between two or more people, DIVINE-TOGETHER can be a very powerful multiplier.

TOGETHER-DIVINE - a wonderful prefix for personal relationship with oneself. If the Switchphrase you are putting together is for working your own personal self, TOGETHER-DIVINE can be a very powerful multiplier.

CRYSTAL - when you want to get a visual, more tangible feel, when you are just not "seeing" what to do or where to go.

RESTORE - when you feel chided, left out, that things are unfair and you are trying to manifest from a space where you feel dishonesty somewhere may be blocking you.

REVERSE - (to bury a grudge) when you feel you are deserving because... Especially when someone's action or inaction may have put you in harm's way.

LOVE - because sometimes all that is needed is acceptance.

Fear (September 13, 2011)

No need to rise above it, instead walk through it.

You are afraid of what might happen if you change the way you live. Change anyway.

You are afraid of how that person might react if you express your true feelings. Express them anyway.

You are afraid you may not be a good leader. Become a leader anyway.

Fear is always there. The day you were born everything you ever knew completely changed, and you lived anyway. But all that change brought Original Fear, and each time we experience fear we connect back to that Original Fear. We survived then. We will survive now.

You cannot rise above fear, but you can walk through it and do it anyway.

(Work in unison to allow for peaceful resolution, recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations and pay close attention to what you are hearing.)


What a Jerk! (August 27, 2011)

I was asked about Switchwords for dealing with a "jerk," someone causing problems in another's life, making them out to be the "bad guy."

Here are my thoughts...

First CONSIDER that what he does has nothing to do with you. As humans it is all about self, always, without exception. So, if you do not take it personally, you will probably find that it is easier to get along with him.

Switchwords to help ease the situation:

MAGNANIMITY - quit being petty
SHOW - give respect
BE - be in peace and wellness
QUIET - quiet the ego
BOW - dispel arrogance
DOWN - stop bragging
TINY - be polite
SWEET - be caring


ALONE (August 22, 2011)

When looking at ALONE (nurture or heal; increase focus on self) one day, I saw so much more than I have seen before. I realized that it could be used to help to get your focus off the lack.

When you find yourself thinking about the things you need and feeling lack, using ALONE-PIVOT-ALIGN-ALLOW-ADJUST (leave it alone, turn, align yourself, make what you want available and gain comfort) may be very helpful.

When you are focused on things you do not want ALONE-PIVOT.
When you are feeling down leave it ALONE-UP.
When you are worried leave it ALONE-COVER.
When you are afraid leave it ALONE-BLUFF.
When it irritates and frustrates you leave it ALONE-OVER.

Whenever you find yourself aligned with what you do not want, perhaps you will find relief and turn to what you do want with ALONE-PIVOT-ALIGN-ALLOW-ADJUST.



OVER-DONE (August 19, 2011)

Wise words from a dear friend of mine:

We are each responsible for our circumstances. We tell a story about what is going on, call it good or bad and react on this information. We filter and determine how the story is told. The way we see a incident today may be filtered by something that had happened as a small child. There may be fears of being used or abused as may or may not have happened in the past. Information about the past is filtered as we think we remember it. We may feel emotionally hurt as a child and carry that as a "truth" about ourselves to adulthood. We expect the same and actually recreate it in the present. CLEAR the past (accept, CHOOSE, FORGIVE) to CLEAR a space in the present. ALLOW-CHANGE. The present is, the past is OVER and the future is CREATEd in the NOW. We can accept our stories and clear their charges with Ho'oponopono - I am Sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love You.

Playing out the stories again and again, as an adult, is not necessary. OVER-RELEASE.

(End frustration and complete the task.)

Living (August 19, 2011)

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself." Albert Einstein

What does that mean?

To me, it means, quit taking life so personal. What happens, happens. It has nothing to do with you.

The guy who cuts you off on the street, he was not cutting you off. He was trying to get somewhere fast, saw an opening and took it. It was not about you. It was about him. Quit taking life totally personally.

Even the most personal-feeling things are not personal. When a person is in discomfort, they send out vibrations of that discomfort. It is easy to take on those vibrations and become uncomfortable yourself. Of course it feels like it is about you. You walked into someone else's discomfort zone and they are now sharing it with you. You can CHOOSE to be affected by it, or not.

When you realize that you are not in control of what happens, but are in control of how you experience what happens, by the filters you CHOOSE, then you can let go and just FLOW with life.

When you let go of the need to control your life experience and just take it as it comes, accepting what is, then you can begin to build what you want from there. You have no control over the past. Or the NOW. So just accept what is, and what was. Only when you stand in that place, the place of acceptance of all that is, can you clearly look forward to what you want.

When you stop believing that everything that happens happens to you, and start knowing that the world is a very impersonal place, and nothing that happens really has anything to do with you, you can begin to FORGIVE and RELEASE and just BE.

And in BEing you BEGIN to live.


A Few of My Thoughts on Karma
(August 2, 2011)

If one is to experience poverty, it can be taken as a blessing or as a curse. One being in a particular situation gives one specific opportunities...and how we CHOOSE to perceive what is happening decides what we wind up experiencing after that.

I mean.....

When one takes it as a negative thing, whatever Karma they are experiencing, then one perpetuates the negativity in their life.

Karma is not about punishment.
Karma is about learning different perspectives.

One who has experienced no love connection in life may CHOOSE a similar circumstance of birth as in a previous life with some changes...looking for a way to solve the issue they have with loneliness. So, what is seen as a Karmic situation of lovelessness in life is really their own choosing of a setup to allow them to FIND a way to get beyond it, and if they take it as destiny, they cannot get out of it.

Then so it is.

What if Karma is about finding solutions, rather than living in problems?

Enjoying Your Job and Being the Perfect Employee
(July 26, 2011)

If you enjoy your job, you tend to pay it more attention and perform it better. Below are a few suggestions to help get enjoyment out of your job, and improve your value as an employee.

We have found GIGGLE-GIGGLE to really help get one to enjoying the task at hand. GIGGLE-GIGGLE as you arrive at the office may transform your whole day.

DAZZLE-GENIUS-SOPHISTICATE-STAR may be helpful for increasing your brilliance and success in your work.

CRYSTAL-LISTEN-POINT may be helpful in letting you foresee needs and find direction for addressing.

TAKE-53 is to become a good leader and take responsibility. Those are great qualities for the perfect employee.

VIBRANT-CRYSTAL-HORSE-ACT may also be good for helping you be a strong presence, full of self-confidence, self-worth, self-love and to present yourself well.

I trust this information will be helpful for you.

(Create miraculous endeavors and a deep focus with comfort.)


Wikihow Articles I Have Started (July 24, 2011)

I just started a Wikihow article on naptime. This is ninth article I have started at Wikihow, and thought I'd post links to all of them here for anyone interested:

How to Make Naptime (and Bedtime) a Snap With Switchwords

How to Avoid a Healing Crisis

How to Use Switchwords to Clear Negative Thoughts

How to Switchword Your Way Into the Vortex

How to Clear Headaches with Switchwords

How to Use Switchwords and Energy Circles to Get Rid of Pests

How to Create Energy Circles

How to Use Switchwords to Enhance Your Life Experience

How to Get Through a Tough Day by Using Switchwords

And if you wish to follow the articles I start at Wikihow, my profile is at:

For Ten Years... (July 18, 2011)

For ten years I "wanted" to move to Tucson, where my children had migrated.
For ten years I couldn't move to Tucson, because I said I wanted to (but held onto all the reasons why I could not).

One day, a little over three years ago, I started saying "I am moving to Tucson." Heaven and Earth moved. Within about a month I was here.

What happened? I stopped saying I want to move, and said I was moving. I TOLD people I was moving (not that I wanted to, but that I was). I took actions that supported the move.

