Below is a list of recently created and updated articles at Blue Iris Learning Center.

Click on article names to read them

New Article: Open Switchword: JOHN , an article discussing the Switchword JOHN was added (March 25, 2013)

New Article: Hum Bandagi )(A very efficacious prayer for health added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Animal Wisdom - Dolphin, updated (subscription required)

New Article: May the Raindrops (A Prayer for the June Simplify Theme.) added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Article: Daily Numbers
From Daily Number Concentration from Gregory Grabovoi.

New Article: Kat Switchphrases

New Article: FLOWER Energy Circles
FLOWER Energy Circles add the energy for flourishing, thriving, opening up to the world and sharing your Inner Beauty to the focused broadcast of the Energy Circles.

New Article: MONA LISA-LIGHTNING added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Article: Mantra for having peaceful children added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Quick Gemstone/Crystal List
Updated adding Gemstones to Crystals in the Healing Energy Vibrations vial

Quick Gemstone/Crystal List
Updated adding Gemstones to Crystals in the Healing Energy Vibrations vial

Flower Energy Support updated with Apple Blossom and Winterberry and (December 28, 2012)

Animal Wisdom - Unicorn, added (December 17, 2012)(subscription required)

New Article: Girija Sridhar has graced us with another Animal Wisdom Poem:
Animal Teachings (December 17, 2012)
(A poem about Animal Wisdom from A to Z.)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Appreciation (December theme Blend) (December 10, 2012)

(Supports appreciation of life as it unfolds, appreciation of the small things, as well as the bigger things in life. Helps one fill their life and feel their life with thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation.)

New Article: I Am Human (12/10/12) added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Article: I just added a TINY Dragonfly crochet pattern I created to Kat's Krochet Korner (December 4, 2012)
This is the pattern I created for making Energized Dragonfly Earrings.

Article Update: Additional Specific Emotional Freedom File Combinations updated with new application: Align yourself with finding a perfect job/career, life for you (November 20, 2012) (subscription required)

New Articles:
I Am Supply Decrees
Flame of Love Prayer
Prayer for Happiness, Peace, Comfort and Freedom (11/18/12)

Recently added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Article: Girija Sridhar has graced us with another Animal Wisdom Poem:
Elephant - A Good Luck Symbol (October 30, 2012)

New Articles: Girija Sridhar has graced us with stunning Animal Wisdom Poems for a number of Animals (October 15, 2012)
Cheetah, an Inspiration
Horse - the Epitome of Nobility
Squirrel Wisdom

New Article: Specialized Energy Circles (October 15, 2012) (subscription required
(This article expands on Energy Circles, giving many new Energy Circles for specific applications.)

Animal Wisdom - Cheetah, Cassowary, Bobcat updated (October 15, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Peacock , updated (October 1, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Fox updated (September 27, 2012)(subscription required)

New Article: Additional Specific Emotional Freedom File Combinations (September 25, 2012) (subscription required)

New Articles: I just added 3 new Crocheted Snowflake patterns I created to Kat's Krochet (September 23, 2012)

Crocheted TINY Snowflake
Crocheted TINY Snowflake 2
Crocheted TINY Snowflake 3

I will be adding pictures to the patterns soon.

Defusing Words List - updated with a Quick Defusing Words List added to top of document, allowing for quick scan of the list (September 23, 2012)

New Article: Personality Enneagram Switchwords (July 28, 2012) (subscription required)
(This article gives Switchwords for balancing with the nine different personality types defined by the Enneagram of Personality.)

Animal Wisdom - Bat updated (July 28, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Boar updated (July 25, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Fly updated (July 20, 2012)(subscription required)

New Article: Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness (June 26, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Articles: I just created a new Menu Option under Additional Topics for Kat's Krochet Korner. While up visiting family in Utah I made a bunch of Butterflies and Hearts, and am now sharing them with you:

TINY SWEET 3D Butterfly and TINY SWEET HEART (June 23, 2012)

New Article: Tibetan Buddhist Prayer (June 11, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Animal Wisdom - Kudu updated (May 25, 2012)(subscription required)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Liver Balm (May 21, 2012)
(To help balance and soothe liver, clear toxins and toxic emotions.)

