What is the Science Behind Switchwords? May 1, 2018
Switchwords work WITH the Law of Attraction.
Switchwords work WITH the other than conscious mind, utilizing the "filing system" that the mind uses to SAVE all our experiences and everything that is associated 24/7. James Mangan (author of "The Secret of Perfect Living") found that if when the other than conscious mind files similar experiences associated WITH a specific action/word, it begins to expect the experience upon encountering it, and begins to draw whatever the word represent to it - working ON an other than conscious level.
Just as physics says that "... an object either remains at rest or continues to MOVE at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force..." Switchwords BEGIN to work FOR you when utilized, until and unless they are acted upon by another force. Putting our focus ON lack of what it is they represent tends to PUT a brake ON the manifestation process. Taking action that blocks what we want interferes, our ongoing stories that are building our experiences, if not in alignment WITH what the Switchwords represent interfere.
Sooooo, just as sure as a baby uses its past experience of failures and successes, ON an other than conscious level to LEARN to walk, Switchwords TAP into the same "database" to BRING manifestation of the things they represent, but interruptions can OCCUR simply because we are...well...human, and we either consciously or other than consciously CHOOSE our stories, which support or don't support what we want.
Blue Iris Learning Center Turned 8 Today! April 24, 2018
Eight years ago today...April 24, 2010, Blue Iris Learning Center, our Switchwords, Defusing Words, Energy Circles, Energy Vials, and other healing tools came into being....
Bina Bakshi said...you should have a Switchwords institute... Rhoda said...not institute...let's find a good name...oh, Blue Iris...the Defusing Word I liked it so the name was decided....
I looked at availability of domains...found blueiris.org was availableI talked to Kevin Dill about it, asked him what he thought of the name. He asked if I had thought of the domain name to use...I told him I'd already researched blueiris.org and thought it was PURRFECT...
Two or three minutes later he had me type in the domain...
The screen said..."coming soon...Blue Iris Learning Center"
Blue Iris Learning Center was born!
DIVINE-Blue Iris-TOGETHER-ALL IN-YES! Work miracles, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication, master this, move forward with 100% unshakable, unstoppable certainty, break through on all levels - physical, mental, spiritual, with miracles beyond triumph and victory, stop hesitating and just do it.
My Beef Stew April 11, 2018
I know there are many who are vegan, and have been for generations - and the generations is the KEY here. A baby girl is born with all the ova she will have available FOR fertilization when she is an adult. KEY information regarding food digestion and utilization for the NEXT generation is born WITH her, and includes the environment of her mother from her time of birth (and earlier). In fact, TBM and Natural Healing, two techniques I use say it takes 10-12 generations to adapt to a NEW way of eating. Therefore, if your ancestors were not vegan/vegetarian, it may not be the healthiest lifestyle for you.
My family line has been meat-eaters for many generations (in fact early man was a hunter/gatherer, so all humans developed the ability to utilize nutrition in meat eons ago, which is the stomach's job, the long intestines being added and required to process plant matter).
Sauteed TOGETHER in Butter and Olive Oil:
Garlic Ginger Turmeric Chives Oregano Salt Pepper Shiitake Mushrooms Onions Celery
Then added to:
Sirloin Roast Homemade Beef Broth, 9 ounces (bones simmered in water + apple cider vinegar for a couple of days, strained and frozen in 3-ounce cubes) Beets (remember, can turn your stools red for a day or two, so don't panic) Sweet Potatoes (I don't use potatoes or carrots in my stews) Apples (YUMMY! when cooked with Sweet Potatoes) Brussels Sprouts Cauliflower Quinoa (ancient grain) Snow Peas
The stew simmered all day, then we had it with family for dinner, freezing the leftovers for quick nutritious meals later!
A few comments on healing/nutritional properties of some of the ingredients in the stew:
Garlic - Thin blood, lower cardiovascular problems, lower cholesterol, male erection support Garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that are known to activate the liver enzymes responsible for expelling toxins from the body. Garlic also has contains allicin and selenium, two important nutrients that play an integral role in the protection of the liver from damage. (Vinegar and Garlic reduce arthritis, reduce stress, osteoporosis and cholesterol)
Ginger - Reduce Cholesterol Long used as a digestive remedy, ginger contains a compound called “gingerol” that acts as a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. It’s also a powerful anti-nausea ingredient and may even help support healthy blood sugar levels.
Turmeric - Reduce inflammation - cartilage destruction - swelling, Stop free radicals, anti oxidant, Phytochemicals Turmeric assists the enzymes that are responsible for flushing out known dietary carcinogens giving enhanced protection against liver damage, and even regeneration of affected liver cells. Turmeric is also notably responsible for improving the health of the gallbladder. Curcumin, a key compound within turmeric exhibits cancer-blocking properties. The ingestion of curcumin helps block the spread of the malignant cells. Turmeric contains powerful curcuminoid and other potent antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and prevent damage to brain cells, not only in Alzheimer’s disease, but also in other brain diseases such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Oregano Oregano was used in herbal medicine as long ago as the Ancient Greeks. Hippocrates used it as an antiseptic. Possible medicinal uses of oregano include treating respiratory tract disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, menstrual cramps, and urinary tract disorders. Applied topically, it may help treat a number of skin conditions, such as acne and dandruff.
Pepper Black pepper enhances bioavailability of Turmeric. One study found that when even 2 gm of curcumin (a component in Turmeric) was ingested, its serum levels were very low. However, when 20 mg piperine (a component in Black Pepper) was added to curcumin the bioavailability increased by 2000%. The bioavailability, serum levels and levels of absorption of curcumin all improved dramatically.
Shiitake Mushrooms Shiitake mushroom is the most documented of the medicinal mushrooms and has its primary function in improving the regulation of the human immune system. Perhaps its greatest influence is in the activity of the macrophages (the 'pacman' like white blood cells that dissolve cancer cells, viruses, and infection). Shiitake provides a macrophage super food called polysaccharides, especially its polysaccharide glucans. Shiitake also has incredible cholesterol metabolism enhancing properties. Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) is an alpha-glucan rich nutritional supplement produced from the mycelia of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) of the basidiomycete family of mushrooms. Researchers at Tokyo University found that AHCC increased natural killer (NK) cell activity in cancer patients, and also enhanced the effects of killer T-cells, and cytokines (interferon, IL-12, TNF-alpha). When AHCC and BB12 are paired together, an amazing (cancer fighting) combination emerges.
Onions The phytochemicals in onions along with their vitamin C help improve immunity. Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar. For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections. A powerful compound called quercetin in onions is known to play a significant role in preventing cancer. Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers. Those bright green tops of green onions are rich in Vitamin A, so do use them often.
Celery For centuries, Ayurvedic medicine has used celery and celery seed as a treatment for colds and flu, poor digestion, arthritis, and liver and spleen disorders. Today, it's known as a diuretic, which only stands to reason with all the moisture it holds. Studies also indicate its effectiveness in deflecting mosquitoes. But eating it is the real key.Celery is rich in electrolytes and has a cooling effect on the body, which may relate to its ability to fight inflammation. You can also count on celery to lower oxidative stress in the heart and help clear the digestive system. Studies also found that the apignen in celery has the ability to inhibit breast and pancreatic cancer, and the luteolin to boost cognitive function.
Sirloin Roast Red meat is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various other nutrients that can have profound effects on health. Red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It's a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients. Studies on low-fat diets (low in red meat) don't show a reduction in cancer. Studies on low-carb diets (high in red meat) almost invariably lead to improved health outcomes. Taken from: http://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-red-meat-bad-for-you-or-good#section2
Homemade Beef Broth, 9 ounces (bones simmered in water + apple cider vinegar for a couple of days, strained and frozen in 3-ounce cubes) Beef Bone Broth provides an incredibly concentrated source of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and vital proteins your body needs to thrive (in fact, there may be nothing else on earth providing you such a powerfully concentrated source of these nutrients). Beef Bone Broth lines your stomach with concentrated vital nutrients and quickly begins the "protection process" in your body.
Beets Beets contain powerful nutrient compounds that help protect against heart disease, birth defects and certain cancers, especially colon cancer. Beets contain powerful antioxidants (including betalain, manganese and vitamin C), anti-inflammatory compounds (betanin, isobetanin, and vulgaxanthin), detoxification (betalains trigger glutathione-S-transferase activity, and to aid in the elimination of toxins that require glutathione for excretion). Beets are high in lipoic acid, which is believed to help prevent your cells from damage caused by aging. Some studies show that lipoic acid is also helpful in healing nerve damage that causes pain and numbness in the hands and feet of people with diabetes. Other research suggests that beets may help lower your blood cholesterol.
Sweet Potatoes Sweet Potato Benefits: Stabilizes Blood Sugar, High in Antioxidants, Boosts Brain Function, Enhances Immunity, Promotes Vision Health, Aids in Weight Loss
Apples Apples lower Cholesterol, counter breast cancer and colon cancer, help eliminate osteoporosis, avoid Alzheimer's, decrease effects of aging, protect against Parkinson's, decrease risk of diabetes, help prevent gallstones, help beat diarrhea and constipation, help neutralize irritable bowel syndrome, help avert hemorrhoids, help detoxify the liver, boost the immune system and may help prevent cataracts.
Brussels Sprouts Brussels Sprouts are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to your diet. They may also come with added health benefits, including the potential to reduce the risk of cancer, decrease inflammation and improve blood sugar control.
Cauliflower Cauliflower is a member of the cancer-fighting cruciferous family of vegetables. Cauliflower is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich, and may boost both your heart and brain health. Eating cauliflower will provide your body with impressive amounts of vitamin C, vitamin k, beta-carotene, and much more while supporting healthy digestion and detoxification.
Quinoa Quinoa, in its whole grain form, may be effective in preventing and treating these conditions: Atherosclerosis, Breast cancer, Diabetes, Insulin resistance. Quinoa acts as a prebiotic that feeds the microflora (good bacteria) in your intestines. Quinoa is easily digested for optimal absorption of nutrients.
Snow Peas Peas are low fat but high everything else. A cup of peas has less than 100 calories but lots of protein, fiber and micro-nutrients. Peas contain high amounts of a health-protective polyphenol called coumestrol. A study in Mexico City determined you only need 2 milligrams per day of this phytonutrient to prevent stomach cancer. A cup of peas has at least 10. Peas are anti-aging, strengthen the immune system, and give high energy from the high levels of anti-oxidants. Peease help prevent wrinkles, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, bronchitis, osteoporosis and candida. Peas have high fiber and protein content which slow down how fast sugars are digested. Anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents found in pease prevent or reverse insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes). The many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in peas support healthy blood vessels. The formation of plaque along our blood vessel walls starts with chronic, excessive oxidative stress and inflammation. The generous amounts of vitamin B1 and folate, B2, B3, and B6 reduce homocysteine levels which are risk factor for heart disease. The high fiber content in peas improves bowel health and peristalsis. Just one cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. B vitamins in peas also help to prevent osteoporosis. The niacin in peas helps reduce, the production of triglycerides and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein, which results in in less bad cholesterol, increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and lowered triglycerides.
Beta Energy Circle Creator (ECC) Update February 12, 2018
We just uploaded a NEW Energy Circle Creator Beta version for all of those who have ECC!
All ECC owners can download the Beta version for testing, and let me know your thoughts of what you see, any problems you may have, etc.
LEARN more about ECC at: http://ecc.blueiris.org
ECC is available to buy at: http://ss.blueiris.biz
And anyone who has the program can login and download the latest Beta version at: http://www.blueiris.biz/ecc/
Besides all the additions people have been enjoying in the last Beta version (Circular Text, Additional Colors, improved search, a box telling current font, color and size, option for rounded or squared background corners, etc.), we now have a gauge for the Circular Text. When you are entering/editing Circular Text, there is a now a red bar which shows where the text will overrun the Circle, allowing you to ADJUST fonts/sizes to fit before drawing the Energy Circle.
I had requested this because I often wish to fill the entire band with text, but had difficulty judging where exactly it ended. This newest Beta version makes it much faster and easier for me to make the adjustments.
We are getting closer to a RELEASE version.
Kat's Switching Switches Again! January 9, 2018
To make it concise; to make it precise NUTSHELL is your Switchword device
Pains from the past released to empower you CHOOSE is the Switchword to grant you your due
I see a great Switchpair in TENDER-TOUCH To negotiate successfully and create a supportive impact, I use this much
Creativity, inspiration, marvelous expressions invite When you request MUSE to come along as you write
You're safe and feel cherished when whenever you KEEP In both of these things KEEP helps a great heap
To overcome obstacles; move quickly toward your goals RUSH is the Switchword that fulfills those roles
Stay on target, take a straight path where you head ARROW is the Switchword to get there, it's said
Let go of anxiety, relax into sleep LAVENDER helps here, relaxation complete
Center attention on you, advertise you and your wares RIDICULOUS-SCHEME is the finest of Switchpairs
WASTE shows opulence, that's why it's a Switchword When we have lots more, no longer do we hoard
Annual - 2018 Theme: FLOWER To FLOWER is to bloom. To FLOWER is to flourish. To FLOWER is to thrive. To FLOWER is to OPEN UP to the world. Let US make 2018 a year where we all bloom, flourish, thrive, and OPEN UP to the world, sharing our Inner Beauty.
2018 FLOWER Switchphrases (compiled by Manjiri Paranjpe, defined by Kat Miller)
JASMINE-AMAZING-CLOUDS. Release the past, be in the now, create miraculous endeavors, for miraculous formation of events.
DAISY-DARLING-SHINE-ON-BE. Brighten the day, create excellence, bring a smile, be warm and accepting, clear negativity and raise energy, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
WILLOW-ELEGANT-Huckleberry-FLOWER. Be flexible and kind, make a good first impression, be noticed, open to new opportunities, allow yourself to love yourself, open up to the world and share your Inner Beauty.
2018 Daily Switchphrases (use on the days of the week listed with the phrases, and as desired): (All 2018 FLOWER Switchphrases compiled by Manjiri Paranjpe, defined by Kat Miller)
Sunday Walnut-Huckleberry-PHASE-WASTE-PURSUE-JEWEL. Release negative perspectives, clear thinking pathways in the brain, and improve overall health, allow you to love yourself exactly as you are, show opulence, set focus intently on raising your vibration and feel magnificent.
Monday Behold-CONCERT-Hubristic-OPEN-KEEP-MOVE-MAGIC CARPET. Increase ability to appreciate, view, watch, and admire beauty, perform in unison, defuse and release repeated negative patterns, dispel inhibitions, breathe easier, feel cherished, increase energy, safely and easily navigate life experiences, and know that all that is desired may be achieved by first visualizing it.
Tuesday Zeal-LOVE-BONUS-Humble-LOTUS-LIGHT. Develop a keen interest and diligence, focus and dedication, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, swift unforeseen addition, overcome hard times, start good habits and bring a new beginning, lighten the load and be inspired.
Wednesday PAINT-OWL-100%-DELIVER-Idea-WHISK. Create significant modifications, notice subtle differences, see new perspectives with complete alignment, be empowered, bring a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal, open to increasing development and advancement in life, relationships and career, open up space.
Thursday WHISPER-BE-WHIMSICAL-BAMBOO-Amoeba. Be quiet, pay close attention to what you are hearing, be at peace, maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, be innovative, diversify, grow rapidly, improve your own circumstances by using your energies to be your best self.
Friday Jukebox-Kaleidoscope-MUSIC-BOY. Choose your own path for emotional cleansing, and share it with others, see how changing yourself is possible, and can be beautiful, see that you can take control of your life and create the changes you desire yourself, vibrate with deep emotional cleansing, flow in harmony, align with those around you while maintaining your uniqueness with youthful exuberance.