What do you want?
POINT (decide)
DECLARE (begin the creation process) 
ENROLL (gather support by sharing your vision; gain detail by sharing)
FOR (support)
ACT (transformation [to BEing what you DECLAREd])


Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer.
(July 15, 2011)

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Love 'em extra.
Reeling against what you do not want puts focus on what you do not want, and by Law of Attraction brings more of what you do not want.

Want generosity? GIVE-MAGNANIMITY.


Do You Need Pie? (July 10, 2011)

Okay, so you've done everything right. You want a love relationship, your soul mate (or anything else, like , abundance, new job, close family relationship, new house, new car....), to come into your life. You've followed the Law of Attraction rules. You set your intention. You used Switchwords and positive affirmations. You've visualized it. You've connected to it. It still is not happening. Why?

Perhaps because you are still coming from a place of lack, of need. Do you feel your life is complete? Are you happy where you are? Do you love your life just as it is? Are you willing to BE happy and joyful and complete with life exactly as it is?


Isn't Pie just plain delicious?
Don't you just love it when you have a chance to eat a piece of Pie?
Have you put out to the Universe that you love Pie?
Do you need Pie?
Is your life fine without Pie?
Can you have a day that is absolutely PERFECT without Pie?
Your entire day can be absolutely beautiful, fun, joyful and complete without Pie, right?

But, surprise! Pie is here. It has arrived. Suddenly there is it. You were totally satiated, not even thinking about Pie, and now here is Pie. And it has put you over the top! Wow! A fantastic day has now been crowned.

What if you have a Pie (soul mate, abundance, new job, close family relationship, new house, new car...) waiting to come to you, but you are too busy being dissatisfied with your life and what is to allow them in? Put it out there. This is what I like. This is what I want. Then let go of it, just like you let go of the Pie. The Universe knows you would love to have the Pie. The Universe also knows you do not need to have the Pie to survive. So stop pretending that you need the Pie (soul mate, abundance, new job, close family relationship, new house, new car...), and begin living life without the Pie. BE in the NOW. LOVE the life that is. Stop asking for the Pie and give the chef a chance to make it. Put your focus on the beautiful things you have in life. LOVE them. LOVE you. LOVE life. Let the chef do his job uninterrupted, now that you have put in your order, so you can have your PERFECT Pie (soul mate, abundance, new job, close family relationship, new house, new car...) come to you in DIVINE time.



(or a Switchphrase supportive of your desires).

XERO-JESUS (July 9, 2011)

XERO-JESUS came up as one a Personal Switchphrase this week, while I was working on subscriptions for Astrological and Personal Switchphrases. I was later asked to expound further on it:

Switchphrase: XERO-JESUS.
This Switchphrase means: Dry it up to create a healing focus.

Drying something up takes away the weight of it, allowing it to be released, healed. Anything that is dried up is smaller and easier to deal with. We do that all the time with foods - we dry fruits, milk, chocolate, coffee - innumerable things. It makes it easy to transport, release, move, get rid of.

When weeds (which can represent negative emotions, focuses) are dried up they are easy to pluck from the ground.

So XERO-JESUS dry it up, release the weightedness, and heal.

Click here to learn more about Astrological and Personal Switchphrases

Thoughts on Co-Creating Our World (July 8, 2011)

I believe we are all co-creating as we go.

One person, we'll call her Sarah, feels a rift between her and her son, Jerry, and prays for the relationship to improve.

Another person, let's call him Dr. Johnson, wants to save lives, does emergency surgeries.

A third person, we will call her Alice, is angry at the world, focused on just wanting everyone to get out of her way, stop causing her problems.

An accident occurs. Alice, in a hurry, feeling rushed because of all the people who have been in her way on the road runs a red light and hits Jerry's car.

Alice, who caused the accident dies at the scene.

Jerry survives, but is rushed to the hospital for emergency, life-saving surgery, performed by Dr. Johnson.

Sarah is called to the hospital. Suddenly all the grudges, all the tension between Sarah and Jerry are gone, buried. His survival is the focus, and the love between them. Sarah's prayer was answered. The rift is gone.

Dr. Johnson's wish to save a life is fulfilled. He just saved Jerry.

Alice, who wanted everyone to get out of their way and stop causing problems no longer has any problems. Nobody is causing her problems anymore. She is in peace.

Three people co-creating.
Three people unaware that they are co-creating.
Three people getting what they are focused on, in a manner they may never have considered.

How what you want comes you do not know.
Just let it flow.
Flow with life.
No judgments.
Simply accept what is.

(Give respect, work miracles, act on good impulse and let go of constrictions.)

Blow Off Your Problems (July 8, 2011)

This note was posted at the Facebook Switchwords group. I thought it was a great idea and so brought it here.

From Stuart Wilde's book Sixth Sense: Including the Secrets of the Etheric Subtle Body there is a great technique for dealing with someone you are having problems with that you want to go away. He said whenever someone is giving you problems or will not leave you alone it is because there is a little child in them that needs soothing. He says to see them tiny in the palm of your hands and then look down at them and send them lots of love. Then use your mouth to blow them away with a loving feeling seeing them go on their loving way. All done with love. He said being angry or hating someone just holds them to us. Which we know, but it is nice to have such a wonderful technique to use. We could probably get very creative with this and "blow off" more than people. Like problems or situations. Feels really good when I do it.

It was interesting to read this note, as just this past Tuesday, during the Kat Speaks with Dane Talkcast (Episode 17) Dane talked about when people irritate and get in the way one of the best things to do is to "Love 'em Extra" (the title of the Talkcast).


Inner Experience (July 6, 2011)

What is the meaning of the Inner Experience to a situation like "I not able to do anything" as "anything I do causes more problems and adds to the problems"?

It is all story.
It is not what is happening.
It is the story you made up about what is happening.
And in that story you create what happens next.

"Not able to do anything" is a story you tell yourself, which removes responsibility. "I don't do anything because anything I do causes more problems." I am justified. I can't do it.

The reality is "I don't do anything." The story part is "because anything I do causes more problems."

Okay, now ego gets to step in. In your story you actually created "anything I do causes more problems" because ego has now become involved, and now is focused on "more problems." Ego has to be right. Ego proves ego is right, without your permission. It is out there. Focus is on it. The rest is easy. You are now in a space where you can prove that you are justified to not do anything, because focus is on causing more problems if you do. So ego is in a win-win situation. You do nothing, you are justified. You do something, you create more problems, see, you were right. Now the setup is there for the future! HAH! See that, anytime I do anything I create more problems! I AM justified! I can't do anything!

CUT the storyteller off.
DO despite the storyteller.
DEDICATE - stop clinging to "anything I do causes more problems."

Start putting things in a NUTSHELL - be precise and concise. No need to add because or but. Those create obstacles to achieving what you want. Say what you want, not what you don't want. Leave out the rest. Ignore the story teller (QUIET).


So Even Prayers and Healing Don't Work? (July 6, 2011)

I was asked today, with regard to someone's passing, "So even prayers and healing don't work?"

My thoughts follow.

It can be very difficult to get beyond what is expected.

A doctor enters a hospital room. The news is not good. "The MRI is consistent with anoxic brain insult (brain damage due to lack of oxygen)." What did he just say? There is no hope? Who heard it? I heard it. A friend heard it. Everyone in the room heard it, including the patient. She HEARD it. She had her eyes open. She was not responding. She was not tracking. But she had the light, the light of life in her eye. But wait, what just happened? She HEARD it. The light. NO, the LIGHT, it's GONE. NO. It was there. It is not there now. The words. They were heavy. They created. She heard them. She obeyed.  She created out of their words.

The next 24 to 48 hours were crucial. Intensive work for hours that night. The night ended. The LIGHT was back. We had a chance. If the patient were to survive she had to SEE a different way, which by the way she did. She is now virtually 100% recovered.