Flower Energy Formulas updated with a new Formula, Polycystic Ovarian Disease (May 20, 2012)

Animal Wisdom - Magpie updated (May 18, 2012)(subscription required)

New Article: Fertility Prayer (May 18, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Animal Wisdom - Willie Wagtail Technique article added (March 16, 2012)(subscription required)

New Article: Universal Switchword: POINT, an article with Success Stories added (May 10, 2012)

New Article: Teeth Switchwords added (May 8, 2012) (subscription required)
(This article lists individual teeth, organs associated, Positive Qualities, Patterns of Imbalance, and Switchphrases to help accept and release them.)

Several new additions to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file (May 8, 2012):

Ask Divine for Healing of a Relationship
Archangel Barachiel's Prayer for Abundance
Cancer Process
Archangel Chammuel's Prayer for Strength
Archangel Fanuel's Prayer for Forgiveness
Angel Hadriel's Prayer for Wisdom
Prayer for Intelligence
Angel Kadmiel's Prayer for New Birth
Angel Labbiel's Prayer for Truth and Peace
Archangel Michael's Prayer for Protection
Angel Qafsiel's Prayer for Safety
Archangel Raphael's Prayer for Healing
Angel Theliel's Prayer for Relationship
The Virtues Prayer for Miracles
Angel Xexor's Prayer for Enchantment
Archangel Zadkiel's Prayer for World Peace

New Article: Universal Switchword: WOMB, an article with more information working with WOMB added (May 1, 2012)

Quantum-K Forgiveness (March 29, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Article: Universal Switchword: OPEN, an article with more information working with OPEN added (March 27, 2012)

Prayer for Career Success (March 26, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

New Article: Drinking Switchwords added (March 24, 2012) (written by Rhoda Randhawa)

New Article: Daily Prayer added (March 20, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Support Energy Blends updated with Balanced Being (March 19, 2012)

New Articles: Quick Bach Flower (only) Energy Support List and Bach Flower (only) Energy Support documents added (March 18, 2012)
(Link also added to Quick Flower Energy Support List for going to Bach Flowers only document.)

Astro Signs Box updated with links to Gemstones information for Ruling Planets (March 15, 2012)

Animal Wisdom - Cuttlefish updated (March 14, 2012)(subscription required)

Illnesses/Disease/Switchwords - updated with Sjogren's (March 11, 2012)(subscription required)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Twenty12 Rocks (March 10, 2012)
(Supports adapting smoothly whenever your part of the world goes on Daylight Saving time. Use it the day of the change or any day thereafter if'n you're feeling out of sorts.)

New Article: Blessed Bucks added (March 9, 2012)

Animal Wisdom - Katydid updated (March 9, 2012)(subscription required)

Umbrella Process (March 8, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Animal Wisdom - Cormorant updated (March 1, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Canary updated (March 1, 2012)(subscription required)

New Article: Headache Switchphrases added (February 13, 2012)

New Article: Kat (Daily) Switchphrases added (February 11, 2012)

New Article: Wealth Multiplier Box added (February 11, 2012)

New FAQ Article started for Energy Circle FAQ (February 11, 2012)

New Article: Number Codes and Frequencies added (February 5, 2012)

New Article: Kat Switchword Thoughts added (January 29, 2012)

Flower Energy Support updated with Elderberry (January 28, 2012)

New Article: LOA Kat Quotes added (January 24, 2012)

New Article: Kat Quotes added (January 23, 2012)

Shiva Sooktam (January 22, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file. (Subscription required)

Flower Energy Formula Balding updated with Additional/Exchange Energies added. (January 18, 2012)

Flower Energy Support updated with Milk Thistle (January 17, 2012)

Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing documentation updated
(January 15, 2012)
Information for working with Number Codes and Rife Frequencies added
(Passive Modifications is a file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial)