Saturday BUZZ-BUBBLE-CALM-HO. Accomplish tasks quicky and efficiently, expand beyond perceived limitations, stabilize, reduce tension and relax.
Flower: Filaree Flower Energy Blend: Blooming
Prayer: Love and Eternal Protection Gemstone/Crystal: Celestite Animal Wisdom: Hummingbird
Number: 99,999,999 Paralyzed Will, release This releases the conscious and the subconscious physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual blocks that keep us from moving forward, irrespective of past experience. Blue Iris Number Intuited by Rhoda Randhawa, defined by Kat Miller
January Theme: NEW As we BEGIN a NEW year, let US look to the future and FIND innovative solutions to challenges arising in our life experiences.
DIVINE-BAMBOO-BREAKTHROUGH-CLIMB-UP-WITH -CRYSTAL-BE. Work miracles, diversify yourself, end hesitation and open your heart to receiving new nourishing love, enhance your viewpoint, be in high spirits, look to the future, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, in peace and wellness.
DECLARE-HIGHEST POTENTIAL-ENHANCE-53-FIND-FULL-GENIUS. Create possibilities, place focus on positive aspects, open yourself and choose to be seen, pay primary concerns, take responsibility for building your fortune, expand capacity, raise expectations and merge with information beyond human comprehension.
Flower: Ash Flower Energy Blend: NEW FLOW Meditation: Ascension Decree Gemstone/Crystal: Enhydro Quartz Animal Wisdom: Eagle
Angel Number: 2,053 Look into the details in all aspects of your life. CHOOSE what you wish to change, set goals and CREATE the CHANGE. CHOOSE to take positive action in your life to encourage flow of auspicious energies and opportunities. Use positive affirmations, visualizations and prayers to help manifest the changes you want in your life. RELEASE fear of CHANGE, and TRUST that changes will BRING long-term benefits on many levels. GO WITH the FLOW to ALLOW your true passions, interests and spiritual path to manifest. Though the path may not BE CLEAR to you at this time, stepping forward and beginning the journey will invite desired opportunities into your life.
Blue Iris Number: 559,955,995,599 Align with your true life purpose, make sweeping positive changes. Put your focus toward shining your light brightly. Let go of situations and/or people that no longer serve a positive purpose for you. Break free from old, out-dated restraints and move forward with faith, self-belief and enthusiasm. Allow positive changes in your life by releasing old negative patterns and experiences, and opening to love, gratitude and appreciation for the acquired knowledge they gave you. This 12 number sequence may be beneficial for many issues. Intuited by Rhoda Randhawa, defined by Kat Miller
Want, Wish, Need December 14, 2017
CONSIDER distinguishing what is a need from what is a wish (or a want):
We need food, shelter, air, water, and love.
Everything else is a wish or a want.
The difference BETWEEN a wish and a want...
When you wish for something, you feel it is unattainable, and you tend not to GIVE it supportive action.
When you want something, you tend to GO
after it, PURSUE it, TAKE action that supports obtaining it. If you are not willing to DO what it takes to GET what you want, you don't really want it; it is only a wish.
Switchwords and Healing Numbers and Frequencies HELP US CREATE the energy and actions to BRING US our wants.
CHOOSE-RAINBOW-BE. Release old pains, be empowered, dreams beckon reality, create a colorful conscious life, be in peace, maintain wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
A Switchwords way of saying, "Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life - greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine."
A Special Note to and about Our Dawnalee Shields December 4, 2017
Dawnalee Shields has been a very intricate part of Blue Iris Learning Center, since long before its inception.
Friday, December 1, 2017 at 5:55 pm, USA Pacific Standard Time, a beautiful GuidingSTAR left this realm. Her final words, dictated by her, scribed by her brother Bruce...
Hey Y'all I'm outta here...?????????????????? At 5:55 PST, I done blew this pop stand... Really hope y'all aren't broken up and moping a bout... THIS IS A CELEBRATION... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... Thank You Thank you Thank you all for your prayers, positive energy, chanting, singing and general support for me and those around me for the past two-ish weeks...?????????????????????????????????????????? Ha, I did get my "prime" time to exit this realm... Triple prime5 baby.... WOOHOO Math nerds rock... But, seriously I'll be stalking y'all from the other side ...I'll show up to comfort you, encourage you, protect you or just to say hi when you're missing me... See me in the sunrises and sunsets, wind in the trees, rippling, laughing waters and even the waves crashing on the beaches of the world. Now my professional side... Rise up and fight for yourselves, be the best you that you can, I've helped coach you through many of life's storms but, guess what? they're going to continue... so buckle up buttercup... use what I've taught you and more importantly keep on learning on your own so that you can not only help yourselves but also help those who surround you. Always look outside yourselves. Serve others. service brings happiness to you and those you serve. It reminds you that your set of problems aren't so bad. Really puts things in perspective. Those tough times are there for your growth, not to bring you down. Embrace them, cast off your fears and figure out what they're trying to teach & prepare you for. You Can do this. Reach your divine potential. Love y'all to the moon and back.???????????????????????????? Now get some sleep, you have lives to live...???? She dictated this to me as I wrote...That's why it sounds just the way she would have said it. Love y'all, Bruce (Dawnalee's brother, scribe, and huge fan).
I first met Dawnalee when I was running a medical transcription company, Precision Typing, and had a sudden increase in business, where I needed immediate HELP to STAY ON top of the transcription I was doing. I thought of my neighbor, across the street, who I knew was not working outside the home. When I asked Dawnalee's brother whether his wife might be interested in doing typing FOR me, he told me his sister, whom I had never met, but was currently living with them might BE. That is the day Dawnalee, the best friend anyone EVER could ask FOR walked into my life.
We trained at my house under huge stress as the work was SUDDENLY overwhelming right as I began contracting with Dawnalee. She was absolutely incredible in her endurance, learning and production as we worked our way through those early days. As Precision Typing grew and NEW contractors came in, Dawnalee began editing others' work and helping to BRING all the work TOGETHER in time for delivery. Dawnalee and I became the best of friends as we worked long hours TOGETHER.
A few years later, Dawnalee was diagnosed with a thyroid cancer, and surgery to remove it and additional tumors in the area took 22 hours...
Her time in transcription was DONE. A NEW chapter had begun.
Sometime thereafter she moved from Salt Lake back to where family resided in Oregon, spending time there (but often coming to Salt Lake to visit friends and family). Tumors returned a few times through the years, and in 2002 the doctor she was seeing told her to DO anything she had always wanted to DO NOW, because the END was near. At this same time, she had a niece who was having major health issues, and she was asked to return to Salt Lake to HELP CARE FOR her niece.
My daughter was, also at that time, experiencing major issues with allergies, so much so that through the course of six months she lost 60 pounds, and was withering away before my eyes.
I flew to Tucson to BE WITH my daughter just before Dawnalee returned to Salt Lake to BE WITH her niece. In early November 2002, when we were beginning to lose hope in finding an answer for my daughter's issues, I ran across a note from Doris Rapp, M.D. an allergist, with an incredible story about the allergy healing capacities of a technique called Total Body Modification (TBM), and in that moment life changed.
I was just trading places WITH my husband; he was coming to Tucson, and I was going back to Salt Lake at that time. After having read Dr. Rapp's testimonial, when I arrived home, I called the TBM office to get a referral FOR my daughter. I was referred to Dr. Randall Frank, the son of the developer of TBM, and the originator of Natural Healing (NH) a technique built out of his father, Dr. Victor Frank's work.
My daughter saw Dr. Frank just before Thanksgiving that year, and in a matter of seconds her allergies were cleared, my world was turned upside-down and I began my trek into the world of alternative healthcare and energy healing. Dawnalee and her niece were referred to another doctor in the TBM/NH network, and both received major healing effects from the work.
The NEXT several years were spent learning many different techniques in the energy/alternative healing world, by both Dawnalee and me. What an AMAZING joyney!
In March 2005, I developed my first Energy Vial, Flower Energies, originally with the energies of the Bach Flowers, which almost immediately expanded to include the North American Flowers (Flower Energies are taken from the live Flowers, unlike the Flower Essences that generally destroy the Flowers to CREATE the essences). It was during my conversations WITH Dawalee that the awareness of the need to develop the Flower Energies vial came to me. Once the Flower Energies vial was completed, Dawnalee began sending me additional Flowers she herself was developing. Eventually, Dawnalee would supply me with 119 Flower Energies which she had developed.
Dawnalee also developed 31 Flower Energy Blends, as well as many Light Support Energies and Blends, and System Protocols shared at Blue Iris Learning Center.
I found Switchwords in 2007, and TOGETHER Dawnalee and I explored their power. Dawnalee added many Switchwords, and was there when Defusing Words began to come to US. She defined many of both, and enhanced some which had already been defined.
Though initially I was not tracking which Switchwords came from where, as we developed the Switchwords Database to track Switchwords, Switchphrases, applications and success stories, I began noting from wince they came. Some of Dawnalee's contributions to our current Switchwords and Defusing Words lists include (SWITCHWORDS, Defusing Words):
49 - Be an ethical leader; have integrity in your pursuits; be fair with others
AWE - Be aware of your singular place in the Universe; be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here
BREAKTHROUGH - End hesitation; finally grasp the potential of career, education, relationship possibilities; open heart to forgiveness or receiving new nourishing love
Cherries Cherries is for defusing the perspective of lack, victim, suspicion, and resistance. Cherries helps us see that experiences in life are simply that, experience. The positive or contra energies that arise from our experiences are by our choices in how we are willing to allow them affect us. Like cherries which can be tart or sweet, all experiences can be used for our good depending on what we do with them.
Coconut Tree Coconut Tree defuses lack of purpose. See life as a whole instead of individual parts. Realize that each thing you accomplish is significant as it contributes to the whole. None of the small daily essential things can be discarded as irrelevant. Success is doing many small acts daily and doing them well. Find satisfaction in keeping on with the keeping on.
GUESS - Stop procrastinating/analyzing/waiting, do it
Manhattan Manhattan is for defusing confusion, frustration and overwhelm in a chaotic and/or busy environment. Manhattan allows you to maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Manhattan helps maintain equilibrium and balance.
Mirrored Reflection Mirrored Reflection is for defusing harsh judgment and criticism of others, which creates barriers between oneself and others, to avoid seeing self. Mirrored Reflection is for defusing rejection of self and others as they are. By defusing these things Mirrored Reflection reveals the truth of self on all levels, and opens one up to acceptance and love of all aspects of self, both light and dark, as valuable to the whole. This acceptance and love in turn allow one to accept and love those around them, as the world around us is always a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings.
MIRTH - allow the healing, enlivening effects of laughter to bubble up
Oompa Loompa Oompa Loompa is for defusing need for rigid adherence to conventional behavior. This opens one to having fun within established boundaries regardless of circumstances. Oompa Loompa supports being in the creative flow.
Ozone Ozone is for defusing careless regard for Nature including wilderness and domestic living things. Ozone supports responsible stewardship of Earth, its creatures, waters, and flora. Awareness begins with gratitude for its bountiful gifts that nourish our senses, our wellness, and our enjoyment.
Phoenix Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix supports taking a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion.
Picnic Basket Picnic Basket is for defusing the habit of having fun only when the work’s all done. Picnic Basket supports varying activity as a way to renew and recharge. One may still be working, but mixing it up will reinvigorate effectiveness and interest clearing the way for fresh ideas and the ability to whistle while you work.
Piggy Bank Piggy Bank is for defusing reckless spending, frittering and squandering, opening one to retaining reserves. Whether it is money, energy or emotions, Piggy Bank gives a space to accumulate surplus for later use. Piggy Bank helps keep spending in check
Popcorn Popcorn is for defusing tense group situations. Popcorn supports releasing confrontation energy and creating cooperation in purpose and direction. Individuals shine as they contribute to the project at hand.
Raspberry Raspberry is for defusing unforgiveness, taking things personally and overreacting. Raspberry is for defusing insensitivity, lashing out, lack of understanding and bitterness. Raspberry opens one up to forgiveness, benevolence, and generosity. Raspberry helps one to let go of old wounds and take responsibility for one's actions.
RENDEZVOUS - Connections that create for the greater good; meeting of the minds to mutual benefit; equitable combining and distribution of resources, time, expertise
ROGER - Receive and accept clarity
Sandbox Sandbox is for defusing frustrations and irritability when plans go awry. Sandbox supports seeing from different perspectives for a more solid foundation from which to make decisions. Sandbox helps keep creative juices flowing as new challenges and beneficial possibilities are discovered.
TESLA - gather energy
TOUCH - in the present moment; gather serenity and strength; create supportive impact
WAVE - Unstoppable invention, restoration, invigoration; turn over a new leaf; embark on/continue the optimal journey
Wisdom Wisdom is for defusing anarchy and chaos. Wisdom brings order and appropriate action. Wisdom allows one to see methods for creating tranquility, stability and order where unruly chaos was.
(Some of these were not marked as having come from Dawnalee, so I went from memory. If someone else helped define and I have credited Dawnalee, please FORGIVE me and let me know.) Dawnalee also developed and contributed to many of the Annual and Monthly Themes we have used the last few years, including, I believe, setting the Theme of Celebrate for 2017 back in 2015.
Dawnalee, you have been a TREASURE in my life. Thank you FOR everything that is, was and EVER will BE you.
HUG-WITH-LOVE. Feel warm appreciation, connect with others, immerse in generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.
The Emotional Freedom Vial is having its 12th Birthday November 18, 2017!
In celebration, we are sending a free pair of TOGETHER-DIVINE-BE Energy Wristbands along with each Emotional Freedom vial purchased BETWEEN NOW and November 30!

What is the EF (Emotional Freedom) vial? The Emotional Freedom vial is an energetically charged vial of water. The EF vial has instructions to energetically run EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). What is energetic EFT? Energetic EFT means you are doing numerous topics, even thousands of topics, at the same time at a subconscious level instead of doing just one topic at a conscious level with mental EFT.
Learn more at http://aboutef.blueiris.org
Watch an Emotional Freedom Vial Session at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW-cVu9zpok
Buy the Emotional Freedom vial at: http://vials.blueiris.biz
What are TOGETHER-DIVINE-BE Energy Cleansing Wristbands? Violet is the highest color in the visible spectrum. In Chinese painting, violet is considered to be the harmony of the universe because it is a blend of yin (blue) and yang (red).
Violet is a cleansing color, stimulates inspiration, clairvoyance and is thought to permeate every system in the body and purify and energize every molecule in its wake. Energy workers around the world have found that wearing violet around both wrists eliminates nausea, fatigue and sympathy pains often triggered while working with patients.
Violet wristbands are a necessity for all energy workers. Violet effectively separates your energy from your patient's energy, so your energy and your mind do not interfere with your work. Many patients have also have found that wearing violet wristbands results in calmness, peace of mind and overall improved symptoms.
Learn more at: http://ecb.blueiris.org
Kat Talks Episode 94 on Talkshoe October 18, 2017
Link to Kat Talks Episode 94: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=606327&cmd=apop
Episode 94 ALIGN-WITH-what you want...not what you don't want....
Kat Talks with Kevin Dill We are deeply ingrained to look at the negative.....Switchphrase to HELP in shifting away from old, negative thinking patterns: RESTORE-TINY-SWEET-CURVE.
Use the Switchword SWEET for caring. When we feel lonely, we may crave sweets. The Switchword SWEET helps.
Forgiveness also discussed as an important and key factor!
Many THANKS to Manjiri Paranjpe for summarizing this Talkcast.