What happens when nobody is there to show another way? How can one see it?

I had walked into a room heavy with grief, with sorrow, with pain. How does one heal in that space? No wonder hospitals are full of people waiting to die!

Another patient dies.
She had people praying for her recovery. She had people sending healing energy. Why did she die?

Perhaps she was not given opportunity to SEE another way. Perhaps she chose not knowing all possibilities. When there is but one door seen, is that not the door you take? When the prayers are waiting outside the door at your back and you never turn around to see that door, because you are so focused on the door in front of you, how can the prayers come to you?

Is the focus on not wanting to die (focus death)?
Or wanting to live (focus live)?
Is the focus on illness, injury and/or disease (focus illness, injury and/or death)?
Or on wellness (focus wellness)?
Are visitors to the patient showing their LIGHT, their LOVE, the promise of life (focus LIGHT, LOVE life)?
Or are showing fear of death, sorrow, guilt, sadness, worry (focus fear, death, sorrow, guilt, sadness, worry)?


My Thoughts on the Violet Flame (June 30, 2011)

Violet is a cleansing clearing color. It is of the shortest wave-length visible to the human eye. Violet is a color that is difficult to see. Potassium burns violet. Potassium is abundant in the human body. Potassium is important for brain and nerve function.

Fire (flame) keeps things in check, prevents overgrowth and feeds the soil, turning it more alkaline. Flames help transmute acid to alkaline. Ash is what the flame leaves behind. Interestingly, ash tends to be high in potassium, particularly wood ash (known as potash - because it is rich in potassium). Potassium, and therefore ash generally is alkalizing. Alkalinity is also found in the positive emotions of joy, happiness, love, peace, hope, faith, forgiveness. If water is the elixir of life, then soil is the root of life. Ash enhances the root.

My thought is that the Violet Flame helps destroy the negativity, the acid emotions, opening up an alkaline ground to allow for flourishing of the alkaline emotions.

"I am" is the most powerful creative force. For whatever follows "I am..." is created in that instance. Therefore "I am the violet flame" is creating cleansing, is pulling on potassium to improve brain and nerve function and is creating a fertile ground for positive growth and expansion.

I personally think the "I am..." is the most potent part of the decrees, not the Violet Flame. For without the "I am..." there would only be a Violet Flame without attachment.

(Enhance your viewpoint, expand beyond perceived limitations and make new discoveries.)


Why Struggle? (June 30, 2011)

Can anger just be experienced, accepted?
If you can allow yourself to accept it and feel it, then you can dismiss it, and it does not continue to perpetuate into the future and multiply. Judging that it is wrong for you to be angry, and trying to suppress the anger tends to perpetuate it into the future, or worse yet, may begin to compromise your health if you just keep pushing it down over and over again. Anger goes to Liver. Liver has millions of responsibilities, including working with gallbladder to maintain joints, working with pancreas and adrenal glands to maintain blood sugar, filtering poisons and toxins out of the body, breaking down waste, and many, many other things.

However, acting while in a space of anger (or any negative emotional space) is reacting. Reacting virtually always will take you away from what your true goal is. You are focused on anger when reacting while in anger. Law of Attraction assures then that you will bring more anger with any action (reaction) taken while in a space of anger.

As long as you feel an emotional charge with regard to something, it is wise to to respond.

Responding is done absent emotional charge.
In responding you are focused on what you want, not on the anger or negative emotion, which obviously is what you don't want.

What harm does it do to wait until the emotional charge is gone before taking action? Is it that you will not be able to perpetuate the anger if you do? Are you feeling a need to hold onto the anger, and therefore a need to react while the anger is strong?

Wait. When anger abounds, silence may be the most appropriate response.

When the emotional charge is gone, then, if action is still required, respond. Sometimes with the dissipation of the anger, the need to take action also dissipates.

Respond. React. Your choice.

(Support shining brightly by helping others.)


A Beautiful Gift (June 29, 2011)

I received this beautiful poem from Niranjan on my birthday, and I wish to share it with all my friends. Thank you Niranjan for your heartfelt words.

Happy birthday Dear Kat,
You are a Friend in many
and many Friends rolled in One...

In Your Beautiful Presence
stillness abides,
amidst whirlwind of the world.

When You are Around..
peace prevails and love abounds,
a divine touch awakens life,
in one and many and all.

You're such a blessing to have as a friend..
A joy in life, even to witness You,
from a distance cast wide,
by the many seas between us...
even though for you, none of it matters,
friends are forever close at your heart.

May the Divine bless you, over n over,
for all the love you share,
this is my heartwish for You,
May all your dreams come true,
nay, may you have ever so more,
beyond your prizest dreams.
May You have infinite abundance, health and Joy,
Peace and Faith, at all times.

You are such a giver, and a believer
to believe in others,
more than what they ever could in themselves, for to be true....
You an angelic friend, from a divine realm.

Today, when the moment comes
to light a candle on your cake
please remember, for every candle lit on your cake,
you have touched, healed, helped & mended,
hearts and lives beyond score.

and on this special day, they all are with you,
in union of spirit and heart,
loving you, blessing you,
praying God to shower Grace upon You.

For every smile you've helped create
For every heart and every soul
You've known to grow a little more
Don't ever lose the wonder of the child within your eyes..
and the love that enfolds, every moment in your heart..
Happy birthday my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All of US, At Switchwords, and Beyond,

Much Love and Light,

Niranjan Ashok Mallapur
June 27, 2011

What Do You Want?
(June 26, 2011)

When you say you do not want loneliness, you are choosing loneliness.
When you say you do not want hurt, you are choosing hurt.
When you say you do not want to feel longing, you are choosing to feel longing.
When you say you do not want to feel rejection, you are choosing to feel rejection.
When you say you do not want to feel abandonment, you are choosing to feel abandonment.
When you say you do not want to have fear of the future, you are choosing fear of the future.

Quit telling me what you don't want.
Start telling me what you do want.

(Make available, allow yourself to know the way, feel empowered.)

Breaking Negative Mind/Body Emotion/Pain Cycle
(June 26, 2011)

Holding onto grudges weighs the body down. You drag the grudges you hold everywhere you go. No wonder you are in pain! Let those grudges go!

REVERSE to bury grudges.

When the world feels unkind...when you feel everything and everyone is against you, to bring things back into balance.

RESTORE to restore fairness and honesty.

Holding onto negative thoughts, judgments, worries, etc., can eventually begin to cause pains in the areas of the body where you hold them.

CANCEL to clear negative thinking, anything negative.

Anger and resentment go to the liver and gallbladder. Liver has millions of functions in the body, and when it is out of balance it can show up anywhere in the body.

CLEAR to dispel anger and resentment.

When you feel TRUST all your energies - emotional, physical and physical - align, relaxing you into a calmness.

TRUST for balancing chakras, to help balance the body's energies.

When you are worried, muscles tighten, you find yourself fretting, ruminating, and often tension builds in the body, causing pain.

SERENE to release worries.

When you feel you have no choice, when you feel like you are not where you want to be, when you are not happy with what has happened, you reel against it. You cannot change the past. What is is. What has been has been. When you CHOOSE to accept it, you let go of it. Quit dragging your past into the future.

You never have to do anything against your will. There is always a choice. The other choice may be substantial suffering, punishment from yourself or another, for not doing, but fact is there is always a choice. So, if you feel you must do it, then CHOOSE it.

Feel the difference between:

I have to work to survive. I have to work to put food on the table and a roof over my head. I have to work or I will be kicked out onto the street.


I CHOOSE to work. Doing my job opens possibilities for me and my family. I LOVE that my job helps me provide delicious foods for my family, a loving home and comfortable beds.

These could be focuses of two people working the same job for the same company making the same money for the same size of family.