Animal Wisdom - Sparrow updated (January 14, 2012)(subscription required)

Flower Energy Formulas updated with two new Formulas, Balanced Brain (helps to balance yin/yang, right/left brain hemispheres) and Cheerful Boost (turns a frown upside-down) added (January 11, 2012)

New FAQ Articles have been started: Energy Vial FAQ, Emotional Freedom Vial FAQ, Flower Energies FAQ (January 10, 2012)

New Article: Family Harmony Energy Circle added (January 6, 2012)

New Article: Universal Switchword: BUBBLE expanded thoughts and Switchphrases linked to the Switchword BUBBLE on the Switchwords List (January 5, 2012)

Animal Wisdom - Barracuda updated (January 2, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Walking Stick updated (January 1, 2012)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Salamander updated (December 28, 2011)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Mountain Lion updated (December 28, 2011)(subscription required)

New CHARM-LIGHT Recipe added Soft Chewy Caramel Nut Fudge Balls
(December 21, 2011)

New Article: Dragonfly Thoughts linked to Dragonfly on the Defusing Words List
(December 19, 2011)
(Discussion on Defusing Words and Switchwords that may seem controversial to some.)

New Vibrational Balancing articles added (December 10, 2011)
VB Magnetic Neutralization, VB48 Opening the Heart, and VB78 Tired Feet

Lunar Eclipse Mantra (December 9, 2011)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file.

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Lucid Dreams (December 5, 2011)
(Supports creating an energy for Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreams are dreams where one is aware that one is dreaming, and as such can begin to control the dream content. Lucid Dreaming can be used to help solve problems, and even to help in healing.)

New Article: Astro Signs Box added to Astrological Articles under Switchwords Revealed (Additional Articles) (December 5, 2011)
Compact information for Astrological Signs and their Ruling Planets.

New Article: Cedar Pine Chips Picture linked to Defusing Word Cedar Pine Chips (December 3, 2011)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Karma (November 29, 2011)
(Supports the process of deep Karmic healing.)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Delightful DAZZLE (November 29, 2011)
(Supports release and removal of of fear, anxiety and terrors, allowing one to open up to forgiveness, unconditional love and healing, creating cheerful, purposeful days.)

Emotional Freedom File List updated (November 26, 2011)
Additional clarification of complementary files, linking to file lists for specific things (such as files to run upon awakening, etc.)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Sunbeam (November 26, 2011)
(Supports release of dark focuses and thoughts bringing gloom, doom and depression. Helps bring focus around to bright, enlivening, positive aspects in life experinces.)

Flower Energy Blends updated with a new Blend, Emerald Sweet (November 24, 2011)
(Supports communication and understanding. A great Flower Energy Blend for use during Mercury Retrograde cycles.)

New Article: Hyperuricemia Additional Thoughts (November 24, 2011)(subscription required)
Hyperuricemia was also added to the Feelings/Switchwords article

I just added a new CHARM-LIGHT Recipe section under "Other" on the Top Menu. The first two recipes I have added are Kat's Rolls and Kat's Cream Chocolate Cake. (November 13, 2011)

Animal Wisdom - Clouded Leopard updated (November 11, 2011)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Kestrel updated (November 10, 2011)(subscription required)

Healing Process (Originally) for 11-11-11 added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file (November 6, 2011)

Flower Energy Support updated with Periwinkle (October 30, 2011)

Job-Seeking with Switchwords updated with Energy Circles information  
(October 27, 2011)

Animal Wisdom - Cockatoo updated (October 20, 2011)(subscription required)

Animal Wisdom - Elk updated (October 17, 2011)(subscription required)

New Article: Carpal Tunnel Switchwords Success Stories added (October 16, 2011)(Subscription required)

New Article: FE My Own Blends added (October 14, 2011)
Instructions for building your own Flower Energy Blends and call them through the Flower Energies vial.

New Article: Autorun Emotional Freedom (EF) vial added (October 11, 2011)

Hebrew 72 Names of God and Meditations added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file (October 1, 2011)


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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.