Though it has been awhile since I have created Talkcasts, I have created many of them in three different series:
Kat Talks Kat gives her thoughts about specific topics brought to her by friends, associates & listeners. Join Kat and others as we learn and grow.
Series link: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/85079
Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc Law of Attraction "That which is like unto itself is drawn."
Switchwords are "one-word creative declarations," "one-word affirmations." Declare, affirm, chant, sing, or even just mentally "intend" the Switchword, and like turning on an electric lamp with a switch, the desired result reliably appears. Preview the Universal Switchwords list at: http://www.sw.blueiris.org
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) "Use EFT to ERASE and then REPLACE" Diagram of EFT points: www.eft.blueiris.org
Series link: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/72933
Kat Speaks with Shaman Dane Healing conversations between Natural Health Care Practitioner Kat Miller and Shaman Dane Kirby.
Series link: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/95970
Weight Reduction August 12, 2017
There have been some who have wondered why they have not "lost weight" using Switchwords, watching diet and exercising. A few thoughts I have...
It is also important to support the Switchwords with your actions and thoughts....
First, CONSIDER rather than losing weight you may want weight reduction, to become healthy and slim, etc. (when we lose something we generally want to FIND it again, so let's steer away from that reference).
When you say you are "not able" you perpetuate that into the future...try shifting to something like...previously I was not reducing, but NOW I am beginning to reduce weight (see it, say it, to BEGIN to experience it).
Fairly controlled eating....my CONCERNS here regard whatever that might mean... Removing grains and processed carbs from the diet generally is a good MOVE. Increasing protein and, fat, yeah, fat (you need to eat fat to lose fat) can be very helpful.
Did you know that eating a bowl of cereal - Cheerios specifically - with skim milk for breakfast can cause a higher sugar level in 30-60 minutes than drinking the Glucola they use for the glucose tolerance test?
I have seen a high fat, high protein, fresh produce diet, without grains and processed food make a huge difference in weight.
And regarding the CONCERNS many may have about cholesterol and fats...
First the body makes 80% of the cholesterol it uses...diet has little impact. And second, the liver actually makes the LDL, sending it to the rescue when the body needs healing - a high LDL means the body has a problem it is trying to solve.
HDL is the cholesterol that has finished its job and is returning to the liver for breaking DOWN.
If the LDL is looking to heal a problem in the body, don't you think it is dangerous to throw drugs at it to try to lower it without looking for the reason why it is high? I DO. I would think my friend, who died at the age of 40 of an aortic dissection would probably agree. He had a very high (above 300) cholesterol, and the medical community was so focused on trying to use drugs to lower the cholesterol that they were not looking for the reason why. Perhaps he would BE WITH US today, had they been searching for why the cholesterol was high.
Daily exercise can also BE a boon to weight reduction
I LOVE the Switchphrase UP-WITH-LIGHT-BRICKS (dispel inferiority complex by harmonizing with lightening the load and fortifying your position) - something to build muscle, which helps burn fat.
CHANGE the Story August 10, 2017
When you CHANGE your story about someone, a situation, life, these things BEGIN to CHANGE. See the CHANGE to make the CHANGE.
A friend brought this to me to HELP CHANGE the story. Use it as an example to rewrite your stories...
My brother constantly clashes, has not worked, has bossed us around as if he knows it all, and he is fiddling with the finances.
I changed it to:
I used to see my brother as constantly clashing with everyone. He was not working and seemed to boss everyone around as if he knew it all, and he was fiddling with finances.
NOW I realize my story about him fed into the experience, and I have decided to CHANGE my story, so TOGETHER we can experience a NEW and different future.
I am seeing that my brother is striving to GET along with everyone, and relaxing into his space in the family. He shows more confidence in himself and I see that he is working ON getting a job. I LOVE the CHANGE I have begun to see in him.
I realize that those AROUND me are reacting to my own thoughts, creating the experience I have written in my thoughts, so NOW I CHOOSE to CHANGE how I see them, to ALLOW that they can CHANGE the way they interact with me and the world.
NOW-CHOOSE-ALLOW-CHANGE-FOR-RAINBOW-BE. Act on good impulse, release old pains and be empowered, release to eliminate pain and promote creating a colorful conscious life.
Blue Iris Learning Center Workshop August 9, 2017
The NEXT Blue Iris Learning Center Workshop will BE ON:
Friday and Saturday August 25 and 26, 2017 Live in Tucson, Arizona, USA
LEARN all about Switchwords, Defusing Words, working with Healing Numbers, Energy Circles, Energy Vials and much, much more. (This is an in-person Workshop with Kat Miller, not available online.)
Attendees will earn Blue Iris Learning Center Certification. Contact Kat - blueiris.org @ gmail.com - if you wish details for joining the Workshop, or wish a Workshop to BE scheduled for you when you come to Tucson.

Energy Circle Sandwich FAQ May 8, 2017
I just updated the Energy Circle Sandwich article - http://ecsandwich.blueiris.org - with additional Frequently Asked Questions and Answers. Below is the current information there.
Question: Can we Keep Photos (more than one person, like family photo) inside Energy Circle Sandwiches? For example, we take 2 copies of a Family Harmony Energy Circle and keep family Photo or write names of everyone in family and keep?
Answer: Yes you can.
Question: If we take more than one Energy Circle (like 6 Energy Circles) print out in an A4 sheet and create similar copy and create Energy Circle Sandwiches , will all the Energy Circles work together on the Subject Concern?
Answer: I would cut them apart, making individual Energy Circle Sandwiches. They will work independently, but all can work toward the same goal.
Question: Is this a better method or does it have any advantage over broadcast with names on method?
Answer: The advantage is that the CONCERNS are addressed separate from your energy, so you are not limited to 3 Energy Circles broadcasting with your name.
Energy Circle Sandwiches also allow for you to place innumerable CONCERNS within the Sandwich, including however many Switchphrases you wish.
Question: Can we place these Energy Circle Sandwiches inside cupboard, shelf, inside book, handbags or should they also be kept open like regular Energy Circles?
Answer: As long as the intention is not to "hide" the Energy Circle Sandwich, it should work fine. If it seems to not be working, pull it out into the open.
Question: Can any type of Energy Circles be used for the Sandwich method, i.e., Circles, Flower Energy Circles, Radionic Amplifier Energy Circles, Pointed Ray Energy Circles, etc?
Answer: Yes. I see no restrictions on the types of Energy Circles that can be used in creating Energy Circle Sandwiches.
Question: Can we laminate Energy Circle Sandwiches?
Answer: Not the whole thing together, but the two Energy Circles can be individually laminated. The Sandwiches can be taped together at edges.
Question: Is there any difference in effectiveness between using photos, or writing names?
Answer: They tend to work about the same.
Question: Can they be kept in a binder?
Answer: As long as they are facing each other, and the CONCERNS are BETWEEN them, I don't see a problem.
Question: Are there any other tips to using them that I should know?
Answer: I try to KEEP the Energy Circle Sandwiches article updated as new information comes in, so read there from time to time, and please DO let US know of any ideas you have for ways to work with them.
Question: As the Energy Circles seem most effective if they are on top, visible, in an area of the room that is energetically connected to everyone in the house, but is it possible to put Energy Circle Sandwiches out of sight and still amp up the energy?
Answer: Energy Circle Sandwiches are a whole new ballgame, and don't follow quite the same rules as your regular Energy Circles. I'm not sure it matters a lot if you put them out of sight, as they are not broadcasting anywhere, but rather bringing the CONCERNS to them.
Question: So far I have been making Energy Circle Sandwiches and using little slips of paper with family member's names on them, but I think these slide around as the Energy Circle sandwiches are moved, so I have changed to writing names on the Energy Circles.
Answer: That is FINE.
Question: So DO Energy Circle Sandwiches attract CONCERNS to the Energy Circles, and then broadcast or release it?
Answer: YES! They address whatever CONCERNS are contained within the Sandwich. If there is no name, they address the CONCERNS in the area where they are. If there are names, they address the CONCERNS contained in relation to the people whose names are in the Sandwich.
Comment from an Energy Circle Sandwich user: I have a group of Energy Circle Sandwiches taped to a closet door in my bedroom, without names, stuff for peace and good energy, and I can feel a difference in the room.
How DO Energy Vials Work? April 30, 2017
Question posed: How do we, in SIMPLE words, let a person know the way the Energy vials work?
I had someone describe the Energy Vials as "Holy Water." Many people understand the concept that Holy Water is for healing.
People pray FOR the well-being of themselves and others, and believe that whether the person FOR whom they are saying prayers, whether they know of the prayers being said or not, will benefit. One could describe Energy Vials as another type of prayer.
Whether we see it, hear it, or feel it, everything in our Universe is energy. We cannot see, or even hear the energy of radio waves being transmitted from a radio station, until and unless we turn ON a receiver, which then magically plays the sounds. The same with a television, cell phone, wireless computer network...until or unless we use something to convert the energy, it is invisible to US.
What if an Energy Vial is the CONDUIT through which energy healing techniques can BE transmitted to the body's energy, similar to how a radio station transmits sound waves to a receiver? What if an Energy Vial always carries the energy of the information inside it, and it is the energy of the body which receives and activates it? With the Emotional Freedom vial, Flower Energies, and similar vials, we "tune in" to specific stations by calling files or Flower Energies, to access the ones we desire.
Dr. Emoto showed us with his Water Crystals that water has a memory, and Homeopathy utilizes this memory to CREATE homeopathic remedies. So what Energy Vials DO is TAKE it a step further, allowing US to program the water with specific instructions, allowing the vials to GIVE the body instructions FOR healing.
Though we may not always BE aware of everything that is happening ON every level AROUND US, our body's energy is. This is why sometimes we GET impulses to CHANGE something we are doing, and sometimes later we realize, when we DO follow that impulse, that we saved ourselves from something we did not want, or ON the other side of the coin, when we ignore those impulses we might FIND ourselves in a situation we realize we could have avoided, had we followed our impulse.
Energy Vials TAKE advantage of the body's awareness to BRING NEW information for healing what we desire to heal to US.
LEARN more about Blue Iris Learning Center Energy Vials at http://vials.blueiris.org
DIVINE-Manhattan-Wisdom-WITH-GENIUS-SOMEHOW. Increase personal ability to maintain focus and peaceful awareness, defuse anarchy and chaos, bring order and appropriate action, and immerse in merging with information beyond human comprehension, release the details and let it be.
Regarding LAVENDER... April 1, 2017
Regarding LAVENDER and some questions that arose regarding it on the Facebook Switchwords group...
The Gurudas Flower Essence has the following information given in the Healing Numbers and Frequencies Database:
Lavender activates the crown chakra and the chakra point about 1.5 inches above the medulla oblongata. This minor chakra creates keen awareness and alertness. With the crown activated, aspects of the higher self integrate into the personality. This essence can stimulate visionary states and connect people to their higher self to remove karmic blockages that prevent spiritual progress.
We also have Lavender Essential Oil: Lavender Essential Oil is incredibly soothing and calming, a wonderful stress reliever. Lavender is also used to relieve headaches, heal burns and wounds, and reduce high blood pressure. Lavender helps curtail the spread of germs and helps us defend against colds and viruses.
And the Switchword LAVENDER - Let go of anxiety; relax into sleep.
NOW, though these may seem contradictory, they are not...just as SWIVEL has two applications: SWIVEL – relieve constipation; relieve diarrhea
These definitions may seem at odds with each other, but they are not. SWIVEL is about balancing the environment of the digestive tract, which in turn helps relieve both constipation and diarrhea. NOW, back to LAVENDER...
What is your intention? Is your intention to activate the Crown Chakra?
Activation of the Crown Chakra helps in creating an overall alertness and awareness of the spiritual, including helping with visionary states.
Is the intention to let go of anxiety and relax into sleep?
When we have an increased awareness of ourselves, the spiritual world, our higher self, it is my thought that we tend to let go of anxiety.
When we are in a visionary state, we are relaxed and often on the edge of sleep too.
What if LAVENDER, Lavender Essential Oil and Lavender Flower Essence all are about different, but similar aspects of the same thing?
Setting a "Strong Intent" February 19, 2017
I was asked about setting an intention during chanting of Switchwords strong enough to make them more effective. Below are my thoughts...
What if it is not about setting a "strong" intent? What if it is about just setting the intent and letting go?
CONSIDER Switchwords as orders given to a servant. When you go to a restaurant and place an order, whether you have a strong intent for what you order, or you just say it , the server gets the message and the order is passed on, and in short order you have what you wanted. You know, the moment you place your order , that without a doubt you will have your order met.
What if Switchwords tend to work best that same way? Set intention, say Switchwords, know the order has been received, let go and ALLOW delivery.
Shifting Family Relationships January 6, 2017
Sometimes it is difficult to ALLOW our NOW adult children to DO as they will and LEARN FOR themselves. EMBRACE her as she is to ALLOW that CHANGE may come. As long as we see them as wrong in whatever they are doing, we tend to push them away from US. When we simply accept and LOVE them anyway, we OPEN NEW future possibilities.
It is wise to put into past tense the things that you do not wish to experience in the future. The NOW is becoming the past as quickly as the future is becoming the NOW. If you PUT something in the NOW, you tend to perpetuate it into the future.
OPEN-EMBRACE-ABSOLVE-Amoeba-ALLOW-NEW-LOVE-BE-TAKE-53-TOO. Release, tolerate and understand, give and receive complete acceptance, release guilt and blame, improve trust and be a better support by encouraging others as they learn to manage what is theirs, release and make available innovation, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, become a good leader, take responsibility, go to the extreme.
Kat Quotes January 26, 2017
Today I decided to compile and share with you a few thoughts I've had over the years:
"Say it until you believe it. Then you will BE it!" Kat Miller - August 9, 2012
"The future is written in possibilities...until it becomes the NOW!" Kat Miller
"You don't GET what you want. You GET what you ALLOW." Kat Miller - April 24, 2013
"Feeling desperation helps to keep a situation in a state that perpetuates desperation. Acceptance of what is allows one to BEGIN to shift to a NEW reality." Kat Miller
"CHANGE your story to CHANGE your life." Kat Miller
"LEARN from your children. They are here to teach the world." Kat Miller
"You are building tomorrow with today's words." Kat Miller April 10, 2012
"Do not claim it if you do not wish to retain it! (My fear, my illness, my headache, my failure, my pain...) Kat Miller - July 31, 2012
"Let go of you need it...to ALLOW that it is yours." Kat Miller - April 23, 2012
"Richness in one area of life tends to spill into other areas. KEEP spilling." Kat Miller - April 8, 2013
"What's past is past. CHANGE the story...if you put it in the now you perpetuated it into the future." Kat Miller
"When you realize that you are not in control of what happens, but are in control of how you experience what happens, by the filters you CHOOSE, then you can let go and just FLOW with life." Kat Miller
"Quit telling me what you don't want. Start telling me what you DO want." Kat Miller
"I have learned...When I lend my SHOULDER to a friend in need, it heals me too." Kat Miller
"What is more important, the relationship or being right?" Kat Miller
"The best way to get what you want is to BE it." Kat Miller
"I have learned...Perspective is everything, and there are many different ways to look at every experience in my life and that how I CHOOSE to focus on each experience has a major impact on my life."