If it is something you see no way to change, no other option, CHOOSE it to be empowered.

If the only choice is vanilla ice cream, there is still a choice. You could CHOOSE vanilla ice cream, or you could CHOOSE no ice cream.

CHOOSE to feel empowered.

When you feel satisfied you are in a state of harmony, of peace, relaxation.

PERFECT to feel satisfied.


I Have Learned... (June 23, 2011)

I have Learned...
I came into this world alone, get to spend my time in this world interacting, loving and experiencing others, and then shall go alone.

I Learned...
People are with me especially when I need them, and otherwise.

I Learned...
A simple LIE of a close one can mean they really do not want to hurt me, and are trying to protect me, but with a focus of "not wanting to hurt" one tends to hurt, as the focus is on "hurt."

I Learned...
When I lend my shoulder to a friend in need, it heals me too.

I Learned...
Love yourself and Love people, and that Love means accepting yourself or another exactly as they are, indeed, without any expectations.

I Learned...
Perspective is everything, and there are many different ways to look at every experience in my life and that how I CHOOSE to focus on each experience has a major impact on my life.

BAMBOO (June 14, 2011)

Today, I was asked, "Can you explain how you came up with BAMBOO connecting to 'diversify yourself'?"

My answer:  Research.

BAMBOO came up as being a Switchword.
So I read about BAMBOO.
I read a lot about BAMBOO.
I discovered the versatility of BAMBOO.

BAMBOO is one of the fastest growing plants on this planet, able to grow 39 inches or more in a single day.
BAMBOO greatly reduces rain run-off, preventing soil erosion and keeping up to twice as much water in the watershed.
BAMBOO is a renewable resource; proper harvesting of BAMBOO does not kill the BAMBOO plant so topsoil is held in place.

BAMBOO is much more effective than other plants at absorbing carbon dioxide (almost 5 x as much as an equivalent stand of trees).

BAMBOO then converts the carbon dioxide to carbohydrates, resulting in the release of oxygen - 35% more oxygen than most trees.

BAMBOO is very durable and can be used for flooring, worktop surfaces, plywood panels and veneer.
BAMBOO approaches the strength of steel.
BAMBOO is used for scaffolding in Japan.
BAMBOO can be used as framing lumber.

BAMBOO can be used for window shades, baskets and rugs.
Young BAMBOO shoots are tasty in a stir-fry.
BAMBOO makes a perfect fishing pole.

BAMBOO is used by the Aborigines to make a musical instrument known as a dideridoo.
BAMBOO can be used to make chimes.
BAMBOO can be used to make flutes.

BAMBOO clothing is cool in the summer, because it absorbs moisture, pulling sweat off the skin.
BAMBOO clothing is warm in winter as it is insulating.
BAMBOO clothing is hypoallergenic because the cells of the BAMBOO are rounded, making them comfortable.
BAMBOO towels are naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial, mold and mildew resistant, highly absorbent, breathable, soft and durable.
BAMBOO socks create an inhospitable environment for foot fungus, and often substantially improve athlete's foot.

There is huge diversity in this amazing, fast-growing grass called BAMBOO.

BAMBOO – diversify yourself; grow rapidly

When Another's Negative Spiral Affects You
(June 13, 2011)

Thoughts I have for you - REVERSE-RESTORE-DIVINE-TOGETHER-JUDGE-WITH-LOVE-BE to help get to a space where what they have no effect on you. Liver is responsible for Eyes, so balancing Liver while connected to Eyes may help to give you more clarity on how much their actions do not have to affect you.

It is not about you.
Their choices have nothing to do with you.
You do have a right, however, to make YOUR choices.
There is always a choice, in every situation.
It is what it is.
Accept what is.
From there choose to either keep it or dismiss it.
Your choice.

The choices you have made up to this point in your life have brought you to exactly where you are. Now CHOOSE to accept all of that, all that is. Then decide what you want from here. Call the taxi and tell it where you are and where you want to go, rather than just where you want to go. You cannot get there from here if you do not acknowledge that here is where you are. Being happy with life as it IS is the key to taking happiness forward with you. The JOY is the trip, not the destination.

For the one in the negative spiral, PURGE-CANCEL-CUT-OFF-BE may be useful for helping them to step outside of the negative spiral.

Remember, you are human.
We all are.
And it is totally human to look for reasons to complain.
Then want to fix the complaints.

There is nothing wrong here.
You are you.
They are them.
End of story.
PURGE-CANCEL anything else.

With judgment of how someone is ruining their or your life comes dissatisfaction, frustration, anger, anxiety, worry, and a plethora of other complaints.

(June 12, 2011)

CHLORINE-WITH-LOVE means mingle with and harmonize with generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.

I see this as becoming part of love yourself. As you mingle with love you become part of what love is, you change the composition of love, because you are part of the love. You become one with love and love becomes one with you.


EVAPORATE-WITH-LOVE means transform to harmonizing with generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.

I see this as applicable to one who has never been willing to allow love in, to be accepting, to have love BE a part of their lives. If you have never allowing yourself to align with love, it is a major transformation one must go through to allow themselves to harmonize with love.

On What's So (June 6, 2011)
(Author Unknown)

I ran across this today, and in searching to find out the original source I have not found it, but it is right up my line, so I thought I would bring it here.

What’s so is always just what’s so. What’s so doesn’t care what you think, feel, intend or wish; it will not bend. You can be freaked out or driven over what’s so, and it won’t change what’s so. If you’re late for an appointment, getting freaked out about it won’t have you arrive any earlier. If you’re having a bad day, being freaked out won’t change what’s so. That which you seek will not bring you satisfaction – aligning with what’s so will. When you’re upset, you’re never upset over what’s so. What’s so is just what’s so, and you’re upset.

If your house burns down and you get upset, does it bring your house back? What’s so doesn’t care if you’re upset; it’s up to you how you handle what’s so. There is no confusion in what’s so. When you don’t know you just don’t know – there is no confusion there. There’s nothing right or wrong about what’s so. What’s so is always open to different interpretations. There’s always just what’s so, and then you have an interpretation. What scares you isn’t what’s so, it’s your interpretation. The interpretation is never true; what’s so is real, the interpretation is not. Who you’re being is just who you’re being, and what’s so doesn’t care if you’re happy with it or not, so why should you? When you’re not being with what’s so, that’s also just what’s so. Why should you concern yourself? Other people should always be the way they’re being; if you think they shouldn’t, that’s your interpretation. Bring yourself back to what’s so about them. Until you can be with what’s so, you can’t be with anything or anyone. You may have control over other people’s what’s so, but none over their interpretation – give it up.

If you take action or not, it’s still just what’s so. If it works out well or not, it’s still just what’s so. You can never make a right or wrong decision, or take a right or wrong action. Whatever you do will always bring you more of what’s so, and then you have an interpretation about it. Whatever you don’t have, so what? Whatever you’ve done or thought in the past, again so what? Whatever happens in the future is not to be feared. It’s just going to be more of what’s so. The challenge is to spend as much time in what’s so as you can. The chatter in your head is more interpretation, and it has nothing to do with what’s so. There’s nothing wrong with the chatter, it’s just you listening to a fantasy. The thought that there is something wrong is an illusion; there is nothing wrong, there is only what’s so. Notice when you’re comparing what’s so to some fantasy of how it should be. Bring yourself back to what’s so and it will be O.K. Ask yourself what’s so, and align with that. Align with what’s so and it will not matter. That is the foundation of transformation and satisfaction. Not aligning with what’s so is the only thing that will ever bring you hardship or suffering. Life in what’s so will bring you harmony, grace, and balance. Ask yourself – what’s so about your situation?


Your Storyteller (June 6, 2011)

Do you have a negative story about your life that you started as a child?
We all have stories from childhood that we talk about as adults (it's totally human), and as we continue to talk about it, we perpetuate it into the now and into the future.

