(This prayer can also BE used for cleansing an office/workspace, hotel room, etc., by replacing "Home" WITH the space you would like to cleanse.)

I close my eyes, take a DEEP relaxing breath, shifting my awareness within.

I call upon my Guides, Angels, all who can help me, and Connect to my higher self. I ask this team of mine to enter into my Home, fill it WITH LOVE, LIGHT and DIVINE frequencies. I ask Archangel Michael to remove and RELEASE into the LIGHT all fear, negativity and stagnant energies. I ask Archangel Azreal to RELEASE any earthbound attachments, lower vibrational beings, and anything that does not serve in creating a safe, happy and harmonious environment FOR me to live in.

I ask my team to fill this entire home with LIGHT, LOVE, JOY, PEACE and Harmony, raising the energy vibration and releasing all that no longer serves me. Please surround my entire Home with LOVE and LIGHT. I ask that anything inside of this home that is not in alignment WITH unconditional LOVE BE released into the LIGHT of the DIVINE. I call upon LOVE, PEACE, Harmony, well-being, and DIVINE presence to TAKE its place.

Thank you, Angels and Guides, FOR filling my entire Home with LIGHT and LOVE. Thank you FOR flowing LIGHT into every corner, crevice, and cabinet, under, AROUND and within the furniture, clothes and my belongings, under the floors, BETWEEN the walls, and above the roof. Please cleanse the energy and elevate the vibration above, below, behind, beside and all AROUND my Home.

Thank you FOR filling my entire Home with LIGHT and LOVE, cleansing all that no longer serves me, and raising the vibration in the way that will most serve me and the highest and greatest potential of all.

I ask this according to DIVINE Will. Thank you FOR your support and LOVE. So it is, and so it EVER shall BE.

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