"Had MAHATMA GANDHI said that this is India, and it is the way it is, India today would not be what India today is." Kat Miller
"You cannot rise above fear, but you can walk through it and do it anyway." Kat Miller
"Life is not about what happens. Life is about how you interpret what happens and what you ALLOW it to mean to you." Kat Miller
"Choose your words carefully, for in them you will find you build your reality." Kat Miller
"My storyteller LOVEs Switchwords and creating." Kat Miller
"Let your words be your integrity. Let your words be authentic. Stand by your words and your words will stand by you." Kat Miller
"Life is what you make it. If you say life is hard, life will be hard. If you say life is easy and flowing, life will be easy and flowing." Kat Miller
"When the situation is serious, PLAY AROUND to OPEN UP and REACH solutions." Kat Miller
Annual - 2017 Theme: Celebrate Let's Celebrate, REJOICE in the joyney of life. Let's INTEND to FIND many moments every day to Celebrate. Let's make 2017 a jubilee, a bash, a festival, frolic in every moment we are given. Let's make it a POINT to enjoy the DASH (time BETWEEN birth and death). What if life is about Celebrating the joyney, rather than the culmination of the joyney? About enjoying what you are doing, rather than just doing it? About enjoying your accomplishments as you work through them, rather than just working through them? In 2017, let's GO ALL IN and Celebrate!
2017 Celebrate Switchphrases (courtesy Manjiri Paranjpe, Stuti Mishra and Kat Miller)
YES!-Connect-SUDDENLY-WITH-GIGGLE-GIGGLE-CHUCKLE-CHUCKLE-JOY-MAGIC. (Get energized, open up to creating associations and bonds, bring an immediate shift to immersing in enjoying whatever you are doing, really enjoying it, turning on personality, really turning on personality, giving and receiving joy, enchant, thrill and excite.)
TOGETHER-Dancing Cane-ADD-LAUGH-BRING-GATHER-ELATE-BUBBLE-UP-BE. (Master the ability to release, let go and remove destructive thoughts and enjoy the current moment, the now, increase feeling good, deliver the goods, come together with turning setbacks into uplifts, expanding beyond perceived limitations, be in high spirits, unaffected by rdidicule and negative or contrary energy.)
DIVINE-CHOOSE-COSMIC-LOTUS-Chocolate-MIRACLE. (Work miracles, release old pains and be empowered beyond measure, bring a new beginning with beauty and prosperity, start good habits, find golden nuggets in every situation, transcend beyond expectations.)
HIGHEST POTENTIAL-REACH-TOGETHER-Oompa Loompa-CONGRATULATIONS-PRAISE-BE. (Place your focus on positive aspects, find them, master this ability, have fun, be in the creative flow, increase self-esteem, feel accomplished, stop fault-finding and being critical, make yourself beautiful, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)
2017 Daily Switchphrases (Use on the days of the week listed with the phrases, and as desired): (All 2017 Celebrate Switchphrases contributed by Manjiri Paranjpe, defined by Kat Miller)
Sunday HOLIDAY-HUG-HO-Butterfly. (Enjoy yourself, connect with others, feel warm appreciation, relax, soar to new heights and gaining a wider perspective.)
Monday SURPRISE-Good News-ALL IN-BONUS-CLAP CLAP-BONUS-ADD. (Take joy in discovery, trust the unknown to be defined, feel elated, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, with elation, gratitude and positivity, totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing, unexpected abundance, show appreciation, feel good, increase what you have.)
Tuesday BINGO-LOVE-MIRACLE-MOVE-NOW. (Feel excitement, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, transcend beyond expectations, clear inertia and act on good impulse now.)
Wednesday BUBBLE-ELATE-Fountain-DIVINE. (Expand beyond perceived limitations, turn setbacks into uplifts, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, hope springs eternal, work miracles.)
Thursday GENIUS-FLOWER-Kaleidoscope-EVER-ON. (Raise expectations, flourish, thrive, share your Inner Beauty, feel your beauty, self-worth, confidence, purpose, see how changing yourself is possible, and can be beautiful, see that you can take control of your life and create the changes you desire yourself, keep this going, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)
Friday REACH-PEARL-WITH-SMORGASBORD-RHYTHM. (Find solutions to problems, produce rare value, immerse in creating multiple possibilities, keep pace, keep moving.)
Saturday GOLD-GUIDE-HOLE-MIRACLE-LAUGH. (Shine under pressure, allow yourself to know the way, be attractive and appealing, transcend beyond expectations, feel good.)
Flower: Morning Glory Flower Energy Blend: Bubbling Brook
Chant (Poem): Celebrate Switchwords Gemstone/Crystal: Ruby Animal Wisdom: Kookaburra Number: 2,595,259 Arizona Fir Bailey Flower Essence
To help us to celebrate life and existence as spiritually based beings.
Arizona Fir is about celebrating life and existence, stimulates a sense of freedom and joy. Only when we really open up and rejoice is the Heart Chakra (where love is) fully energized. Arizona Fir helps us to love life and to love our own selves, warts and all, celebrating life as spiritual beings, whilst living on this earth. Arizona Fir helps one to let go of ego and unite with all creation. Arizona Fir helps soften our rigidity and open the door to true celebration. Homeopathic Vibration Rate
Thoughts about Betrayal November 21, 2016
CONSIDER whatever he did, it had nothing to do with you. We all take what comes in life and we write stories about it. Some are whoppers! We also tend to really hate to TAKE blame for anything we do, if it is something we are PROUD of. So, we tend to write stories about why someone else is responsible for whatever we did. Makes us feel better about ourselves. We feel validated.
So, whatever he did, whatever his story, it's his, not yours.
Others also cannot hurt us emotionally, unless we CHOOSE that they can. The focus you have here is that he betrayed you. What if, instead of you, who he really betrayed was himself? What if he wrote a story that validated whatever it is that he did, so he could do it feeling guilt-free? But, it is a story, built specifically to validate whatever he did.
We all do that. We TAKE what we DO, and we CREATE stories as we GO along, and pretend that they are absolute truths, then we ACT ON them.
Whatever he did he chose to do it. NOW how you CHOOSE to react to it, is your choice. Was it really about you? Never. DO you CHOOSE to be bitter, angry, hold onto grudges? It's okay if you DO. Just understand that you CHOOSE it. And when you CHOOSE it, it hurts....you.
ALLOW yourself to experience it. You have a right to. It's okay to feel it. EMBRACE it. Then, let it GO, if you CHOOSE to.
Forcing yourself to be wrong about the feelings you feel will tend to cause you to bury them and hold onto them deeper. You're human. You are allowed to feel however you feel.
NOW, once you CHOOSE to let them in, feel them, EMBRACE them, then you can also CHOOSE to RELEASE them, to let them GO.
CHANGE your story about what he did and why. It's 90% story, only 10% what happened. So, look for an angle, a perspective, that allows you to see him in some kind of LIGHT that lets you let GO. Maybe he had SHUT DOWN his HEART from LOVE. Maybe he was writing stories of how hard life is. Maybe he was feeling unsupported (we're not talking about you being unsupportive, we are talking about his possible perspective, which tends to be skewed according to their own filters on life). Whatever the story is you decide to apply here, just make it one that gives you an ability to FORGIVE, so you can reclaim your FREEDOM and OPEN yourself back UP. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the offender, and everything to do with freeing you.
Forgiveness does not mean that what he did was right either. Forgiveness does not mean he has to be a part of you life (but you might CHOOSE that anyway). Forgiveness does not mean whatever was done did not hurt you (clearly it did).
Forgiveness simply means you no longer wish to feel the pain and you CHOOSE to RELEASE it.
CHOOSE-FORGIVE-EMBRACE-CHANGE-RELEASE-FOR-OPEN-FREEDOM. (Release old pains, be empowered, eliminate remorse and desire for revenge, give and receive complete acceptance, release pain, stop trying to control, promote dispelling inhibitions, freeing the mind and breathing easier, release ties to guilt-driven action, let go of constrictions.)
Energy Circle Sandwiches FAQ October 21, 2016
A few questions came up regarding Energy Circle Sandwiches, and I have updated the article on Blue Iris Learning Center to include the FAQ. The article is at http://ecsandwich.blueiris.org
Below is a listing of current questions and answers in the document:
Question: Can we Keep Photos (more than one person, like family photo) inside Energy Circle Sandwiches? For example, we take 2 copies of a Family Harmony Energy Circle and keep family Photo or write names of everyone in family and keep?
Answer: Yes you can.
Question: If we take more than one Energy Circle (like 6 Energy Circles) print out in an A4 sheet and create similar copy and create Energy Circle Sandwiches , will all the Energy Circles work together on the Subject Concern?
Answer: I would cut them apart, making individual Energy Circle Sandwiches. They will work independently, but all can work toward the same goal.
Question: Is this a better method or does it have any advantage over broadcast with names on method?
Answer: The advantage is that the CONCERNS are addressed separate from your energy, so you are not limited to 3 Energy Circles broadcasting with your name.
Energy Circle Sandwiches also allow for you to place innumerable CONCERNS within the Sandwich, including however many Switchphrases you wish.
Question: Can we place these Energy Circle Sandwiches inside cupboard, shelf, inside book, handbags or should they also be kept open like regular Energy Circles?
Answer: As long as the intention is not to "hide" the Energy Circle Sandwich, it should work fine. If it seems to not be working, pull it out into the open.
Question: Can any type of Energy Circles be used for the Sandwich method, i.e., Circles, Flower Energy Circles, Radionic Amplifier Energy Circles, Pointed Ray Energy Circles, etc?
Answer: Yes. I see no restrictions on the types of Energy Circles that can be used in creating Energy Circle Sandwiches.
A Couple of Questions Answered September 29, 2016
I'm not happy in my work, and things have not changed with Switchwords and Energy Circles...
Kat Thoughts: As long as you HOLD onto I am not happy, you CREATE more to BE unhappy about. When you CHOOSE to EMBRACE what is, you OPEN to ALLOW CHANGE to OCCUR.
Start each morning, on the way to work with GIGGLE-GIGGLE-CHUCKLE-LAUGH-BE-BE-BE and ALLOW yourself to enjoy whatever the task may BE. You will FIND you GET more recognition and appreciation when you CHOOSE to BE happy. Happiness is a choice, it is not something that comes from outside circumstances.
Relax, figure out how to enjoy where you are, and you will FIND things beginning to CHANGE.
Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, and Energy Circles don't seem to be working for me...
Kat Thoughts: One must BEGIN to PUT into the past what has been, FORGIVE and look to the future, putting in the NOW what one wants in the future. In other words, start saying you are seeing what you want to see, in order for it to come into fruition.
As long as one holds onto judgments about what has been in the past, one keeps repeating the past. The Energy Circles broadcast Switchwords and Numbers to HELP BRING US into alignment with what it is they express. We must BE willing to CHANGE ourselves to have our lives CHANGE. What is is the result of past stories perpetuated into the the future by our focus on what has been. We must BE willing to follow good impulses when working with Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Energy Circles, in order to ALLOW CHANGE to OCCUR.
We cannot DO what we have always DONE and expect CHANGE to OCCUR. We must BE willing to ALLOW the Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, and Energy Circles to lead US into a NEW future.
Additional Frequently Asked Questions about Switchwords: http://swfaq.blueiris.org
Additional Frequently Asked Questions about Energy Circles: http://ecfaq.blueiris.org
August 10, 2016
Thank you to all who participated in the RIDICULOUS Sale.
1000 Success Stories Entries in Switchwords Database! July 25, 2016
What an AMAZING day! Back in 2012 we started the Switchwords Database, as a place to KEEP Switchwords and Switchphrases for easy reference. Individual Switchwords and Defusing Words are listed along with their definitions, as well as Switchphrases, Switchword Poems, Switchwords Songs, etc.
We have also been entering Success Stories as they have come along. Many entries have multiple Success Stories, and as of right now, we have 1000 separate entries with Success Stories attached!

Our 1000th entry with a Success Story is:
Hubristic-Butterfly-Fleur-de-lis. (Defuse and release repeated negative patterns, smoothly transition through life, soar to new heights and gain wider perspectives, defuse and release memories of constant warfare with faith, wisdom and chivalry.)
For defusing repeating negative patterns.
Success Stories: There was a lot of pressure on the person and at the last minute just before leaving there was a kind of eruption. Out of frustration and anxiety he spoke a few words blaming me for delaying him. To him it was real. The situation could have been more smooth if only he had not spoken those lines. That little, just before leaving Home scenario had to happen. There was no time for argument or disagreement. Just let it FLOW and chanted Hubristic-Butterfly-Fleur-de-lis.
No hard feelings and just defused it all.
CANCEL-CLEAR-DELETE also was used after the person left.
Blue Iris Learning Center Workshop July 22, 2016
It has been many years since I have done a seminar or workshop. Before this week I had not DONE any ON my own work. Last month I had some friends from India request a workshop to BE DONE here in Tucson. As they were coming to my town, I welcomed them with OPEN arms and ON Wednesday, July 20, 2016, we held our first Blue Iris Learning Center Switchwords, Defusing Words, Energy Circles and Other Healing Tools Interactive Workshop.
Many THANKS to all who have contributed to Blue Iris Learning Center, helping to build this body of work.
Special THANKS to …
Rhoda Randhawa, who has worked tirelessly ferreting out information, creating Energy Circles and ever contributing her creative insights to Blue Iris Learning Center
Dr. Bina Bakshi, who has also been an intricate part of developing many of the tools presented here, especially Energy Circles
Kevin Dill, who brought Blue Iris Learning Center from the ethers into the physical world
Alvin Whaley who shared his photographic expertise, giving Blue Iris Learning Center the beautiful Blue Irises found on the pages at our website
Mike Miller, who created many of the graphics used in our workbook, and at Blue Iris Learning Center.
David Wilson, who played an intricate role in helping develop documentation for the Emotional Freedom vial, and worked TOGETHER with me to develop the TEST1 Energy Vial and other parts of Healing Energy Vibrations
Joe Miller, my husband, who has brought to fruition many of my visions, including and especially Energy Circle Creator and Energy Circle Viewer, two AMAZING tools that help to simplify this body of work.
A quick peak at the subjects discussed at our workshop:
  
A few pictures of our first students to attend a Blue Iris Learning Center Workshop:
 

And, of course, Cammarie needed to get a good HUG in:

I was asked why I said YES! to doing a Workshop for them. My reply was that they chose to come to my town (Tucson, Arizona, USA). I AM always OPEN to creating Workshops here in Tucson. And NOW that I do have a manual available to work with, perhaps we can BEGIN doing some online Workshops.
New Colors Added to Colored Energy Circles July 17, 2016
Forest (Green) Energy Circles Forest deeply connects to Green Attributes of energy, youth, growth, inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life, is for balancing the flow of money, for abundance and growth, helps increase balance, tolerance and love, is for healing and restructuring, reaching out and being accepting of others, is for giving, taking and receiving unconditionally, helps release hurt, neglect, not getting, and not accepting, resonates with, and helps balance, the Heart Chakra, works with the Heart, Breasts, Thymus Gland, Lungs, Arms and Hands, resonates with the stomach, nerves and mind, can be beneficial for healing stomach disorders, improving digestion, giving spurts of energy and aids in removing depression and creating self-determination.
Note: Forest, and Light and Dark Forest will be available in the next version of Energy Circle Creator. Meanwhile, one can CHOOSE Custom Colors and enter the following information to customize Energy Circles:
Forest: HTML #228b22; RGB (34, 139, 34) Light Forest: HTML #5bd75b; RGB (91, 512, 91) Dark Forest: HTML #145214; RGB (20, 82, 20)
  -------------------------------------------------------
Olive (Green) Energy Circles Olive softens and adds peace and camouflage to Green Attributes of energy, youth, growth, inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life, is for balancing the flow of money, for abundance and growth, helps increase balance, tolerance and love, is for healing and restructuring, reaching out and being accepting of others, is for giving, taking and receiving unconditionally, helps release hurt, neglect, not getting, and not accepting, resonates with, and helps balance, the Heart Chakra, works with the Heart, Breasts, Thymus Gland, Lungs, Arms and Hands, resonates with the stomach, nerves and mind, can be beneficial for healing stomach disorders, improving digestion, giving spurts of energy and aids in removing depression and creating self-determination.