As a child when something happens, we add meaning to what happened. Then ego takes over. Because we interpreted what happened with regard to what it means to us, we tend to have a very narrow view of the event. And because ego is always right, it has to be right, we wind up in a vicious cycle of validation that whatever we decided then is so, looking for it, expecting it, and then seeing it and validating it...see I was right.

Whether we consciously realize we are looking for it or not, we are. One may say, "each time I hope that this time will be different, that someone will care and won't discuss me with others," but we are acutely aware of what has happened in the past, our interpretation of it anyway, and as such we continue to draw similar conclusions from experiences into our future.

One way to begin to transform our future is to let go of the past to open up a clearing for previously unseen possibilities in the future.

The original seed that brought you to the place where you are now may seem totally unrelated to what is happening now, but when one evaluates the feelings behind what is going on, it comes very clear. I see it all the time.

In my work I will check to see what age the original event that started the cycle was at, then I will inquire about events at that age, and invariably, even though it seems totally unrelated, the origin is found there, at that age. Once it is understood how the focus was set, generally it is very easy to then clear it and open up a clearing full of possibilities.

Listen to your words. See how in your words you are perpetuating what you have seen in the past into the now and the future by stating it all as fact and in the now.

Consider reframing to past tense.
Consider removing the story and simply stating what happened.

For example:
I have (had) one thought.
Since childhood I was always helpful.
I used to take other's problems on me.
Later the same people have discussed me with others. (Which is none of your business, by the way)

That is what happened.
The rest is your story.

What others think of you, is none of your business.

What matters more than anything else is what YOU think of them. For your thoughts of them come back to you through them as a reflection.

(Bury grudges, restore fairness and honesty, improve relationships with others, quiet the ego and be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy)

DANCE (June 4, 2011)

DANCE is a state of mind.
DANCE is a place of joy.
DANCE can be done in your own home, alone if you wish.
DANCE can be done on the grass outside.
DANCE can be anywhere you want it to be.

No need to have to be in a crowded ballroom or on a DANCE floor to DANCE. Just DANCE for JOY, wherever you are.

Also, why not BE the CHANGE you want to see in the world (from MAHATMA GANDHI). If most DANCE floors have "no stags allowed" begin to create (first in your mind, then actually looking to actually creating) DANCE floors that ALLOW singles, with signs like "stags welcome" to make it easy to DANCE.

The best way to get what you want is to BE it.

It matters not what country you are in.
It matters only what your mind set is.
Had MAHATMA GANDHI said that this is India, and it is the way it is, India today would not be what India today is.

People do not CHANGE the world.
Individuals CHANGE the world.
People just follow individuals who CHANGE the world.

Are you willing to CHANGE the world as an individual?
Or are you going to just follow with the people?

BE the CHANGE you want to see in the world.

(progress, clear inertia and feel joy)

Having Difficulty Making a Decision? (June 1, 2011)

I find CRYSTAL-LISTEN to be very useful in helping one to see solutions, where to go, what might be a good action, etc.

My personal thought is that confusion comes when one is trying to weigh the differences between options and the options have advantages and disadvantages, summing up near equal. To me, this then is a time to drop the weights and ask myself, "what do I want to do?" and just flow with the first thought that comes up.

It is no longer a decision. It is now just a choice. Choices don't have to be thought through, evaluated, and then reevaluated. They are made spur of the moment and without weighing options.

Make your choice, then go forward with it, forget about the other choices you might have made. It does you no good, and in fact prevents progress, when you keep looking back at what might have happened if you made a different choice.

So, turn it into a choice, rather than a decision and throw yourself wholeheartedly behind the choice that you make. FULL-ON ahead.

(be empowered)


More (some from a friend) on Strained Personal Relationships (June 1, 2011)

CHOOSE to LOVE yourself.

In a situation where you feel wronged, holding the "I've been wronged" attitude isn't fun.
CONSIDER there is nothing to be fixed.
CONSIDER you are holding an attitude that has nothing to do with the person in your life right now who you are playing this out with. They are out there having fun and you are sitting there holding the "I've been wronged" attitude.
CONSIDER you are fun.
CHOOSE to validate yourself, your life as it is now.
CHOOSE existence with or without the other party.
MOVE onward to live in LOVE and fun.
LOVE the party you feel is wronging you.
You feel you are right.
They feel they are right.
Both of you are right.
Both of you are wrong.
Perhaps there is no right or wrong.
CHOOSE to LOVE them anyway.
CONSIDER placing your intention on your storyteller, encouraging focus on living in LOVE, LIGHT, being a successful vibrational match to sweet LOVE, abundance and joy.
Radiate LOVE.

My storyteller LOVEs Switchwords and creating.
If the relationship is meant to be I am in the vibrational match for what is good for me.
Think from the other side.
LOVE is the glue.
Just typing that makes me feel happy.


Strained Personal Relationships (May 28, 2011)

CONSIDER that there is nothing to fix.
CONSIDER that it may simply be a communication error.
CONSIDER that all negativity in relationships generally begins with one or both trying to get the other to see their perspective, their point of view.
CONSIDER that nobody ever can actually see things the way you do. They bring a whole different set of filters to the situation.
CONSIDER that in a parent/child relationship, even when the child is an adult, the parent's input is always considered to be attempts at controlling.
CONSIDER letting go of that there is something wrong that needs to be fixed, and just contacting your loved one with the spirit of LOVE.

When it comes down to it, which is more important?
That you are right? or that there is LOVE?
That they understand where you are standing? or that there is LOVE?
That you get your point across to them? or that there is LOVE?
That they understand that they are putting a wedge between you two (from your perspective)? or that there is LOVE?

Personally, to me, it only matters that there is LOVE. So, whatever seems the issue between me and my family, I go to CHOOSE-LOVE.

All that said, this Switchphrase has helped in situations, where a relationship had deteriorated substantially: BETWEEN-RESTORE-REVERSE-LISTEN.



A thought that came up in a conversation (May 20, 2011)
In the Feeling becomes the BEing.


Vibrational Balancing Images Update (May 18, 2011)

I am currently in the process of uploading new, crisper, cleaner VBI images to Blue Iris.

I can't tell you how it works, but I have seen it over and over. My first experience with the VBI cards was with VB78 Tired Feet. I brought the image over to my daughter's one day because she had been complaining for a few days that her feet hurt. I had her put three fingers from her left hand inside the VB78 image for a few minutes, and she was totally amazing at how good her feet felt afterward.

Since then I have experienced a lot of great stuff with the VBI cards. VB80 Toothache has been awesome for relieving tooth pain.

I have used the Bites and Stings Combination with amazing success numerous times. The first time my granddaughter had been bitten by an ant (I think), and within seconds her wrist was swelling and red. I took her in and started running the Bites and Stings Combination on the computer while my husband got the car ready to take her to be seen by a ER doctor. By the time we got in the car, the swelling was substantially decreased, and by the time we met my daughter at the doctor's it had faded by 3/4. By the next day you could only see the puncture wound...no swelling, redness or anything.

Those are just a few experiences with the Vibrational Balancing Images.

Click here to learn more about Vibrational Balancing Images.

(dispel pain and create balance)

LIDGTTFTATIM (May 12, 2011)

From Robert Collier's book The Magic Word

"... Among those at the Colony was Mike, an Hawaiian boy. Mike seemed to be always cheerful. Mike seemed to be always prosperous. And, naturally, Blanding wondered why. For Mike, when he had known him before, had been blessed with few of this world's goods."

"So one day he asked Mike what good fairy had waved her wand over him and turned all that he touched into gold."

"For answer, Mike pointed to a string of letters he had pasted over his bed --L-I-D-G-T-T-F-T-A-T-I-M."