Note: Olive, and Light and Dark Olive will be available in the next version of Energy Circle Creator. Meanwhile, one can CHOOSE Custom Colors and enter the following information to customize Energy Circles:
Olive: HTML #808000; RGB (128, 128, 0) Light Olive: HTML #b3b300; RGB (179, 179, 0) Dark Olive: HTML #4d4d00; RGB (77, 77, 0)
 -------------------------------------------------------
Sage Energy Circles Sage combines Green and Gray Attributes, bringing energy, youth, growth, inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life, along with rest, self-control and neutrality. Sage helps balance the flow of money, is for self-reliance, reserve and tact. Sage brings abundance and growth, helps increase balance, tolerance and love, helps neutralize negative influences, helps soothe irritations, slow hyperactivity and alleviate stalemates. Sage helps healing and restructuring, allows confident retreat, helps clarify the wound, opens one to reaching out and being accepting of others. Sage is for giving, taking and receiving unconditionally, helps one to admit and release hurt feelings, neglect, not getting, and not accepting. Sage helps create self-determination, relieve avoidance and depression, and helps you to rest and sleep deeply. Sage helps release illness, sad and collapsed, clear nothingness, void and avoiding, need to escape and confusion, and helps keep a low profile.
Note: Sage, and Light and Dark Sage will be available in the next version of Energy Circle Creator. Meanwhile, one can CHOOSE Custom Colors and enter the following information to customize Energy Circles:
Sage: HTML #90a681; RGB (144, 166, 129) Light Sage: HTML #a3b597; RGB (163, 181, 151) Dark Sage: HTML #6f865f; RGB (111, 134, 95)

More information on Colored Energy Circles is available at http://cec.blueiris.org
Reading Switchwords on Other Sites July 13, 2016
A question arose from someone reading about Switchwords on another site, how they were presented there and rules given at that site. Below I have given some of my thoughts.
CHOOSE ways that work FOR you.
Some people like to invoke a lot of rules. I don't.
Mangan introduced Switchwords as single words to use, but did, in the text of his book, specifically say to try working with TOGETHER STRETCH or STRETCH TOGETHER, so he did start the process of combining Switchwords.
Nirav gave US a couple of phrases in his book, and he offered strings with hyphens BETWEEN Switchwords.
Mangan offered Switchwords in FULL caps as a way to distinguish them from normal English. Nirav maintained that and so DO I.
My perspective is that one is all and all are one. Cap or lower case, you are actually sending to the Universe and to Self. However, if you CHOOSE to follow (believe) that the lower case is for Self and the uppercase is for Universe, that is how you will experience them.
Clearly the blogger (at the particular site) has at least read at Blue Iris Learning Center, as some of the words there (CHISEL, CORONA, JOY) originate as Switchwords from Blue Iris Learning Center. They have mostly kept only Mangan's list, and have added a few words that appear to be ones they either coined or found elsewhere (half, whole), and in a number of cases either given less than the complete definition, as presented at Blue Iris Learning Center, or even some of Mangan's original definitions, or revised the definition. I'm not sure I see any of Nirav's additions (CANCEL is from Nirav).
At Blue Iris Learning Center, Mangan's and Nirav's Switchword lists have been combined, some WITH updated wording to the definitions, some with additional definitions added, but all-in-all, the general definition is intact, WITH some revisions as DONE by Nirav (ALONE was opened up from "to heal a scab" to "to heal" in general by Nirav) and by me. At one point I went through the whole list looking to see if there was more to ADD to any of the definitions, and added what showed (in particular one that I added to was COPY - I added "increase fertility").
All Open Switchwords came in after Mangan and Nirav wrote their books and originate at Blue Iris Learning Center, and 25 of the Universal Switchwords also originate there.
Blue Iris Learning Center is the main source of Switchwords today. People TAKE from there and expound in their own ways. I DO not condone or restrict this. If I see something that I feel is important to ADD to Blue Iris Learning Center, I DO. If it is superfluous, I don't.
I trust this information will BE helpful for you.
Charging Energy Circles with Energy Circles June 30, 2016
There has been some confusion regarding charging Energy Circles with Energy Circles, and the rules for doing so.
Below I will answer some CONCERNS that have come up.
One can charge Energy Circle with Energy Circles, however, it can only be done with a printout and the computer.
Display Energy Circles on the computer screen to the printed Energy Circle each for a minimum of 15 seconds (no limit to how many Energy Circles can be used to charge an Energy Circle).
INTEND Secure as you charge the Energy Circle. (This helps to make it a more permanent charge.)
Once charged with other Energy Circles, the Energy Circle can be used to charge water, however, as it has additional energy beyond the image itself, I found it requires 30 seconds minimum for charging water.
This makes it easy to charge water anywhere, with just one Energy Circle to access many.
One can charge all kinds of images with Energy Circles displayed on the computer screen, including pictures of people, Sanjeevinis and Vibrational Balancing Images, and Energy Circles, including ones with information already inside them.
Also, just as with charging water with Energy Circles, the Energy Circle or image being charged with Energy Circles that are on the screen simply has to at least partially be inside the Energy Circle on the screen. Specifically, the Energy Circle being charged does not need to be smaller than the Energy Circle on the screen, and it does not need to fully cover it, it just needs to at least partially be inside the inner most ring of the Energy Circle.
How long to charge? Generally, it is 15 seconds to charge anything with an Energy Circle. However, if you CHOOSE to charge an Energy Circle with multiple Energy Circles...once it is charged, in order to charge water or anything with the multiple Energy Circles that the printed one is charged with, 30 seconds is required.
The normal 15 seconds will only charge it with the original Energy Circle.
For example, if I took a Family Harmony Energy Circle with DIVINE-TOGETHER-LOVE-EVER-BE inside it, and charged it with 3-4 additional Energy Circles, using the technique above...
To charge water with the original Energy Circle only, with the words "DIVINE-TOGETHER-LOVE-EVER-BE." charging the water for 15 seconds will bring only that energy into the water.
However, if you wish to have the energy of all the Energy Circles with which the Family Harmony Energy Circle was charged, you must leave the water on the Energy Circle for a minimum of 30 seconds (longer is fine).
I would much appreciate if clarification is needed, rather than making assumptions and posting them as law, people would email me their CONCERNS, so that if it has not been given anywhere, it can be clarified on Blue Iris Learning Center before sharing with the groups.
NEW Database Menu! June 26, 2016
We just updated the Switchword and Healing Numbers and Frequencies Databases, giving the ability to quickly and easily jump from one Database to the other from the Listing and Screens!

NOW we can more quickly and easily MOVE BETWEEN the Databases. No need to return to the Home page ON the way to check something in the other Database anymore.
Switchwords and Healing Numbers and Frequencies Databases are available to Subscribing members of Blue Iris Learning Center with a six-month or longer Subscription.
Subscribe to Blue Iris Learning Center at: http://bi.blueiris.org#bi
Singing Switchwords June 17, 2016
We LOVE to SING Switchwords ON the way to school, so the kids enjoy their learning experience there we often SING things such as:
REACH for the answer REACH for the answer REACH REACH REACH REACH for the answer
CARE to remember CARE to remember CARE CARE CARE to remember
Manhattan-Wisdom Manhattan-Wisdom (for helping deal with chaos and overwhelm)
Oompa Loompa Oompa Loompa (to be creative and enjoy what they are doing in school)
GIGGLE-GIGGLE-CHUCKLE-LAUGH-BE-BE-BE. GIGGLE-GIGGLE-CHUCKLE-LAUGH-BE-BE-BE. GIGGLE-GIGGLE. CHUCKLE-CHUCKLE. LAUGH-LAUGH-LAUGH. BE-BE-BE-BE-BE-BE-BE. (to enjoy whatever they are doing, turn on personality, be in joy, and unaffected by whatever is going on around them)
Adding a musical tone to Switchwords helps them to remember them, and really enjoy using them.
A Switchwords Question May 30, 2016
Question posed: I'm interested to know how they (Switchwords) are chosen as a Switchphrase for a particular expectation.
Kat's Reply: I came into Switchwords with a background of working for several years with Reflex Muscle Testing, a main technique used in Total Body Modification and Natural Healing, which were used to clear Multichemical Sensitivity (Environmental Illness) which my daughter had experienced in the early 2000s.
I watched AMAZING changes occur with these techniques. Major allergies gone in minutes.
I learned both techniques and became proficient in Reflex Muscle Testing.
I was then introduced to Switchwords several years later. It was natural for me to work with intuition and Reflex Muscle Testing to seek additional Switchwords.
When people BRING words to me that may be Switchwords, I use Reflex Muscle Testing to see if they are Switchwords for me to define (I generally define top-end Open Switchwords that tend to work for 80-94% of people).
When a word shows as one for me to define, I research it deeply. Sometimes (as in SOCRATES) I wind up reading and reading for weeks to GLEAN the information required to define the Switchword. Sometimes the meaning is clear the moment I know it is a Switchword. (I was reading something about animals and how they SHAKE OFF unwanted energy after contact with humans when SHAKE highlighted for me, and the definition was there immediately.)
In creating Switchphrases I use a combination of my knowledge of Switchwords, intuition and Reflex Muscle Testing to lead me. We have a Switchwords Database (access comes with a six-month or longer subscription to Blue Iris Learning Center) where we have over 10,000 Switchphrases defined, and currently almost 1000 entries with at least one Success Story listed (many have many Success Stories).
Newly Defined Switchwords May 29, 2016
Mike Gardner introduced US to a few NEW Switchwords on the Facebook Switchwords group this last week. I have confirmed these. I have also added a few additional Switchwords which have been pending for definition for a while. THANKS to Mike for providing additional Switchwords, and for spurring me to define a few that had been waiting.
JASMINE – clear confusion; be in the now; release the past (O) (90%) (defined 5/29/16)
ENDORSEMENT– seal of approval; authorization; step ahead; move forward; validation; acceptance (O) (94%) (added 5/29/16)
BEETHOVEN – be passionately creative; passionate creativity; reach beyond limitations; command respect (O) (92%)(added 5/29/16, defined by Mike Gardner and Kat Miller)
DELETE – get rid of an unwanted emotion, thought, belief, or habit (O) (92%) (added 5/29/16, defined by Mike Gardner)
REASSESS – stop focusing or dwelling on something negative (works very well in the Switchphrase REASSESS-HIGHEST POTENTIAL) (O) (91%) (added 5/29/16, defined by Mike Gardner)
UNTHREAD – disentangle emotions, beliefs, and/or thoughts that have become "stuck together" or are difficult to sort through (O) (87%) (added 5/29/16, defined by Mike Gardner)
REVOKE – reverse the effects and/or consequences on you of a decision you have previously made (O) (84%) (added 5/29/16, defined by Mike Gardner)
The current FULL list of Combined Universal and Open Switchwords is available at http://sw.blueiris.org
NEW Energy Circle Colors May 16, 2016
This past weekend I compiled information on three NEW Colors - Amber, Rose and Royal Blue - for Energy Circles! These Colors will be added to the NEXT version of Energy Circle Creator (ECC). I have included HTML, RGB and HSL codes for the colors, which will ALLOW creation of the colors in ECC NOW, utilizing the Custom Colors button under Components/Palette.
Amber Energy Circles Amber is calming and soothing. Amber can be effective for skin issues, including spider veins. Amber helps problems such as sun damage, and can be good for sensitive skin. Amber can help skin redness and flushing, irritation, rosacea, ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage, and reducing the appearance of the tiny blood vessels on the nose and face. Amber helps to flush waste from the skin, boost lymphatic flow, and increase cellular growth.
Note: Amber, and Light and Dark Amber will be available in the next version of Energy Circle Creator.
Meanwhile, one can CHOOSE Custom Colors and enter the following information to customize Energy Circles:
Amber: HTML #FFBF00; RGB (255, 191, 0); HSL (30, 240, 120) Light Amber: HTML #ffd966; RGB (255, 217, 102); HSL (30, 240, 168) Dark Amber: HTML #e6ac00; RGB (230, 172, 0); HSL (30, 240, 108)

Rose Energy Circles Rose is for optimism, achievement, completion and perfection. Rose helps bring inner harmony, union and happiness. Rose represents friendship, gentleness, softness and thankfulness. Rose can be helpful for women's complaints such as irregular menstruation, menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding), PMS and postpartum depression. Rose may help release emotional difficulties related to female sexuality or fertility problems. Rose can help soothe depression related to broken relationships. Rose helps clear sexual frigidity, relieve male impotence, and may help with conception.
Note: Rose, and Light and Dark Rose will be available in the next version of Energy Circle Creator.
Meanwhile, one can CHOOSE Custom Colors and enter the following information to customize Energy Circles:
Rose: HTML #ff007f; RGB (255, 0, 127); HSL (220, 240, 120) Light Rose: HTML #ff4da6; RGB (255, 77, 166); HSL (220, 240, 156) Dark Rose: HTML #cc0066; RGB (204, 0, 102); HSL (220, 240, 96)

Royal Blue Energy Circles Royal Blue is the color of the Pineal Gland area. Royal Blue helps eye strain, helps balance, relax and revitalize eyes, ears and nasal area. Royal Blue may help ease summer colds, allergies, swimmer's ear and sinus issues. Royal Blue builds and strengthens mental faculties, improves concentration and memory. Royal Blue increases mental productivity, balances left and right brain hemispheres, and regulates Pineal Gland, which in turn regulates the Endocrine and Hormonal Systems. Royal Blue helps access clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience (empathic), and intuition. Royal Blue helps one go beyond the normal realms of understanding and seeing. Royal Blue helps facilitate communication on deeper levels, helps in tough decision-making. Royal Blue helps release challenges with mental confusion, disorganization, power-seeking and superiority. Royal Blue helps to ground and release " extreme blues," tendency to feel alone, severe isolation, detachment and aloofness. Royal Blue helps realign and release remorse, regret, and conceit which when carried to extremes express as totalitarianism.
Gold helps balance Royal Blue. Add Gold when there is prolonged and stubborn resistance to seeing things as they really are, leading to behavior bordering on unrealistic idealism, which can cause partial if not whole separation from reality, resulting in extreme issues with authority ("everyone else is wrong - but I am O.K.")
Note: Royal Blue, and Light and Dark Royal Blue will be available in the next version of Energy Circle Creator. Meanwhile, one can CHOOSE Custom Colors and enter the following information to customize Energy Circles:
Royal Blue: HTML #4169e1; RGB (65, 105, 225); HSL (150,175,136) Light Royal Blue: HTML #7b97ea; RGB (123, 151, 234); HSL (150, 174, 168) Dark Royal Blue: HTML #1c41b0; RGB (28, 65, 176); HSL (150, 174, 96)

See all Energy Circle Component Colors currently defined at http://cec.blueiris.org
Fire May 11, 2016
The fire currently burning at Fort McMurray brought some Kat Thoughts this morning.
We have Fire listed as a Flower Energy:
Fire (one of the five elements) Positive Qualities: Joyful; pleasing enjoyment of life; creates calm.
Patterns of Imbalance: Mean, tyrannical; spiteful, hateful. Destroys acceptance; usurps love; disregards trust. (DAW)
Switchphrase to enhance: REVERSE-KEEP-DELICIOUS-STAR-DASH. (Bury grudges, be secure, feel cherished, awaken appreciation for the present moment, show brilliance, take pause, refine details.)
It was suggested that Fire causes separation. Fire does not cause separation. Fire out of balance may cause fear and destruction, but it actually brings unity. The entire world is uniting OVER this. You have a gentleman down in Australia who is calling TOGETHER people from AROUND the world to unite with focus ON one thing (restoring control OVER Fire). If that is not Fire causing unification, I don't know what unification is.
Also, if you really look at Fire, you will see that in itself, Fire is all about regenerational healing. Even in its most destructive phase Fire is condensing and releasing nutrition FOR future generations. Fire reduces even the largest and tallest of trees to piles of ash, filled with minerals and raw nutrition. A few years after a Fire, especially if it was in mountainous land, there will also often be mudslides, as the watershed the trees and other growth created has been decimated. This actually spreads the wealth of the newly enriched soils, allowing FOR NEW growth beyond the boundaries of the Fire.
I digress. It is all about the focus you have on something that determines whether it is good or bad. Man has tried to put himself outside of and in control of nature. He can't. Nature, in one moment, can reclaim so much that man has said was his, as clearly has been shown this past week.
EMBRACE fire to RELEASE its control OVER US. Let US surround the Fire with boundless LOVE and appreciation, unified, helping Fire to CLEAR its anger and BRING it back into BALANCE.
A Switchphrase to HELP regain control over the wildfire:
WALL-UP-NOW-QUENCH-EMBRACE-ABSOLVE-RESTORE-BALANCE-KEEP-Home-BE. (Increase security, protect from outside influences, dispel inferiority complex, be in high spirits, act on good impulse now, find relief, give and receive complete acceptance, release guilt and blame, restore fairness and honesty, create stability, be safe, feel cherished, center in peace, feel secure, safe and relaxed, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)
Just a few of my thoughts.
DIVINE-EMBRACE. (Increase personal ability to give and receive complete acceptance.)
Defusing Word: Amoeba May 9, 2016
When it comes to family trying to control, whether it is parents or in-laws, CONSIDER from their perspective they are simply trying to HELP you avoid, what they see as possible problems and challenges.
As a parent, from the moment your child is born you are constantly setting boundaries for protection and learning. And, as a child you are constantly pushing against those boundaries, working to expand your world.
As our children become teens and young adults, they BEGIN to push harder, and wish to feel their FREEDOM.
As parents we often feel we know better than them, as we have more experiences.
Another thing to remember...as a child, a parent's word was law. As an adult, that begins to CHANGE. The parent may often OFFER words of Wisdom to an adult child, but rather than seeing it as an offering, the child, because of the previous relationship with the parent, sees it as a command, a demand, an expectation for them to follow what is told, a law.
When the parent can LEARN to bite their tongue, when it comes to giving their adult children advice...considering that perhaps their child is simply sharing experiences, not asking for advice...then they OPEN a whole NEW experience for themselves and their children.
When the adult child begins to realize the parent is simply giving their own perspective, and no longer actually giving orders expected to be obeyed, then the relationship can CHANGE.
One Defusing Word helps deal with all this. This Defusing Word came to US well-defined and complete, as so many Switchwords, Defusing Words and Flower Energies have, from our beautiful sister Dawnalee:
Amoeba Amoeba defuses over-stepping boundaries. No matter what our motivation is for "helping" others, when we take on their responsibilities it diminishes them and ourselves. Improve trust and be a better support by encouraging others as they learn to manage what is theirs. In return, we improve our own circumstances by using our energies to be our best selves.
Thank you Dawnalee, for the AmoebaAMAZING things you BRING into our lives.
DIVINE-Amoeba-EMBRACE. (Work miracles, increase personal ability to defuse overstepping boundaries, give and receive complete acceptance.)
Pay It Forward May 2, 2016
Remember the show "Pay It Forward" from 2000? A little boy's social studies teacher beckons the kids to come up with an action that will CHANGE the world for the better. His plan "Pay It Forward", means the recipient of a favor does a favor for three others rather than paying the favor back. The boy does a favor for three people, asking each of them to "pay the favor forward" by doing favors for three other people, and so on, along a branching tree of good deeds...
Sooooo, last week when on a field trip with the fourth grade, a SWEET young lady forgot to bring her money from the bus and really wanted to buy something from the gift shop for her sister. She said she would pay me back once she got to her money. I decided to take her into the gift shop and pay for what she was wanting. It cost about $4.
The next day she came to me to pay me. I told her to, instead of paying me back, pay it forward, and explained the concept to her. She agreed.
NOW here's the cool happenings thing... I was just at the store. The lady in front of me at the check-out left her stuff there while she went to grab something. Her order was still open. The cashier inadvertently added my order of about $16 to her order. When she got back, he realized he had done that, and said he would back it off...she said, "no, let me pay it anyway." He offered three times to back it off, and she wouldn't let him. I chose to ALLOW her to DO that. (Sometimes we opt out of what our intention is because it doesn't necessarily come in the way we expect it to come.)
Exactly one week. That's how long it took for the payback to come AROUND. Isn't that the coolest thing?
I am always looking for what I can DO for another, and this time, it came right back. I know there are plenty of other times it has come back, but this one was absolutely AMAZING.
Oh Ye of Little Faith by Shannon Phoenix at Facebook Switchwords Group April 28, 2016
Oh ye of little faith...
I want to share my view on "Faith in switchwords" here in a more public way. I know many here will disagree with me, and that's okay, so long as we are civil and caring of each other.
Many people who arrive here feel like broken people. They may feel hopeless, helpless, and completely lost. They may well be awash in despair, and having already tried so many other things (ranging from counseling and medication to other forms of subconscious programming work), they may feel like nothing can truly help.
Years ago, I was suicidal. I felt like the pain was so great that I couldn't take another minute of it. Hope was all gone. I had lost multiple loved ones. I have multiple learning disabilities and physical defects (which are fortunately not visible to others). I lived in chronic pain and I was completely alone in the world. Had I died, my boss would have been irritated that I didn't call in first...
So when I see people say that switchwords require faith, it brings remembered pain (about which I will use SWs later--for now, it serves a purpose, which is to speak with others who are feeling what I was). I remember how often my attempts failed. I tried so hard to have faith. To visualize and believe in it... and all of these failures were my fault, because I just couldn't have faith. I couldn't believe life would get better. I was desperate for it to do so... but I couldn't believe.
Thus, I want to speak to those who have arrived here desperate, in despair, or otherwise having no faith left with which to visualize and do mental exercises, etc.
LISTEN, I CARE, and thus I want to tell you this, WITH LOVE, from my heart to yours... no faith is required. Switchwords will CHANGE your life. They work even if you have no faith left to spare on hope. They work even when you are in your darkest hour and you've been drugged and "fixed" with countless methods that just left you in even more pain. They work even if you're at the end of your rope.
The power is in the words, not in your faith. So if you are in too much despair and pain to have any, it's okay. It won't stop them from working for you. You can CHANGE your life. Just chant. Just give up all the other efforts for a while, and immerse yourself in chanting. Interrupt painful thoughts, fearful thoughts, angry thoughts with ELATE-COVER. Just keep doing it until you feel a little stronger. Then we can REACH for more solutions. But first, get yourself to a point where you aren't quite as desperate and terrified. You don't even have to figure out a way to have faith. Just chant. That's all for the moment. Just say these words over and over, and hang in there.
It will be okay. HO is to relax, to take a breath, to have a moment of peace. Everything is going to be okay, and I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're in this world. I CARE. You matter. You're important and you are here for a reason. I LOVE YOU. Even if you have no faith in me, I have faith in you. You matter. Your life matters. Stay with us. BE WITH us. We are here for you. We CARE.
Thank you, Shannon.
Emotional Freedom Vial and Switchwords Testimonial April 17, 2016
Testimonial... (Taken from Facebook Switchwords group)
I've been using Switchwords with great success for a long time now. I love them. Of course, it often helps to have someone else recommend them.
On the 4th of this month (April of 2016), I was in a serious car accident. A woman lost control and came into my lane during an unseasonable snowstorm. I had to either go offroad or create what would have been a 7 car pile up (an accident involving 7 cars). I decided to go off the road to save us all from that... and lost control. As a result, I struck a tree head-on.
In my pocket, I had my EF vial that I bought from Kat Miller's website at blueiris.org. I sat there and used Switchwords over and over again. I used THANKS and I used ELATE and CHANGE. At the initial moment of the car accident, my sternum (bone in the middle of the chest) was hurting so horribly that I could barely breathe. I also looked at my left thumb, and it was horribly mangled, bruised and swollen. I was convinced it was broken, which is a huge deal because I use both hands in a very active work environment. Also, my left foot was in tremendous pain. I was certain I'd broken several bones in my body; thumb, sternum, foot.
I kept repeating the Switchwords. Even as I was so upset and at moments felt despair, I used Switchwords to dispel all the negative feelings, to be grateful during a time of pain, and to CHANGE my physical reality.
In the end, none of my bones were broken. The x-ray of the foot at first showed a possible fracture, but another x-ray taken showed it wasn't fractured and the first "apparent" fracture was simply misread.
Also, my boss had a car I could borrow. People came out of the woodwork to help me. A woman I only met once sent me a large check to help me with expenses.
What could have been a catastrophe became a chance to be grateful beyond words for the wonderful, amazing people in our world. I used the EF vial to run my Switchwords, as well. I believe that helped a lot.
So... point is... hang in there! Switchwords become a habit, and it's one that can help you even in the most apparently dire of situations.

Blending Switchwords with EFT April 9, 2016
This is an article I wrote a very long time ago, which originally was posted as a PDF on my first website. Someone found it posted on a blog elsewhere recently. I have slightly updated it and now posted here on Blue Iris Learning Center.
What are Switchwords? Switchwords are words that flip specific "switches" in the subconscious mind using the vibration of very poignant words. The more the words are repeated, the more they affect your energy. The more they affect your energy, the more you draw to you the things those words represent.
One example of a Switchword is COUNT. The Switchword COUNT is “to make money.” So, why is COUNT the Switchword for making money? Because COUNT is a condition that happens every time you come in contact with money. When you buy something, you COUNT money to give the cashier. When you receive change back, it is counted for you. When you see a pile of money on the counter, you COUNT it. When you check to see how much money you have on you, you COUNT it.
I have found tapping through EFT using Switchphrases to be very useful and powerful.
How to TAP Switchwords and Switchphrases through EFT: Determine a Switchword or Switchphrase that encompasses your goal for EFT. Perhaps you wish to decrease the size of your abdomen. The Switchword TINY is to decrease size.
TAP the Switchword or Switchphrase through EFT. You can use it as both the setup phrase and reminder phrase.
Or if you prefer you can make a longer Switchphrase to use for the setup, and tap individual Switchwords from the phrase as reminders on the EFTpoints.
For example, try daily tapping “TINY” through EFTwith your ATTENTION ON your abdomen for a while and see what happens. You could even TAP “TINY-tummy” (or whatever you call your abdomen), if you prefer.
There are several Switchwords that may be useful for weight reduction. Pick and CHOOSE ones that seem to resonate with you:
ADJUST (create balance) BE (be at peace and in good health; be unaffected by ridicule) BOW (dispel arrogance) (a body part taking up more space than it should is arrogant, no?)
CURVE (create beauty) CUT (for moderation if tempted to excess) DO (eliminate procrastination) DONE (keep a resolution) 53 (take responsibility)
GO (end laziness; begin; progress) HOLE (be attractive, appealing) OFF (quit an unwanted habit) PRAISE (be beautiful; stop fault finding)
SAVE (stop drinking alcohol and other unwanted habits) TINY (reduce size)
If there are other Switchwords that seem to fit what you need, use them. There are no fast, hard rules with Switchwords.
A few Switchphrases that some have found helpful for weight reduction include:
CURVE-PRAISE-HOLE-CHARM. (Create beauty, be beautiful,be attractive and manifest your heart’s desires.)
ELATE-GIGGLE-TINY-LIGHT. (Turn setbacks into uplifts, enjoy the task at hand, decrease size and lighten your load (lose weight).)
PRAISE-TINY. (Be beautiful and decrease size.)
DIVINE LIGHT-CURVE-my body-CUT-LIMIT-GUARD-MAGNANIMITY-FORGIVE-LIGHT-NOW. (Brightly focus positivity, create beauty with my body, eat in moderation, regain control, protect yourself, end pettiness, eliminate remorse and lighten your load now.)
A few other handy Switchphrases that seem to carry great power are:
CRYSTAL-HORSE – for increasing self-confidence and making one feel good about oneself
CONTAIN----CANCEL-CLEAR-CONCEDE-CONFESS – to help end negative sequences of events, stop arguments and fights and clear the air
TOGETHER-FIGHT – great for team sports
DIVINE-BE-ALONE-NOW-DONE – a great phrase to help in healing
DIVINE-my swollen leg-BE-ALONE NOW-DONE – a targeted healing phrase
GIGGLE-LISTEN-SCHEME-FIND-WITH-COUNT – for enhancing ad-writing skills
Try it. Make up your own Switchphrases. Mix and match. Blend Switchwords with EFT and see what comes of it.
Shall We PLAY? April 2, 2016
Children are OPEN to so much more than adults, because they are willing to PLAY with anything!
When the situation is serious, PLAY AROUND to OPEN UP and REACH solutions.
OPEN-UP-PLAY-AROUND-REACH. (Dispel inhibitions, free the mind, understand, comprehension, be in high spirits, improvise, expand consciousness and discovery, build connections, gain perspective, solve the problem, find a solution.)
A Few Questions Posed About Numbers April 1, 2016
Question: Is the spacing in the number sequences is very important?
Answer: A space represents a small pause. When you see a space in a number sequence, pause briefly before continuing.
A space is different from a comma.
A comma simply helps you to see the length of the number easily, if you are calling out the number such as 10,122 (ten thousand, one hundred twenty two), the comma makes it easy to break it down. A number can be written with or without a comma, as it does not change the way the body sees it. The comma simply helps with pronunciation when you CHOOSE to say it out as a single number, rather than reading individual digits. You can do it either way, but experience has shown that reading the number out properly rather than the individual digits may give faster and more permanent results.
Question: With repeated usage one will get versed with it, but how to know as a beginner, the 'kind' of number sequence by looking at it? Or one always should check out the databases every time to ensure the correct number with correct spacing is used?
Answer: I prefer to list the source with the numbers I give, as sometimes the source is not very clear. Many times different source numbers have very similar appearances. Some of Grigori Grabovoi's are very similar in spacing to Quantum K, some of Grigori Grabovoi's and Lloyd Mear's look very similar, etc.
When I provide Energy Circles, Switchwords and Numbers on Consultations I always include the meanings and sources so it is known what is what. On Blue Iris Learning Center Forum - http://blueiris.org/forum - I post Energy Circles and the Configuration files, which include the definitions of everything inside the Energy Circle. I also list the same information in the posts with the Energy Circles. You will find there are many, many Energy Circles in the Subscribed Boards.
The Database always has proper spacing and presentation.
Question: I see some numbers with/without space in between. What does the space signify and how/why is it important?
Answer: The space represents a pause. It also shows that two or more numbers in a sequence are separate, not part of a long number.
Question: Also, what is the criteria behind writing the numbers at a specific site? Sometimes I see a person being asked to write such and such numbers on the wrist or arm/leg/thigh.
How do I know whether the number one wants to write can be written anywhere on the body or left side only or is location specific other than health issues?
Answer: Though the left side is the receiving side, so many CHOOSE to write there, expecting it will be received faster, easier, more completely, it is fine to write anywhere on the body, and writing near a body part to be affected would be perceived in similar terms, perhaps to work faster, easier and more completely, but again, writing anywhere on the body with your intention for what you want is just fine.