LIDGTTFTATIM, pronounced "lig-da-fat-im" stands for "Lord I Do Give Thee Thanks For The Abundance That Is Mine."


As I look at that statement, this is what I see...

Lord - the one in control

I - very personal, directs strongly to the person saying "I"

Do - accentuates Give

Give - present voluntarily without expecting compensation

Thee - familiar, respectful version of you

Thanks - grateful acknowledgement, appreciation

For - to the advantage of

The - marks and makes importance of Abundance

Abundance - extremely plentiful, affluence, overflowing fullness

That - combines with Is to to direct whose the Abundance is

Is - points to whose the Abundance is

Mine - possessive, brings the Abundance for which I am thankful to me.


No wonder LIDGTTFTATIM can be a powerful attractor of abdundance!



Fear of Rejection (May 10, 2011)

It is absolute human nature to fear rejection. We are social creatures. We want to fit in.

We often do things according to our desire to fit in. In doing so, we lose track of ourselves.

Instead of overcoming the fear of rejection, why not just accept it? Why not just accept that there are those who will reject, and those who will accept. It is okay to be afraid of rejection...we all are. We do not have to act in the fear. We can do as we do anyway, despite the fear. Acting from within the fear will get us exactly what it is we fear.

(gain perspective and be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy)


New Articles Around the Web (May 9, 2011)

The last few weeks I have been writing some articles on Wikihow.com and on Ezinearticles.com. I thought some here may be interested in reading them.

If you enjoy an article and find it informative, have questions or comments, please take a moment to go into the document discussion area (click the Discuss button at the top of the article) and post.

Here are the articles I have started:

At Wikihow.com:

Get Through a Tough Day by Using Switchwords

Use Switchwords to Enhance Your Life Experience

Create Energy Circles

Use Switchwords and Energy Circles to Get Rid of Pests

Clear Headaches with Switchwords


And at Ezinearticles.com:

Protect Yourself From Negative Energy With Violect Bracelets

Using the Switchword Pair CRYSTAL-HORSE to increase Self-Confidence and Self-Worth

Mother Helper Switchwords

You are the Power (May 5, 2011)

You are the power, not the money.
No need to give your power away to the money.

(revise your position/attitude)


Energy Exchange (April 30, 2011)

It has been my experience Energy Circles and Switchwords do not need to have money/energy exchange to work.

When you believe that an energy exchange is needed, you make it so.

Consider what goes around comes around, and paying it forward being valid concepts to make things work whether there is coming or going.

Part of what may keep things from working when there is not an energy exchange going both directions may be resentment on the part of the person giving, of feeling that they have to give for free, or on the side of the recipient the feeling that they are undeserving as they have done nothing for payment. It is more the energy of someone on one side or the other (or both) having a negative perspective regarding themselves or the other person.

Each of us comes to the table with a different set of skills, and many glean from the work here, adding it into the tools they use in their profession.

EFT is also free to learn. However, many people have chosen to learn EFT in-depth and share their skills on a professional level, which is absolutely fine. They have taken time to hone their skills, and should be allowed to charge people for the healing work that they do.

Many EFT practitioners add Switchwords into their EFT routines. They enhance both techniques, and as such are entitled to compensation when they usetheir skills to help others.

Many energy workers have combined numerous techniques which they have taken often years to learn and to incorporate in their healing work. Many have chosen to devote their time, their professional time, to healing others, and as such absolutely do deserve to be paid for this time.

A lawyer gleans information from public records - information that is available to all - if you know where to look, what to look for, and how to use what you find to your advantage. A lawyer does not routinely work for free. A lawyer is not paid for the free information he utilizes in the service of his client. A lawyer is paid for knowing what, how, when and where to apply that information.

So, to me, the long and the short of it is...

There is an agreement made.  Either someone is offering services free of charge or someone is offering services for a price. You choose which services you want.

You act according to your choice.

Yes, Switchwords are freely available, even definitions, Switchpairs, Switchphrases, and some applications.

Yes, Energy Circles are freely available, with information on applications details on different types and reasons for different types.

Yes, sometimes people are willing to freely share their ideas and successes for others to learn and grow.

And yes, it is absolutely fine for a professional to glean information from here, and from other sources, integrate it into their professional work and charge people for the work that they do.

When energy exchange is expected on one or both sides of a healing, and none is given from one side, then it may be (quite) detrimental to one or both sides.

This is all my own perspective.


Finishing with Integrity (April 12, 2011)

Regarding losing interest and not completing projects once started, first might I suggest that you stop bringing into the present and the future past actions - meaning you said "I have a problem with something I start and I lose interest in it."

Here the "syndrome" is perpetuated. By saying "I have a problem" the problem is brought from the past (I have done this before) to the now (I am doing it now). If it is your desire to get beyond this, one of the first and most important things to do is to put it into the past and let go of it in the now, thereby releasing it from the future.

When you let go of something, it opens up a space, a space which will be filled back up by something, so it is wise to have a replacement prepared for the opening space. What do you want to replace this behavior with? Perhaps completion, integrity in standing by your word with your actions?

Decide what it is that you want:
I want to complete projects I start.

Then DECLARE what you are doing based on that want:
I complete projects which I start.

Then stand in your integrity and DO what you said you were going to DO.

Enroll others in what it is you are doing by telling them what you are doing. This reaffirms to the Universe that you are indeed wanting what you say you are wanting. It also brings you to a place where you have others looking forward to you doing what you say you are doing. They are eager to see the completed project. The energy shifts to where you find yourself driven to do what you said you were going to do.

You will find that the more you DECLARE what you want by stating it as though you already are doing it, having it, being it, the more you feel an urge to DO it, and the easier it becomes to stand in your integrity and follow through.

Once you begin to DO what you say you are doing, you show the Universe that you stand by your words, and you will find that the Universe will then begin to assist you in bringing manifestation of the things you desire.

How can the Universe TRUST that you mean what you say when you vacillate?

Now Switchwords to help facilitate:

(Restore fairness and honesty [be what you say you are], balance energies, support [what you say you want], become a good leader, take responsibility [for fulfilling your promises], be in touch with your Inner Being [pay attention to the guide within who is trying to guide you to what you said you wanted], and take inspired action to create completion.)

Winning the Lottery (April 11, 2011)

Someone asked me today about Switchwords for winning the lottery. I brought my thoughts about it here to share with everyone.

Interesting thought, however, you may wish to set your intention for abundance. As I see it, the issue with the lottery is first setting a specific place for money to come from, which can be very limiting, and second you must believe all the way down to your core that you will win the lottery, that it is in no way random and that you are in control of it. Two tough things for even Switchwords to overcome.

Also, instead of focusing on the money that would come with winning the lottery, consider focusing on what you would do with the money. What are your dreams for what to do with your newfound treasure? Look at the possibilities, feel them.

Feel the joy of abundance.

Now from this place perhaps use this Switchphrase to open yourself up to the limitless possibilities in your life:

(make available your fortune by being in peace and wellness and letting go of the details)

Perhaps even YES!-AMAZING-JACKPOT (get energized, create miraculous endeavors and feel successful).

Feel it, allow it, be it.

(be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, feel successful)


Blessed Bucks (April 8, 2011)

Blessed Bucks are bucks that you "plant" in places people will find them. You write things like "May your life be filled with abundance" or other positive "blessings" on them before planting them.

To make and distribute Blessed Bucks:

1. Write the wishes, blessing, etc. on the dollar (or whatever currency you are using).

2. Fold it neatly, so the blessing is seen.

3. Place it somewhere where it will be easily found by someone else.

4. Do NOT wait around and watch to see who gets the Blessed Buck.

5. Do NOT drop Blessed Bucks on the ground. Purposefully place them where you "plant" them. Money dropped on the ground is a message to the Universe that you do not care about money.

It is best that the recipient not know where it came from, and that you not know who received it.