These things are simple. Let go of need to make it more difficult and complex. Not much to remember and memorize...take the numbers as presented, use them as you CHOOSE.
SIMPLE-ACT-BE. (Gain perspective, be good at presenting things well, be in peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)
Butter Advantages March 5, 2016
Butter from grass-fed cows are among the best sources of Vitamin K2 in the diet. (Vitamin K2 dramatically reduces the risk of both osteoporosis and heart disease.)
Butter is is loaded with butyrate. (Butyrate helps fight inflammation.)
High-fat dairy products from grass-fed cows are associated with a reduced risk of obesity.
According to one study from Australia, where cows are grass-fed, individuals who ate the most high-fat dairy products had a 69% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, compared to those who ate the least.
Butterfat is highly complex. It contains about 400 different fatty acids, and a decent amount of fat-soluble vitamins.
Studies Show That People Who Eat Grass-Fed Butter Have a Lower Risk of Heart Disease.
Several studies in European countries, where cows are generally grass-fed, have shown that dairy fat is linked to reduced heart attacks and strokes.
A study from Australia showed that people who ate the most full-fat dairy (Australia has mostly grass-fed dairy) had a 69% lower risk of heart disease than people who ate the least.
Butter, at its raw, organic, grass-fed best, really “brings it” nutritionally: * CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, which helps reduce belly fat, protects against cancer and encourages muscle growth * Vitamin A to help maintain thyroid, adrenal and cardiovascular health * Vitamin K2 to support bone density and possibly reverse arterial calcification * Vitamin A, D and E, all key anti-oxidants that are essential to good health * Key health supporting nutrients and minerals including lecithin, selenium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine and more
All-natural butter, particularly butter made from milk from grass-fed cows, is a great source of “good cholesterol” and a very good source of caloric energy.
The link between saturated fats, which are in meat and butter, and heart disease has been getting weaker. New studies are showing that refined carbohydrates are a much bigger problem.
Fats are important for satiety, absorption of minerals, fertility, skin, hair, nails, memory...
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble—they need fat to be absorbed.
Butter provides more selenium per gram than wheat germ or herring.
Butter is also an excellent source of iodine.
Butter provides appreciable amounts of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which support immune function, boost metabolism and have anti-microbial properties; that is, they fight against pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal tract.
Butter provides the perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats.
When butter comes from cows eating green grass, it contains high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a compound that gives excellent protection against cancer and also helps your body build muscle rather than store fat.
Wulzen Factor, a hormone-like substance that prevents arthritis and joint stiffness, ensuring that calcium in your body is put into your bones rather than your joints and other tissues. The Wulzen factor is present only in raw butter and cream; it is destroyed by pasteurization.
Osteoporosis : Vitamins A, D and K2 in butter are essential for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus and hence necessary for strong bones and teeth.
Butter consumption prevents goiter in mountainous areas where seafood is not available.
Glycospingolipids in butterfat protect against gastrointestinal infection, especially in the very young and the elderly.
Low-fat diets have been linked to failure to thrive in children -- yet low-fat diets are often recommended for youngsters!
Saturated fats in butter are critical to lung function and protect against asthma.
Many nutrients contained in butter are needed for fertility and normal reproduction.
Many of the saturated fats in butter have strong anti-cancer properties. (Butter is rich in short and medium chain fatty acid chains that have strong anti-tumor effects.)
Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid which gives excellent protection against cancer.
Vitamin A and the anti-oxidants in butter–vitamin E, selenium and cholesterol–protect against cancer as well as heart disease.
The Wulzen or “anti-stiffness” factor is a nutrient unique to butter. Dutch researcher Wulzen found that it protects against calcification of the joints–degenerative arthritis–as well as hardening of the arteries, cataracts and calcification of the pineal gland.
Butter has anti-cariogenic effects, that is, it protects against tooth decay.
Cholesterol found in butterfat plays an important role in the development of the brain and nervous system.
How DO My Words and Thoughts Impact My Life? February 28, 2016
When I have used the thoughts/words...I can't afford that....I have found that money has dried up, making it absolutely true, that I really couldn't afford it.
Rather than saying, "I can't afford that," I have changed my way of thinking. NOW it is either, "I would like to have that," "I am getting that" or simply "no."
When we ADD a lot of information, we leave our focus on all the information (usually the why we can't have it), and prevent ourselves from getting what we want.
I said I wanted to MOVE to Tucson, where both my children live, for several years. I focused on the "buts" for several years. I couldn't FIND a way to MOVE to Tucson for several years. My income, and my husband's income were connected to Salt Lake.
When I let GO that I wanted to MOVE to Tucson. When I let GO that my income and my husband's income depended ON US being in Salt Lake. When I quit worrying about how I was going to survive in Tucson. When I said, "We are moving to Tucson." Then the MOVE was easy and directly.
All problems solved themselves.
Here's what someone shared with me yesterday.
They had said that when their first child started school they were going to buy a new car, because they wanted to leave their truck WITH the kids wherever they were, whoever was taking CARE of them, so they knew that the kids were in a safe vehicle for going to school or wherever.
The time came for the eldest to start kindergarten...there was not enough money for a new car payment....
Rather than saying, oh well, we will just have to make DO WITH what we have, they went out looking for a NEW vehicle, and bought one, deciding that SOMEHOW they would FIND the funding for fitting the car payment into their budget.
So then what happened? That same month (before the next mortgage payment was due), their mortgage payment went DOWN (an adjustable rate mortgage) by almost exactly the amount that the car payment was. Voila!
When you let GO of why you can't have something, the Universe works overtime to FIND a way for things to simply work out FOR you.
TRUST-FIND-REACH-SOMEHOW. (Balance chakras, build your fortune, find solutions to problems, release the details and let it be.)
Out of Integrity February 26, 2016
Out of integrity means...your actions and/or thoughts do not support what you say you want. This gives conflicting information to the Universe, which makes it difficult to manifest whatever it is you say you want.
When focused at work you may say "I want a raise."
At home you may say, "I can't give you more of an allowance."
You are limiting on the second hand, which is putting a limit on the first hand.
You must GIVE to GET. When you OPEN and ALLOW at home, SUDDENLY at work they OPEN and ALLOW
As long as you perceive that there never is enough, there never will be enough. As long as you perceive there always is PLENTY, there always will be PLENTY.
When Switchwords are Not Working for You February 26, 2016
CONSIDER, when you feel like Switchwords are not working for you, looking into all segments of your life....where might you not be in your integrity?
Remember, the Universe responds to all requests and thoughts you offer. If you are out of integrity in one focus in your life, you may discover that the Universe appears to be out of alignment with you in another focus. Though we may have many focuses in our lives, our energy flows through all of them, and more than one area may be affected.
I am reminded of one situation several years ago where someone had suggested that "cling" might be a Switchword. Someone who had read the suggestion decided to try utilizing "cling" to bring back their ex. She noted it seemed to be working in bringing him back, but at the same time she also noted that there was a gentleman showing up everywhere she went, like he was stalking her. It appeared that both segments were connected, and that while trying to "cling" in one focus, it was bleeding through to another focus in her life, bringing something unwanted.
We are not separately a mother, daughter, wife, worker, etc., but all in one energy.
We cannot be an earner, if we are not a spender too. What if the money is not there for things we want, because we are telling the story that we do not have the money for what we want? In one focus we ask the Universe to BRING US more money. In another focus we say we never have enough money. The focus on we never have...prevents us from having.
When we stop holding back, fearing there will not be enough, we OPEN ourselves to the FLOW. CIRCULATE-COUNT seems a good phrase to HELP US mingle with the money, allowing it to come and GO.
CONSIDER-HELP-BRING-US-OPEN-CIRCULATE-COUNT-FLOW-GO. (Fix this, find direction, manifest the goods, unite with dispelling inhibitions, breathing easier, allowing money to flow (to us and from us), letting go of the details and progressing.)
Switchwords, Astrology and Karma February 20, 2016
Question posed: Do you have idea about Karmic lessons/Astrological Transits and if Switchwords will work in spite of that?
We have this article for working with Switchwords and Astrology: http://astro.blueiris.org
My take on Astrology is that though the Elements and Events have their own energy and that energy may be offered to you, what you do with the energy is your own free will.
A comparison: A baby is screaming nearby.
Whether you admit it, know it or not, you are affected by this baby screaming.
You may move to another place, away from the screaming baby - change your current actions to find comfort for yourself.
You may ask if you can help settle the baby - again, a change in your current actions, to help the baby find comfort, and thereby relieve yourself.
You may try to ignore the screams and focus more intently on what you are doing - it is part of your environment, and therefore still affecting you.
You may get angry at the parent for not having control over their own baby - again, a change in your current actions.
So, even if it is not yours, a screaming baby does have an affect on you and what you are doing, whether you acknowledge it or not.
What if the Astrological Signs, Elements and Transits, like the screaming baby, have an affect on you and your environment, but how you CHOOSE to BE with them determines what happens?
Yes, Switchwords can help you ALIGN energies to more easily deal with the energies of Astrology. You may still feel the energy of them, but Switchwords can help you make different choices in how you deal with them.
My take on Karma....
Karma can relate to what you have done earlier in this life returning to you - what goes around comes around.
Karma can relate to a focus you have chosen to explore throughout lifetimes. Perhaps last life you were on one side of a specific experience, and you wished, in the herebefore, to set things up so you could explore the flipside. What if you yourself set up the Karma you are experiencing because you wanted to FIND NEW solutions to old problems? Or you wanted to experience the life you are currently experiencing?
What if Karma is all about focus...the focus you had before you were born, the focus you had as you entered this world, the focus you have had as you have lived your life? Focus is everything. CHANGE your focus. CHANGE your life.
I am reminded of an experience I had a few years ago...with a HEART Hoarder....
I gave (and STILL GIVE) hearts to kids at the elementary school where my grandkids go. There was a group of kids that met us at the school gate daily asking for hearts. One of the little girls, about 8 years old, had all kinds of reasons why she wanted more than one HEART...one for my brother, my sister, my mother, my friend... She was a HEART Hoarder!
One day after she had taken several hearts from me, she was crowding in to my granddaughter to get more from her! How rude! How awful! How dare she!!!! I watched her. I looked straight at her. I was a bit perturbed. She looked at me. She saw my look. She backed off.
In that moment, I realized I was reacting pretty harshly to a little girl wanting to have as many of my crocheted hearts as she could have.
I changed my story. She is a HEART Lover. She loves the time I put in to creating these beautiful little hearts. She can't get enough of my hearts. She loves my hearts!
I went home and that evening I made lots and lots of hearts, all kinds of colors and sizes. I put them in a ziploc bag and in my purse.
I showed up at the school the next day...nobody there to greet us at the gate. Oh my! I went to the playground looking for that SWEET little HEART Lover....looked around. There she was! I reached into my purse. I pulled out the bag of hearts. I looked her in the eye. I smiled. I held UP the bag of hearts, on which I had written, "I made these all for you." She smiled, ran to me, gave me a great big DELICIOUS HUG and thank you.
I changed my story and it changed my actions, which changed my relationship with the little girl...and with many other people. People are no longer selfish. They just want to enjoy their lives. They just want to BE. And anything I can DO to HELP make their lives FLOW, I'm ALL IN!
NOW, back to Karma. Was it my Karma to have to experience that little girl in a negative way, so I could see how I was judging other people, and in that making my own life more stressful and difficult? Did I set up that interaction with that girl in the herebefore to BRING more clarity to how much the story, the focus, I have creates the experiences I have, as well the the experiences of many AROUND me?
What if there is no good Karma or bad Karma? What if Karma just is? What if how you experience it, write your story about it, determines what it really is to you? And NOW, having written all that...the Defusing Word Cherries comes calling:
Cherries is for defusing the perspective of lack, victim, suspicion, and resistance. Cherries helps us see that experiences in life are simply that, experience. The positive or contra energies that arise from our experiences are by our choices in how we are willing to allow them affect us. Like cherries which can be tart or sweet, all experiences can be used for our good depending on what we do with it.
A Few Thoughts About Job-Seeking February 19, 2016
What I see as representing a job: TAKE-53-GIVE-COUNT (in any order, really).
My reasoning:
TAKE - become a good leader (if you want to be paid well, you must be a good leader) 53 - pay primary concern; take responsibility (you must be attentive to your work, and be responsible for all that comes from your work) GIVE - help others; sell (this one is clear if you are selling, but you always are selling yourself, and helping others when it comes to a job) COUNT - make money (this is about the monetary exchange involved when one is working)
I also like PERSONAL, as it is to become a success. And PERFECT is to feel satisfied.
Remember, when you are dissatisfied in your current job, and you are looking for another job, what you will tend to FIND are other jobs that will become a source of dissatisfaction for you in future. However, when you enjoy the job you are doing, and are looking for a job that enhances that feeling, and brings you more of what you really want to see in your future, then that is what you will tend to FIND. So, FIND a focus in the current job that you enjoy, expand it, and then BEGIN searching FOR a NEW job. (I FIND that the Defusing Word Oompa Loompa can be a great Defusing Word to utilize first thing every morning to make the day fun and creative.)
Oompa Loompa-FOR-HEART-GIVE-TAKE-53-COUNT. (Open to having fun and being in the creative flow, promote centering in joy, helping others, becoming a good leader, paying primary concern and taking responsibility for making money.)
PS - An article for Job-Seeking with Switchwords is available at http://job.blueiris.org
Testimonial for Decreasing Weight February 15, 2016
Taken from Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1677597972522156&id=100008159085470
First, let me iterate.... I AM NOT A HEALTH GURU! I am just a (almost) 47 year old Mimi living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, trying to keep warm enough to make it through winter. I haven't got a degree in nutrition or know doodleysquat enough about anything health related to make me some sort of expert. I am just Dani, but I posted about losing nearly 20 pounds in the last month (1/10/16 to 2/13/14) and had a lot of people asking me how i did it. So to keep all the info in one place I decided to post this "How Dani Did It" post. Please feel free to share this post if you like or follow the info I give here if you so desire.
I want to give credit to Kat Miller of www.blueiris.org for passing on her knowledge of Switchwords and Energy Circles as without that knowledge I am fairly certain I would still be stuck in a rut with regards in to my weight. Her information and that of folks in her Switchwords group here on Facebook have helped me tremendously and I am so thrilled to have found them! You can find out how switchwords and energy circles work on the blueiris website or check out the group Switchwords. The folks on the group are AMAZINGLY helpful!
So on to how I did it!
Beginning on January 10th, weighing in at 198lbs, I started writing switchwords on my left arm in BLUE ink. I had posted a picture of my arm on the Switchwords Group saying something to the effect that lots of good things were coming my way. I have added an updated pic to this post. Taken yesterday.
At that time I was advised my switchwords should be inside a border called an Energy Circle (EC in this post) so I enclosed the switchwords in a border. And I waited. I kept renewing the ECs and SWs (switchwords) as the ink would fade. Some suggested writing them on tape stuck to my arm but the tape kept rolling and pulling the fine hairs on my arm so I went back to writing them directly on my skin. And I waited. I saw my weight creeping down and I was content that my body would magically normalize itself in its own time. Hey, I'm almost 47, have had 3 kids and 6 surgeries on my tummy area alone so I am not expecting a bikini body out of the deal.