You can plant them:
on a bus
on a shelf at a store
in a shopping basket
on a stack of newspapers
on a changing station in a restroom
anywhere people will easily find them

Blessed Bucks are seeds you plant. Whatever you sow comes back to you 100 fold. Let everyone benefit from Blessed Bucks.

(be enchanted, show brilliance and be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy)


Unlocking the Power of the Subconscious Mind
(April 7, 2011)

Rhoda has been busy looking back to when she and I first learned about Switchwords. She has ferreted out a few gems that are now making their way to Blue Iris...

I posted this at Switchwordsgroup on April 30, 2007:

I just wrote an email to someone and was amazed at the content when I finished. I thought I would share the content with everyone here.

Amazing what "DivineORDER-GIGGLE-NOW" can do for you.

It matters not what your resources are or how many resources you have.
It matters not what brought you to this point, all the intricate details.
It matters only that you take advantage of every resource you have been given to navigate your life.

This is why subconscious is there for you. It gleans from experience. It gleans from actions. It gleans much more from the world and life than does the conscious mind.

Without worry or thought about how hard it was to learn to walk,

Without worry or thought of which muscles must be stimulated nor how to balance this mass of flesh and bone,

Without any concern whatsoever of the mechanics of walking, the underlying forces, the precision with which we must utilize our senses to keep us upright,

We simply walk.

We spent months learning the skill, but once mastered it is "saved" in our subconscious mind and honed, enhanced and improved by additional experiences.

Same goes for talking and typing and driving and...and...and...

Wow what a powerful thing is this subconscious mind. It takes our conscious experiences, saves them, files them, builds on them, uses them to enhance our lives.

And to think we fight with our subconscious minds always wanting to control it, always wanting to make it submit to our conscious desires.

This is where the POWER of Switchwords comes in. It is a communication with the subconscious mind. Letting it know our conscious desires and asking it to align with us, understand what it is we want, and inviting it to join us in our quest.

EFT + Switchwords unlocks the power of single-mindedness.
EFT + Switchwords brings our two minds to a single thought.
EFT + Switchwords stops the internal mind war.
EFT + Switchwords gets the subconscious mind to submit to and help out the conscious mind.

What a gift!


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (March 29, 2011)

If you have a decision to make, a choice between two or more options and you are uncertain which option is best, then I would say that all options are probably equal.

That is when it is important to just CHOOSE without really worrying about it being best or not.

When weighing options, you make decisions. When just looking at options, which do you want (no why or why not, just which do you want)then you can just CHOOSE.

Then, after the decision or choice is made, no looking back. No second guessing. Why? Because you already made the decision/choice. Thinking about the other choice you didn't make dilutes the one you made. You do not know where the path would have taken you had you made a different choice. You only know where you stand now.

To me it seems the Switchword is simply CHOOSE. Or perhaps if you feel things are complex, SIMPLE-CHOOSE to simplify it. When there are multiple options available, if it is very clear which way you want to go, then decide to go that way...without looking back.

If the way is not totally clear, then simply CHOOSE, with no reason, it just is your choice. Nothing lost nothing gained, simply a choice has been made.

Remember to keep the choice in a NUTSHELL. Make it concise and precise. I CHOOSE this simply because I CHOOSE this. No more explanation needed.

Okay, so it seems like a hard decision to make.
All options seem appropriate.
All options seem to have their own advantages.
Make it SIMPLE.

Remove all the could be's and might happens and just go with one, for no particular reason.

(gain perspective on a difficult task and be empowered)


Shunyam Nirav, Author, Switchwords (March 29, 2011)

Today, March 29, 2011, is the third anniversary of Shunyam Nirav's passing.

I am now taking a few minutes to reflect upon this gentle soul, who came quietly into my life and inspired profound changes.

Nirav told me about having picked up James T. Mangan's book, The Secret of Perfect Living at a yard sale back in the 1970's. As he worked with Switchwords and saw the power behind them. He also saw that, since the book was out of print, that we may lose this technology.

He told me he sat down on the beach in Maui one day and wrote Switchwords - Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life. He concentrated the information on Switchwords, and enhanced it by adding about 20 new Switchwords to the list that James gave us.

Thank you Nirav, for bringing Switchwords back into focus.

Thank you Nirav, for building this group to support Switchwords.

Thank you Nirav for proliferating Switchwords.

Thank you Nirav for taking the time to speak with me and share yourself and your work so freely with me and the world.

Thank you Nirav for the love and devotion you gave to us in bringing us to Switchwords.

Thank you Nirav for the tender, loving soul that you are.

Your presence is missed, my friend.

(work miracles, feel relaxed, gain perspective and be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy)


Reflections (March 20, 2011)

When one is fully accepting of self, the world becomes a friendly place.
Love and acceptance of self and all puts one in a powerful space of creation.
Life is what you make it.
If you say life is hard, life will be hard.
If you say life is easy and flowing, life will be easy and flowing.

Thoughts on Marriage (February 27, 2011)

Marriage is an enhancement of self.
Marriage is an enriching experience.
Marriage is about the joy of togetherness.

Marriage is about sharing your deepest feelings with another human being.

Marriage is about having someone who understands you better than you understand yourself.

Marriage is about the absolute joy of life multiplied.

Marriage is about enriching the life you have, and enriching your spouse's life too. Yes, there are always compromises in a marriage, and there are compromises in all relationships. Without the compromises you miss out on so much intimacy and the pure joy of alignment with another being. Why would you not be willing to compromise? Compromise is not about losing yourself or losing your independence.

Compromise is about willingness to stop, put your ego on hold, see another perspective, grow and benefit from it.

Compromise is about allowing yourself to share your journey with another.

Marriage is about experiencing the absolute joy of life with two working TOGETHER as one.

Just my take on marriage, after 33 years of it.


Some thoughts on Switchphrases that couples may find useful for enhancing marriages and love relationships:



This Switchphrase means: Do not be petty, be caring, be kind, dispel arrogance, harmonize with Source, express yourself well, create balance and comfort (in the relationship), generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.



This Switchphrase means: Increase your personal ability to become one with each other, bury any grudges between you, now, and feel balance and comfort, peace and wellness.



This Switchphrase means: Brightly focus positivity on your union and be in peace and good health as one.

Switchwords for Paralyzed Will (February 22, 2011)

Paralyzed Will means unable to make decisions, move forward, take action, usually due to feeling overwhelmed with fear or panic. When someone has a Paralyzed Will, they may have all kinds of intentions for things they want to do, but they never seem to get to it. Each day comes and goes and nothing is accomplished, day after day.

Below I have listed a few Switchwords which may be useful in helping to get beyond a Paralyzed Will:

QUIET - to quiet ego
Ego is that little voice that says, "I can't." Ego worries about change. Ego worries about what may go wrong. Ego likes to keep things "status quo." Ego also does not like to look bad. Ego will go to great lengths to look good (whether the appearance is true or not), or at least to keep from looking bad.

ADJUST - to handle an uncomfortable condition
When you feel discomfort about moving forward, about stepping beyond where you currently are, use ADJUST to reclaim the balance and comfort as you move forward.

REFRESH - to gain a new perspective
When you feel you can't make a decision, when you feel fear at the need to make a decision, you are probably looking at all the negative possibilities, rather than the positive. REFRESH may help you to gain new perspectives, find the reasons why you want to do what you are contemplating, rather than the reasons why you shouldn't or can't.

RELAY - to move forward
When moving forward feels impossible, having used REFRESH, RELAY now opens you to begin moving forward. Once the first step is taken, it becomes easier and easier to move on.

OPEN - to free the mind
When the mind is cluttered with all the possible dangers and problems, it can be difficult to move forward. OPEN frees the mind, lets go of all details and allows you to step up to the possibilities and opportunities an open door gives.

COVER - to reduce nervousness
Often not knowing precisely how something will turn out, we find ourselves nervous about taking that first step. COVER helps to let go of that nervousness, allowing us to step forward.

BLUFF - to dispel fear
Sometimes we become paralyzed by fear. We have found many things to fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what other people might think about what we do or say. Fear of the future. Fear of experiencing something we didn't like before again. BLUFF helps us to let go of those fears.

BE - to be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy We tend to wish to align with what other people say or think. We often go out of our way to avoid being different, so we are not ridiculed by others. We follow what everyone else is saying or doing because we don't want to be singled out, we fear being ridiculed for our thoughts, beliefs, actions, words, etc. BE helps keep us from being affected by what other people think, say or do. BE helps keep us in a place of calm, peaceful wellness.

SOMEHOW - to release the details and let it be
Sometimes we are paralyzed because we don't know the whole of the journey. Sometimes a journey never begins because the details cannot be worked out ahead of time. What if you could just let go of the details and begin? SOMEHOW helps you to let go of the details, face the direction you wish to go and take the first step. As the first step is taken, the second is seen. Perhaps you will be far into the journey before you see where it is taking you. Perhaps your mind could not even perceive the possibilities that open once you take the first step, and that is why you hesitated taking that first step.


Also of note, Paralyzed Will comes from and goes to the Bladder Meridian, which means an imbalance in the Bladder Meridian may be causing the Paralyzed Will, or having the Paralyzed Will may be affecting the Bladder Meridian, which in turn may cause problems along the Bladder Meridian. In addition to the above Switchphrase, here are two additional Switchphrases which may also be helpful in dispelling the emotions causing the Paralyzed Will (taken from the Meridians/Feelings/Switchwords List):


Valentine's Switchphrases (February 14, 2011)

For those single and looking for a special Valentine:

For those married or in a love relationship and wanting to enjoy each other and step up the romance:

For those who just want to enjoy family and friends and bring more love between all:

For happy relationships:

Play with this and see what happens. A Pink Energy Circle with any of the Switchphrases above may add more love energy to them, and a Red Energy Circle may be helpful in sparking more passion in a love relationship.

Click here to learn more about Energy Circles.

CHOOSE-LOVE (February 2, 2011)

Life is not about what happens. Life is about how you interpret what happens and what you allow it to mean to you.

We constantly make up rules for others to follow. We don't necessarily express our rules, we just expect others to follow them. Then we get upset when they don't. And we get upset when they get upset that we don't follow their unexpressed rules. What silly creatures we can be!

We even express our rules sometimes, and then expect others to follow our rules. They may not agree with our rules. They may think they are silly rules and so they don't follow them. They may have their own rules that to them supersede our rules, and since they made their rules, they may simply ignore our rules which conflict with their rules.

So then perhaps we go out recruiting others to tell them that our rules are better than their rules. Of course if we have 10 people that agree that our rule is a good rule, and you are the only one who does not agree, then you are wrong, so you should follow our rule (no longer just my rule).

Now the person who does not agree with your rule is becoming defensive. They feel they have a right to defend their position, even against all odds, because, well, they just do. Come what may, now their own virtue is at stake, they are accused of not following someone else's rule that was forced upon them, that they do not agree with, and they will defend their right to disobey that oppressive rule.

Oh, oh, now what? War is at hand. Now we have two views on one rule, both believe they are right, and both are recruiting others to their perspective, and both are creating armies to stand up for them. They are getting further and further from each other, and are becoming more and more self-righteous in their perspectives.

Perhaps before it comes to this, it would be wise to say, we agree to disagree.

Remember, whenever there is judgment of right and wrong, good and bad, valid and invalid, the two sides will begin to fight hard to stand their ground, neither willing to see the other side. And more importantly peace and love are lost. The cause becomes more important than the relationship.

What is more important, the relationship or being right?

(be empowered by generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance)


Transmuting Negatives to Positives (January 30, 2011)

Consider that whenever you say "I am..." you bring whatever it is into your now and your future. It may be wise to place complaints into past tense as you speak, for the now has not been created, but is becoming as you speak, and the future is a clean slate.

In your focus you choose what you feel. Perhaps it is wise to ask yourself what you want in this life. Do not ask it with the undertone of "I cannot have it so I don't want anything." Instead ask it from the perspective of an open clearing, nothing exists, nothing does not exist. If you had endless possibility for the future, what would you want?

Once you have a clear picture of what it is you want, then declare it. Declare it as if it is already coming to you (because when you do declare it, it is). Then take action, begin walking toward what it is that you want.

Remember, you are creating all that you say.
When you say, "my life is empty," you make it so.
When you say, "my life serves no purpose," you make it so.
When you say, "I have a lack of fulfillment," you make it so.
When you say, "I have inner emptiness and a feeling of pointlessness," you make it so.
When you say, "I lack enthusiasm," you make it so.
When you say, "I feel lonely," you make it so.

In making it so, you are perpetuating it into the future.

Instead of stating what has been, your previous experience, perhaps try stating what you want:

"I want to live a purposeful life."
"I choose to live a purposeful life."
"I am living a purposeful life."

"I want a full life."
"I choose to have a full life."
"I am living a full life."

"I want my life to feel fulfilled."
"I choose my life to be fulfilled."
"I am living a fulfilled life."
"I am looking for things that fulfill me."
"I am finding things that fulfill me."
"My life is fulfilled."

Choose your words carefully
For in them you will find
You create your reality. (from Kat Thoughts July 1, 2010)

A Quote from Jonathan Haidt (January 26, 2011)

"When opponents of evolution object that human beings are not mere apes, they are correct. We are also part bee."

This quote is on page 235 of the book The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt.  This quote made me smile, so I thought I would share it.

The Happiness Hypothesis is an enjoyable book, bringing ancient wisdom and modern science together, giving the reader a simple, clear view of many factors involved in humanity, what makes us tick and where happiness comes from - between the inner self and the outer experience, in the way we experience the experience of life.

Thank you Jonathan, for making me take pause, for making me smile, for a fascinating read, giving me additional insight into this thing we call life.

Family Parties and Social Gatherings (January 15, 2011)

Weddings, birthdays, public events and other family gatherings can be fraught with problems, arguments, hurt feelings and sometimes out-and-out fights. In an effort to make things perfect, and trying to please everyone, sometimes we cause ourselves and others frustration, stress, anxiety, anger, resentment, etc.

To help broaden perspectives and bring the energy of love and cooperation into the gathering, perhaps the following Switchphrase put in a Pink Energy Circle (click here to read about Energy Circles), along with the family and/or event will be helpful in keeping things warm, loving and caring throughout the event:


This Switchphrase means: Increase ability to work together as one, be kind and polite to each other, dispel arrogance, be caring and bold, balance negative and positive energies, come together in harmony with love.

Instant Manifestation (January 2, 2011)

A few days ago I had a totally amazing experience of instant manifestation with co-creation.

Setup: I always have the intention of helping others.

Experience: I went to the store to pick up a few things. After gathering what I wished to buy, I came around the end of an aisle. As I did so, I saw a lady standing about 6 feet from me. She had her hands overloaded with groceries, having opted out of taking a basket when she entered the store. My thought as I saw her struggling with the groceries in her arms was, "she needs a basket." She looked at me as I came around the aisle and thought the same thing. Suddenly, just as I was thinking the thought I heard a crash at my feet. When I entered the store, I had taken a hand basket, and after walking around the store for 10-15 minutes, carrying the basket, suddenly right then, in the instant we both thought she needed a basket, a second basket, that had gone unnoticed, which had stuck to the basket I was carrying, had crashed to the floor at my feet. She walked over and filled the basket, thanked me and went on about her business.

Now that was a MAGIC-DAZZLE-ENCHANTED moment!

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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