The SWs I used are as follows:
1.) RESTORE-TINY-SWEET-CURVE 2.) ALLOW-TINY-CHANGE-NOW 3.) ALLOW-TINY-TUMMY-NOW 4.) (Although I think this one was actually for financial help lol) 31 22 78 4812412 741
Honestly, I didn't do a whole lot else for a while and I saw steady small losses in my weight. Then on 2/2/16 I felt that I needed to do a short 3 day fast followed by a 7 day cleanse. That consisted of the following:
1.) For the 3 day fast: No animal products, only clear juices, veggie broth, water, and black coffee or herbal tea, no sugar, no creamer, nothing from a box or can (so no processed foods or beverages), no dairy or eggs, no white flour, no white rice, no white sugar. A small amount of raw, organic honey (like barely enough to add a hint of sweet) in my herbal tea was the only sweet stuff allowed, no candy or gum or any "junk" foods like chips. Seriously, ONLY CLEAR LIQUIDS. **I do need to point out that I was extremely lightheaded the first day of the fast so I allowed myself a few (read max of 4) whole wheat crackers for the following 2 days when the lightheadedness got really bad, but NO MORE than 4 times throughout the day. Thankfully the days I was on the fast were days I was off work so I didn't have to do anything except hang out on the couch. Oh and NO ALCOHOL! Not even a glass of wine on occasion. Sorry but the purpose of the fast was to help me with bringing my spiritual goals or whatever more into focus and blurring that focus with alcohol seemed kind of pointless. I wanted to get clear so no alcohol was the way to go with that.
2.) For the 7 day cleanse: Continue all the clear liquids part but can add FRESH "organic" (but that part is just me... I am weird about my produce and can spend as much as 5 minutes picking just the right cucumber lol) veggies and fruits and you can have as much of the veggies as you want but try to limit the fruits to breakfast time due to the body having to work a little harder to break down the sugars in fruit. Again, I was still fairly lightheaded so I crunched on carrots as much as possible. Ok there's a little bit of TMI here but one thing you should know: I did have a couple days of constipation. Usually if things are not moving along in that department I would drink a small glass of milk and clear up the problem but since this was a "NO DAIRY" cleanse, I used white grape juice instead. Apple juice works too fast for me to be comfortable leaving the house even hours after drinking it so I stuck to the white grape juice. A little slower working but the effect was the same. Also, no alcohol here either.
Throughout the entire time, I have been chanting the following mantras. Each one is chanted 108 times at night before I go to bed:
1.) Om Vakratundaya Hum (for straightening things out, although admittedly, my weight issues were NOT on my mind when I was chanting this and was more about my crazy curly hair but seriously, I will accept help straightening out my weight too, just sayin'.) On a side note: I have been chanting this one whenever I have felt stuck in any situation and cant find a solution right off the top of my head.
2.) Om Gum Ganapatayei (to invite Ganesha for help with any and all obstacles... trust me my cheese addiction is an obstacle to my weight loss lol)
3.) Om Maha Lakshmei Namaha (to ask for Lakshmi's help in any area where I felt lack in my life.) 4.) Thiru Neela Kantam (Dr. Pillai's Karma Busting chant. I did add a lime and performed the ritual when I felt led to. You can find the Karma Busting Ritual with the lime on YouTube, just search for Mohini. She explains and leads you through WAY better than I can here.
5.) Ara Kara (for success in any venture. Mainly though, I just really like the way it resonates in my body when I chant it. I vibrate from the top of my head to my toes.)
6.) Shreem Brzee (the seed sound for abundance. Another one I have been chanting for a long time whenever I feel the need for a little extra push in the success department.)
My apologies if I seem a bit irreverent with some of this stuff. I approach everything as best as I can with a light heart and child-like attitude. If it is not fun I aint gonna do it. I can't do rigid, inflexible rules. (Well, yes in some things I have to but when it comes to me as a human being and my spirituality, I have to be able to have fun with it or I am done before I get started.)
Honestly, I have NOT added any extra exercises at all. I walk less than a quarter mile to my bus stop once a day, 3 days a week to go to my job 10 miles away. I haven't ridden my bike since the first snowfall here. If I have had a chance to layout and be lazy I have taken it. I do my normal housework and only once in the entire month's time have I deep cleaned to the point of moving furniture around and all the stuff I moved was on casters. Basically a 2 year old could have handled my "exercise routine."
I have had chocolate and alcohol and junk food and basically been a very bad example of what to do when trying to lose weight but I have somehow been blessed to lose nearly 20 pounds this past month. I will be continuing on with the mantras and Switch words and energy circles, mainly because I still have another 15 to 20 pounds I want to lose mainly so I dont have to go shopping for new clothes but can get back into the ones I already have (because, darnit! I have some cute stuff!)
And there you have it. How I lost 20 lbs in the last month.
Ahollokah Nanpisa
"I Thought Energy Circles Helped Manifest Faster" January 21, 2016
Energy Circles help take your focus off the situation they address, yet put out the energy of the request 24/7. The more you notice it is not working, the longer it takes to work. Set it and forget it to ALLOW it to simply work for you.
Adding Rays helps concentrate and intensify the energy. Pointed or Amoeba Rays. Pointed Rays are more for acute situations, and often will keep concentrating the energy until torn, then there is a concentrated quick release. For acute crisis situations (especially regarding health), the Pointed Rays seem to work whether torn or not. Amoeba Rays work on more chronic situations, but also intensify the energy. They do not need to be torn.
Yes, the Energy Circles help to release resistance by removing the situations from the current focus, helping you let go, but if you are constantly looking for the results, and constantly looking at the Energy Circle and wondering why it is not working, you are holding onto the resistance.
Often Switchwords work in unexpected ways. Pay attention to impulses to step out of your routine. Remember, it is your normal routine that got you where you are. Letting go of keeping that routine, and allowing yourself to follow intuition may be one of the biggest keys to manifestation.
One situation from a few years back...
Someone wanted to work for the "best of the best" in their field. They started using Switchwords given to them. Several months later, they contacted me and said that the Switchwords were not working, then backtracked a little, and said, well they are sort of working a little.
It turns out that "the best of the best" had offered a part-time job, which the person took, but they were still working full-time for the other employer because they felt they could not survive on the part-time salary. It was suggested that they talk to the employer they wanted to KEEP. A couple of weeks later I heard back from them that they were working full-time for the company they wanted to work for...they had told them they wanted full-time, and it was immediately offered.
Sometimes we get tunnel vision ("can't make enough money working part-time") which prevents us from manifesting what we want. OPEN to CHANGE in your daily routine to OPEN to a NEW SMORGASBORD of possibilities.
KEEP-OPEN-FOR-NEW-SMORGASBORD. (Feel cherished, release, free the mind, breathe easier, promote forming innovation and create multiple possibilities.)
GOLD vs Golden January 15, 2016
When I researched GOLD as a Switchword, I found information about the “acid test” and how the only metal that is incorruptible when subjected to the acid test is GOLD.
I also found that when GOLD is put under pressure, it shines more.
GOLD has also always been something thought of as a reward, something always of value to have.
The Switchword GOLD was defined as: an enduring reward; shine under pressure; incorruptible
Something may be called “golden” because it seems to shine like GOLD, but, if it is not GOLD, it will not “pass the acid test,” (be incorruptible), it will not “shine under pressure” and it will not be “an enduring reward.”
This is why to my perspective GOLD is a Switchword, and golden doesn’t appear to be one.
Can We Draw Connecting Energy Circles? January 15, 2016
About connecting two separate Energy Circles (specifically HEART Energy Circles, as presented by someone on a group):
We have found that inserting both names in a conflict into an Energy Circle, such as a HEART Energy Circle to be very helpful. When I look at two separate hearts with a bridge between them, it feels, to me, like the two are keeping separated.
This stretches me way back to when we first discovered Energy Circles. Rhoda had shown me a technique for sending Rescue Remedy to someone by setting water with Rescue Remedy on a Circle and drawing an arrow to another Circle with a person's name inside it to send it to them. Though it did work, it was not essential to have the second Circle. It seemed much more powerful to put the name inside the Circle that the water was set on...and Energy Circles were born.
So, while any closed shape (no gaps in the lines) can be used as an Energy Circle, this particular shape, with two separate hearts connected by a "bridge" feels like it is keeping the Contents separate, rather than bringing them TOGETHER.
Annual - 2016 Theme: Tranquility Tranquility is a state of calmness, peacefulness, quiet serenity. In Tranquility we have peace of mind, ataraxis (absence of mental stress or anxiety), a stillness, heartsease (absence of stress or anxiety). As we meander through the year, let us make peace with ourselves, our lives, and the people who used to drive us crazy. Let us seize the day (Carpe Diem), be in the current moment, find ways to bring Tranquility into our lives. Meditation and yoga are two tools that can help us achieve a state of quiet Tranquility
Tranquility (a poem by Girija Sridhar)
The very word Tranquility brings PEACE and QUIET, A feeling of an EMBRACE, a HUG by a DIVINE LIGHT. In Tranquility is a certain silence, a stillness, Anxiety and stress dissolve, to BRING about calmness. Every thought, every deed becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR, Your head, your HEART in unison, have no fear. BE in the moment, CLEAR the mist, Use meditation and yoga as your CATALYST. MAKE PEACE WITH yourself, FIND solace in solitude, You experience a SUBLIME CHANGE in your persona and attitude. WITH Tranquility, you come closer to the DIVINE, In Your aura, appears a glorious SHINE. When your soul is engulfed by JOY and serenity, Then you are truly BLESSED by blissful Tranquility.
2016 Tranquility Switchphrases (All 2016 Tranquility Switchphrases contributed by Dr. Bina Bakshi, defined by Kat Miller)
SERENE-Snowflake-AWE-EASE-SIMPLE-SHOULDER. (Feel relaxed, release worries, remember that it is your uniqueness that creates the beauty that is you, be aware of your singular place in the Universe, be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here, calm down, simplify complexities.)
BRING-Ashoka-PLETHORA-PERSONAL-PEACE. (Unite with new perspectives for that which seems at an impasse resulting in a more fulfilling, meaningful outcome, overflowing joyful abundance, become a success, cease hostilities and reclaim stability.)
2016 Daily Switchphrases (Use on the days of the week listed with the phrases, and as desired) (All 2016 Daily Switchphrases contributed by Dr. Bina Bakshi, defined by Kat Miller)
Sunday DANCE-FLOW-WITH-Humble-QUEEN-CENTER. (Feel joy, let go of the details, immerse in opening to learning and gaining wisdom, self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking, increase self-aware confidence, reconnect to your Core Being and get grounded.)
Monday Phoenix-Dewdrop-SWEET-SUBLIME. (Take a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion, defuse negative emotions, be soothing and caring, create greatness beyond possibility.)
Tuesday OVER-PHASE-RHYTHM-FREEDOM. (End frustration, improve the situation, keep moving, increase efficiency, let go of constrictions.)
Wednesday Soup-Soup-Blue Iris-LISTEN-AROUND. (Defuse contrary attitudes, make room for supportive change, use what’s available to create something better, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication, be in touch with nature and your Inner Being, improve perspectives.)
Thursday OPEN-WILLOW-Ice Blue-SHARP-GO-ON-CONTINUE. (Dispel inhibitions, breathe easier, be flexible and kind, defuse pain, be alert, incisive and ready, end laziness and progress, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce, keep this going.)
Friday EMERALD-CLEAR-Harmony-COUNT-ON. (Understand your own feelings and feelings of others, improve tolerance, dispel anger and resentment, accept contrasting elements, and recognize the beauty in contrast, let go of discord and conflict, and allow people and life to simply flow, make money, nourish ambition, build and produce.)
Saturday REVEAL-RELEASE-CHRYSALIS-Honey-POOL. (Bring things into focus, stop trying to control, allow yourself to overcome pain and trauma of change and transformation, let go of bitterness and replace it with soft, tender, sweetness, share togetherness.)
Flower: Winterberry Flower Energy Blend: Tranquility Meditation: I AM BE Prayer: Zoroastrian Angelic Miracles Prayer (for magic manifestation) Crystal: Rose Quartz
Animal Wisdom: Chimpanzee Chimpanzee shows us intelligence, and gives us an understanding of societal complexity. Chimpanzee helps us enhance language skills. Chimpanzee shows us dexterity. Chimpanzee helps us to connect to the forest spirits, helps with problem solving. Chimpanzee shows us the ability to balance compassion and aggression. Chimpanzee helps solve misunderstandings, resolve conflicts, heal situations, allowing peace, harmony and tranquility to prevail.
Use Chimpanzee Wisdom to help solve misunderstandings and heal the situation. Use Chimpanzee Wisdom to resolve conflicts and have peace, harmony and tranquility prevail. Use Chimpanzee Wisdom to enhance your language and social skills.
Number: 999 (Angel Number) Improve communication, increase inner-strength, intuition and insight. Know that as some cycles and situations in your life are currently coming to an end, they are opening space for new beginnings. Trust that your intuition, inner guidance, angels and universal energies will supply you with all you need along your life path. Devote yourself now to your life's mission.
Release your fears and doubts to the angels and allow them to transmute them to calm focus and confidence. Accept current changes with tranquility and peace. Allow yourself to see the positive aspects as you move forward into new phases in your life.
As you experience the world, so the world experiences you. Take responsibility for creating peace and tranquility throughout your world.
January Theme: Love January is a time of new beginnings, a fresh start. We ended the year with November Forgiveness, which helped open us to December Appreciation. Now, having released the old pains with Forgiveness, and opened to Appreciation, we are in a place where we can begin to generate, radiate and experience love.
LOVE (528 Hz) A Poem by Girija Sridhar
WITH January stepping in, make a clean, fresh start, RELEASE old pains, hurts, and radiate LOVE from your HEART. Then BE a witness to a miraculous CHANGE in every way, A DIVINE transformation blooms and is there to STAY. In every sphere you CREATE abundance, discover paradise, WITH so much LOVE within, you easily deal WITH lows and highs. By giving and accepting LOVE, a MAGICal CHANGE takes place, Blessings, MIRACLEs, you experience, in many surprising ways. WITH a HEART FULL of LOVE, hopes and dreams, you generate positivity, Dispelling inhibitions, forgiving completely and letting go of negativity. ALLOW the Fountain of LOVE from your HEART to eternally FLOW, Let the TRANSFORMation of character and thought always glow.
Switchphrases: ARISE-ALIGN-OPEN-WITH-DIVINE-LOVE. (Bring into being support, dispelling inhibitions, and harmonizing well with and work miracles with generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)
Fountain-Hu-NEW-HAVEN-BRING. (Hope springs eternal, feel the world with love, and fill the world with love, form innovation, open opportunities and deliver the goods.)
Throughout the month, anytime between 9 am and 10 am in the morning and 9 pm and 10 pm in the evening (your own local time) we shall TOGETHER chant a Switchword or Defusing Word picked for the day. You are most welcome to join in. Where ever you may be, just chant between that given hour. You don't have to chant it for the whole hour. You can say it once, repeat it 28 times, for 5 minutes, or do it however you desire. (It is also okay to chant at other times throughout the day.)
January 2016 (Click on Switchword/Defusing Word for definition.)
1st: FLOCK 2nd: ENGAGE 3rd: BAMBOO 4th: UBUNTU 5th: Idea 6th: Stardust 7th: Qualified 8th: BONUS 9th: CHRYSALIS 10th: DELICIOUS 11th: FLOWER 12th: JEWEL 13th: DAZZLE 14th: MASK 15th: Popcorn 16th: LAUGH 17th: QUEST 18th: SERENE 19th: Hubristic 20th: US 21st: SUNRISE 22nd: AMBROSIA 23rd: BLUSH 24th: Fleur-de-lis 25th: Wisdom 26th: SIMPLE 27th: PLAY 28th: RESOLVE 29th: WINDMILL 30th: SING 31st: Chocolate
Flower: Carnation Flower Energy Blend: Love Meditation: Grounding Meditation Gemstone/Crystal: Garnet Animal Wisdom: Jackal Frequency: 852 Hz (Unconditional Love)
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